Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1716 War Ancient Road

The battle between An Chen and Ge Yu shocked a large group of Tianjiao. Most importantly, there were many Tianjiao present, and it was not possible to judge their origins from the aura of An Chen and Ge Yu.

Only Wang Changsheng judged An Chen's origin from An Chen. If it got out, it would be enough to shock most of the Tianjiao present.


Just when Wang Changsheng was concentrating on it, suddenly, a huge explosion sound came from Wang Changsheng's left rear.



Immediately afterwards, an unwilling voice resounded throughout the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu.

"It's the voice of Daoshan Tianjiao!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, Wang Changsheng saw that the long knife in Daoshan Tianjiao's hand was directly smashed by Jian Pingfan's companion sword. Not only that, in Wang Changsheng's shocked expression, Jian Ping's companion sword, After chopping up the long knife of Daoshan Tianjiao, he directly divided Daoshan Tianjiao into two.

The unwilling roar also came out at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng saw a mysterious light, escaped from the split body of Daoshan, at an extremely fast speed, even Liu Guangtian and Fatty couldn't keep up with this mysterious light, and escaped directly from the fairy light The southwest corner of Xingyu.

"It's not dead?"

Wang Changsheng frowned as he watched Xuanguang escape!

From Xuanguang's escape, it can be seen that although Jian Pingfan cut off the body of Daoshan Tianjiao with a sword, Daoshan Tianjiao did not fall.


Seeing Daoshan Tianjiao fleeing, Jian Pingfan did not chase after him, but spurted out a mouthful of blood, his expression pale.

Obviously, Jian Pingfan chopped off the body of Daoshan Tianjiao with a single sword, but for Jian Pingfan himself, he also suffered serious injuries. Otherwise, Jian Pingfan would not let Daoshan Tianjiao escape!

Jian Pingfan took out a pill and swallowed it, and the breath on his body gradually stabilized.

Many Tianjiao around who were waiting and watching had plans to attack Jian Pingfan when Jian Pingfan won. However, after a elixir, Jian Pingfan's breath stabilized, and the accompanying divine sword surrounded his body, protecting him. Jian Pingfan, after considering Jian Pingfan's strength, Tianjiao did not make a move in the end.

More importantly, according to everyone's knowledge, not only Jian Pingfan came to Tianjian Mountain, but also Jian Pingfan's brother Jian Pingfan!

Jian Ping's strength is also in the ranks of Tianjiao, and he is still a very powerful kind of Tianjiao!

There are some rumors circulating in the Nine Heavens Realm that the No. [-] pride of Tianjian Mountain is actually not Jian Pingfan, but Jian Pingfan, because Jian Pingfan can play such a powerful force because Jian Pingfan has an accompanying divine sword in his hand!

And what about the normal sword?

It is completely relying on self-cultivation, even at the beginning of cultivation, it is still very mediocre!

What about the current sword?Sitting on the title of Tianjiao, his strength is even more comparable to that of Jian Ping. If Jian Ping had an accompanying divine sword in his hand, his strength might surpass Jian Ping.

Of course, these are all rumors, and it is very likely that they came out to attack Jian Pingfan!

Now if Jian Pingfan is taking advantage of others' danger while being injured, if Jian Pingfan is hiding around, he will definitely not be able to kill Jian Pingfan, and instead he will get the reputation of taking advantage of others.

Everyone is arrogant, and they still value their reputation very much.

"Why not kill him?"

Wang Changsheng asked Jian Pingfan through sound transmission.

Although Tianjiao of Daoshan escaped quickly, Wang Changsheng believed that as long as Jianfanfan was willing, he would definitely be able to kill the opponent. Otherwise, how would Jianfanfan kill the Tianjiao before Daoshan?


Jian Pingfan, who was on guard at first, was stunned when he heard Wang Changsheng's voice transmission, because according to his induction, Wang Changsheng had already left the southwest corner, but Wang Changsheng did not hide his voice. Of course Jian Pingfan could hear it. The person was Wang Changsheng himself.

Looking in the direction of the sound transmission, he immediately saw a bearded man standing not far away.

Although there was no trace of Wang Changsheng on the bearded man, Jian Pingfan could be sure that this person was Wang Changsheng.

"It's not easy to kill!"

Jian Pingfan said via voice transmission: "Heavenly Sword Mountain and Daoshan Mountain don't have any enmity in the first place. If you don't pay a huge price, it doesn't matter if you kill them!"

"However, with so many Tianjiao watching, do you think they didn't leave just to watch the show?"

"If I pay a huge price to kill Daoshan Tianjiao, it will be difficult for me to get out of the southwest corner in the end!"

After Jian Pingfan explained it, Wang Changsheng understood the mystery.

Wang Changsheng only has the strength of Tianjiao, but he has never been in the circle of Tianjiao. Naturally, he does not know that among these Tianjiao, there are also many enemies.

Jian Pingfan was able to kill Daoshan Tianjiao while ensuring his own safety. There was absolutely no problem. However, Tianjiao who was watching around had many enemies. Once Jian Pingfan was seriously injured, he would definitely not end well!

Whether he can leave the southwest corner alive is still unknown!

Therefore, in the end, Jian Pingfan watched Daoshan Tianjiao's remaining spirit and soul escape, and did not chase after him!

After Jian Pingfan slowed down, he didn't continue to pick opponents, but appeared not far from Anchen and Ge Yu, watching Anchen and Ge Yu fight solemnly.

"you recognize?"

Seeing Jian Pingfan's strange expression, Wang Changsheng asked via voice transmission.

After guessing Anchen's identity, Wang Changsheng was also curious about Ge Yu's identity.

"do not know!"

Jian Pingfan said via voice transmission: "I don't know, but..."

"I know their origins!"

"Huh?" Wang Changsheng immediately asked via voice transmission: "What's the origin?"

Jian Pingfan paused, hesitated for a while, and then said through voice transmission: "The monk who is wrapped in black robes, if I guess correctly, should come from the ancient road of Huangquan!"

Wang Changsheng didn't answer, because Wang Changsheng also guessed Anchen's origin, and because of Huangquan, he was very afraid of the monks of the ancient way of Huangquan.

"As for the other..."

Jian Pingfan thought for a while and said: "It should be the arrogance of the ancient war road, and the war weapon in his hand should be a weapon of war!"

Jian Pingfan looked dignified, and it could be seen that Jian Pingfan was very afraid of the two, not only because of their strength, but also because of their origins.

"Ancient War Road?"

When Wang Changsheng heard this name, his expression changed suddenly.

Few monks mentioned the supreme religion of the Ancient War Road, and Wang Changsheng also heard someone talking about it by chance. However, the person who talked about it was obviously very afraid of the supreme religion of the Ancient War Road. When this name was mentioned, he was stopped by his companions.

"It turned out to be the pride of the Ancient War Road..."

Wang Changsheng also said with a shocked expression.

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