Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1707 The Fall of the First Arrogant of the Hidden Sea

The fall of the No. [-] Tianjiao in the Hidden Sea has caused huge waves in the Immortal Mang Xingyu, especially among the ranks of Tianjiao, it has aroused everyone's discussion.

Yinhai, the supreme sect, is good at assassination. Although his speed is not as fast as Liu Guangtian, he has the ability to be unpredictable when casting concealment techniques.

There is no doubt about the ability of the No. [-] Tianjiao in the Hidden Sea. It was precisely such a Tianjiao who died in Xianmang Xingyu.

"I think, there must be another first-time pride of the supreme teaching entering the arena!"

"Otherwise, Yinhai's No. [-] Arrogant would never have fallen!"

"Yes, I once had a discussion with the No. [-] Arrogant of the Hidden Sea, and I know his strength, even if he loses, there is absolutely no problem in protecting himself!"


Tianjiao also has a circle. They are different from ordinary monks of the Supreme Church. In their own small circle, only those who are also Tianjiao can enter it.

Everyone is more or less aware of the strength of the No. [-] Arrogant of the Hidden Sea. Even if he fights head-on, he is no match for the No. [-] Arrogant of the Supreme Teaching, but in terms of life-saving ability, he is definitely among the top three!

Such a proud man has fallen?

"Everyone be careful recently!"

The No. [-] Arrogant of a supreme sect said: "Recently, Xianmang Xingyu is not peaceful. It should be that the No. [-] Arrogant of other supreme sects or innate races has entered the arena. Otherwise, that Taoist friend from Yinhai, It is impossible to die quietly!"

Tianjiao who heard the news agreed with this statement.

In the next period of time, the matter of the No. [-] pride in the hidden sea falling in Xianmang Xingyu continued to ferment. Xianmang Xingyu, who had already shown the intention of conquest, became a little quiet because of the fall of the No. [-] pride in the hidden sea. .

All the Tianjiao who entered the Hidden Sea restrained their tempers, and even if there were some small frictions, they were temporarily kept in their hearts and did not explode.

Under such circumstances, the atmosphere of the entire Immortal Mang Xingyu seemed a bit strange, and every monk could feel the solemnity floating in the Xingyu.

In the Kuixianlou restaurant, Wang Changsheng and the three sat down again to inquire about the news.

"I have decided to leave Xianmang Xingyu first. I think that Xianmang Xingyu will definitely become the battlefield of Tianjiao in a short time. With our strength, it is difficult to participate in such a conquest!"

They are just here to watch the fun, not to die!

As the first ordinary venerable left Xianmang Xingyu, many venerables left one after another, and even some shops opened by the supreme masters in the city, after feeling the dignified atmosphere, were also Close the door, intend to suspend business temporarily, and move all the items in the shop back to the Supreme Teaching.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. There is an agreement among the supreme religions. No matter what kind of battle there is, the monks in the city will not be affected. Otherwise, you will be looking for your own death!"

Said a monk in the early stage of the Supreme Master.

However, as soon as the venerable's early-stage cultivator finished speaking, he saw several eyes looking at him, with contempt revealed in their eyes.

The monks in the early stage of the venerable are also dumbfounded. I just said a well-known truth, why do everyone still despise me?

"Junior brother, don't talk nonsense!"

The monk next to the monk in the early stage of the venerable said: "The rules are only for ordinary monks, but once Xianmang Xingyu becomes the battlefield of Tianjiao, the so-called rules will be useless!"


The cultivator in the early stage of the Venerable was immediately stunned and said: "So, once the rules are useless, can the Venerable also enter the Xianmang Xingyu?"

Hearing the words of the monks in the early stage of the venerable, the first to change their expressions were Wang Changsheng and the other three.

The three of them were able to act unscrupulously in Xianmang Xingyu, and even the arrogance of the Supreme Master dared to ambush them, because they liked the rules of Xianmang Xingyu, and the Great Master was not allowed to enter!

As long as no Dazun enters the arena, the three of them will be absolutely invincible when they join forces!

But once the rules are useless and the Great Senior enters the arena, the strength of the three of Wang Changsheng, even if they are united, will still exist like ants in front of the Great Senior.

At best, they are just bigger ants.

"That's impossible!"

A monk at the peak of the Venerable Venerable explained, "Xianmang Xingyu's formation is used to prevent the Venerable from entering the arena, but part of this formation is an innate formation!"

"Even if it is the supreme teaching, it will take a lot of effort to break the innate formation!"

"So, the Great Master cannot enter Xianmang Xingyu, not because of the rules, but because they simply cannot enter!"

When everyone heard this statement, many monks also showed surprise expressions.

Even the monks of the supreme religion have different cultivation bases and different statuses. The strong people in the peak state of the Venerable Master obviously know more than the monks in the early stage of the Venerable Master.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, some monks are born with high status, so it is another matter.


Another monk of the Venerable Peak Realm said: "I have also heard about this matter. Those Tianjiao must know about it, so they plan to use Xianmang Xingyu as a battlefield for conquest!"

After everyone heard this, many monks left again, obviously aware of the danger of Xianmang Xingyu, and planned to leave first.

"What should we do?" the fat man asked.

"What are you afraid of?" Li Fusheng said indifferently: "As long as the Great Master can't enter it, we have the absolute power to protect ourselves!"

"Those Tianjiao, I happen to want to meet them too!"

Li Fusheng was born with pride, which was brought to him by his blood, and it was also due to Li Fusheng's temper. Before he went retrograde to the Nine City of Immortals, Li Fusheng was a character who fought in chaos. The current Xianmang Xingyu is Li Fusheng favorite place.

"Let's see first!" Wang Changsheng said with a frown.

Wang Changsheng knew Li Fusheng's character and what Li Fusheng was thinking, but Wang Changsheng's character was exactly the opposite of Li Fusheng's. If he could avoid trouble, Wang Changsheng would never make a move.

If it weren't for the fact that the three of them were not powerful and belonged to the top among Xianmang Xingyu, Wang Changsheng would definitely persuade Li Fusheng to leave. Definitely able to leave safely.

The current strength of the three of them, once united, will have the absolute power to protect themselves in the fairy mang Xingyu. Without worrying about their safety, Wang Changsheng is also willing to make trouble with Li Fusheng.


The fat man said: "Anyway, you have the final say!"

Among the three, Fatty had the lowest right to speak. Seeing that Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng had already made a decision, they naturally wouldn't say anything more.

What's more, practicing the Taotie method itself requires a lot of cultivation resources. Without conquest, where will the resources come from?

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