Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1708 Do you have an opinion?

Wang Changsheng and the others listened to the discussions around them, and apart from the three of them, they would not express any opinions to the outside world, because the purpose of the three of them was to find out more news.

The communication between the monks in the restaurant is a means for the three of them to understand the outside world.

However, after a period of time, the three of them obviously found that there were fewer monks in the restaurant, and even fewer monks were talking about it. Sometimes, even listening for a whole day, they could not hear any useful information .

"Many venerables of the supreme teaching have left Xianmang Xingyu!"

Li Fusheng said solemnly: "The information we can get is very little..."

Wang Changsheng also nodded. The three of them knew too few people in the Nine Heavens Realm. If there were no discussions with the monks in the restaurant, the three of them would have no way to get information at all.

"Just wait and see!"

Wang Changsheng said: "For the time being, Xianmang Xingyu is still silent. After the silence, there will definitely be a big battle!"

According to the information obtained during this period of time, many geniuses in Xianmang Xingyu have conflicts, but under this weird atmosphere, these geniuses of the supreme religion are all holding back. Now, we need a An opportunity, let this fire be lit, when the time comes, those arrogances of the supreme religion will definitely conquer each other!

"Since there will definitely be a big battle, why not, let's light this fire!"

Li Fusheng said with a cold expression.

After Wang Changsheng heard Li Fusheng's words, he was also stunned, and then said: "It can be done like this!"

Now there are more and more Tianjiao in Xianmang Xingyu. According to the collected information, there are at least hundreds of them. This is a very huge force, because every Tianjiao has extraordinary talents. strength!

Why do these arrogance come here?

At the very beginning, it was because of Wang Changsheng and the three who had killed too many venerables of the supreme religion. Whoever could kill Wang Changsheng would definitely gain a great reputation.

However, as the three of Wang Changsheng disappeared, more and more arrogances of the supreme sect came, and it was not simply for the sake of the three of Wang Changsheng.

The current Xianmang Xingyu has turned into a grand event for Tianjiao!

When these arrogances get together, something will definitely happen, and if there is no obstruction from those supreme masters, it can be seen that the supreme masters in the Nine Heavens Realm also hope that the arrogance in their own teaching will show their power in the fairy world!

Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng looked at each other, and then said: "That's it!"

"Old Wang, are you sure?"

Li Fusheng said.

When Li Fusheng proposed it, he also thought it was feasible, and he wanted Wang Changsheng to consider it. Now if Wang Changsheng also thinks it is feasible, then he can give it a try!


Wang Changsheng nodded and said: "Many years ago, I suppressed Tianjiao Tianqi of Tianyan Pavilion. With Tianqi's ability, I can definitely figure out where we are!"

"We don't expose it now, but when the apocalypse of Tianyan Pavilion ends, we will definitely expose it!"

"In that case, why not turn passive into active?"

Wang Changsheng said.

Wang Changsheng was still very afraid of Apocalypse's deduction technique. As the only young pavilion master of Tianyan Pavilion, he was injured last time, and he should almost recover.

Once it is deduced at that time, maybe there is no problem with Wang Changsheng being protected by Jiuyou City, but it will be troublesome for Li Fusheng and Fatty.

As long as one deduces where Li Fusheng and Fatty are, it is equivalent to deducing where Wang Changsheng is.

"Okay, let's plan!"

Li Fusheng said.

Seeing that Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng had made a decision, the fat man stood there dumbfounded.

Because, the fat man didn't say a word, so the matter was decided like that?

"I said, Lao Wang, Lao Li, can you respect my opinion?" the fat man said directly.

Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng looked at the fat man and asked suspiciously, "Do you have an opinion?"


The fat man said directly.

How dare the fat man have an opinion?

When he was in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, the fat man raised his opinion to Li Fusheng, so he left for now. Didn't Li Fusheng still not listen?

Therefore, even if the fat man had an opinion, it would be useless for the fat man to talk about it when both Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng agreed!

Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng nodded, and then walked towards the room. Next, the three of them will plan and think about how to plan this conquest.

Half a day later, the changed Li Fusheng left the restaurant and flew out of the city, while Wang Changsheng and Fatty continued to stay in the city. Obviously, the three of them had already planned.

Half a month later, another message came out.

"Have you heard? The three of Li Fusheng showed up in the southwest corner!"

"Impossible? Now that so many talents gather in Xianmang Xingyu, they are here for Li Fusheng and the three of them. Why don't we hide and show up in the southwest corner?"

"I don't know whether the news is true or not. Anyway, that's how I heard it. I guess this matter is not simple!"

"Whether it's true or not, anyway, I don't plan to observe it, it's too dangerous!"


After the news about the three of Li Fusheng came out, it immediately caused an uproar in Xianmang Xingyu. Tianjiao, who originally entered Xianmang Xingyu at the beginning, came for Li Fusheng and the three of them.

It's just that, later on, more and more Tianjiao gathered in Xianmang Xingyu, Li Fusheng and the three were completely dormant, and the three of them seemed unimportant.

Now that the traces of the three of them appear, no matter it is true or not, the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu will definitely become the central battlefield of the conquest.

"It's very wrong!"

A Tianjiao heard the news, and after thinking for a while, he said: "The three of Li Fusheng obviously have special concealment methods. As long as they don't take the initiative to expose it, it will be difficult to find out. It is impossible for them to make such a mistake!"

"Either, this news is false, or..."

"Someone wants to lay out in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu!"

Being able to become the Chosen One is definitely not a fool. As long as the truth of this news is revealed, the only possibility is that someone is setting up in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu.

As for who is the layout person?

It must be the person who got the news!

"I'd like to see, who is so generous, who has deployed hundreds of Tianjiao in the entire Xianmang Xingyu?" Another Tianjiao said with a half-smile: "Aren't you afraid that this game will be too big and kill yourself?" ?”

Many Tianjiao have guessed that this news is fake, someone must have used the traces of Li Fusheng and the other three to make arrangements, the purpose is to attract all Tianjiao of Xianmang Xingyu to gather in the southwest corner.

No matter who was making the layout, all the Tianjiao were not afraid, and rushed directly to the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, wanting to see who made such a big deal?

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