Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1686 It's All Misunderstandings

Seeing that the Langcang sword was being gradually melted away, and there was a feeling of melting around the sword body, Tian Qi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Tianqi himself knows very well that with his own Tianyan technique, it is simply impossible to remove the Taoist artifact and return the Taoist artifact to its original origin. Let alone Tianqi, even the helm of the Tianyan Pavilion cannot make it The Taoist device returns to its origin and origin.

Dao artifacts, after all, occupy the word "Tao"!

Tian Qi felt that there were two reasons for this situation. The first one was because the Dao weapon in Wang Changsheng's hand was so inferior that he barely stepped into the threshold of a Dao weapon.

Another thing is, Wang Changsheng didn't fully control this Taoist weapon at all!

"Wang Changsheng's strength is somewhat inconsistent with the rumors..."

Having gained the advantage, Tian Qi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, I didn't come here this time to feud with Fellow Daoist, it's just because of the chance that I broke through the great venerable, on Daoist Wang, I want to get stronger with Fellow Daoist Wang! "

"I'll say it after I win!"

Wang Changsheng said sharply, "Of course, you can kill me to prove the truth!"

Apocalypse: "..."

Tian Qi was also speechless. In his opinion, Wang Changsheng's temper was completely like a hob, and he couldn't communicate at all. He clearly explained his intentions, but Wang Changsheng still had the same attitude, and Tian Qi was really angry.

"In this case, let's destroy your Taoist artifact first!" Tian Qi thought in his heart: "At that time, let's sit down and have a good talk!"

Immediately afterwards, Tianqi relentlessly urged the technique of Tianyan to increase the speed of Lang Cangjian's return to its origin.

Looking at everything in front of him, Wang Changsheng's face was a little anxious, and he showed an attitude as if he was about to be defeated. In fact, in Wang Changsheng's heart, he was already happy.

"Wait until the moment Langcang sword returns to its origin, directly use Huangquan to suppress him..."

Wang Changsheng thought in his heart.

All of this was done deliberately by Wang Changsheng, even if the Langcang Sword returned to its roots, it was Wang Changsheng who deliberately controlled it.

Otherwise, with Tianqi's Tianyan technique, it would be impossible to return the Langcang Sword to its origin.

Tianqi's current realm doesn't even have the ability to return ordinary Taoist artifacts to their original value, let alone a magical artifact of the level of the Langcang Sword.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I didn't intend to kill you..."

When Tian Qi heard Wang Changsheng's words, he immediately knew where the misunderstanding was.

"Wang Daoyou, the cultivation technique of Tianyan Pavilion is very special, it is not an ordinary golden elixir technique..." Tianqi explained: "The cultivation of Tianyan Pavilion is related to deducing the secret of heaven!"

"And when I deduced you before, you were covered by a fog of karma. I believe that when I can uncover the fog of karma on your body, it will be the time for me to break through to the Great Master!"

"Also, Daoist Wang, if I do this, it will be good for you. As long as I can unravel your fog of karma and break through your lord at that time, out of my understanding of the fog of karma on your body, I can directly help you remove the fog of karma that entangles you. Cut off the cause and effect!"


Now that he understood where the misunderstanding was, Tian Qi immediately explained that although he had already suppressed the Taoist weapon in Wang Changsheng's hand, the purpose of Tian Qi's coming here was really not to make enemies with Wang Changsheng.

There is only one purpose of Tianqi, which is to break through the Great Master.

Now Wang Changsheng is entangled in karma, and Tianqi doesn't know why Wang Changsheng can live to this day, but Tianqi can be sure of one thing, judging from the karma entangled in Wang Changsheng, whether he is friends with Wang Changsheng or an enemy of Wang Changsheng, he will not What a happy ending!


The only answer to Tianqi was a loud roar. Immediately afterwards, the Langcang sword in Wang Changsheng's hand was shattered inch by inch. At the same time as it was broken, a long blood-colored river instantly appeared around Tianqi, suppressing it towards Tianqi.

"not good!"

Tian Qi's complexion changed, his originally pale expression because of the injury instantly became terrified, not to mention the evil spirit overflowing from Huang Quan, instantly filled Tian Qi's mind.

Even as far as Tian Qi knew, the jade slips handed down by the monk in Yinhai showed that Wang Changsheng was able to kill more than 400 venerables of the supreme religion because of this bloody river!

"What the hell is this?"

A roar came from Tian Qi's mouth, and the moon-white robe was instantly stained by Huang Quan, turning blood red, and his whole body was stained with evil spirit.

Even Tianqi's copper coins were eroded and melted by Huangquan in an instant, and disappeared.

Tianqi's law also collapsed instantly under Huang Quan's suppression.

Tianqi's method is very domineering and perverted. It can dissolve the enemy's spells and magic weapons. If it is cultivated to the peak, even Taoist weapons can be eliminated in an instant.

Although such a method is powerful, it also has great limitations. This limitation has a lot to do with Tianqi's own cultivation. If Tianqi can enter the Tao, it will definitely not be a problem to get rid of the Langcang sword.

The reason why Tianqi was defeated was because he underestimated the Langcang sword and was tricked by Wang Changsheng.

Ever since Wang Changsheng got the Langcang Sword, the Langcang Sword has been a magical weapon of the Yinren. From knocking the sap back then to the current Huangquan, few monks can resist it.


Tian Qi also didn't expect the appearance of Huang Quan, mainly because he didn't expect that after the Langcang sword returned to its origin, it would turn out to be a long blood-colored river?

And, is it still a bloody river that can bury hundreds of venerables?

Tian Qi was directly suppressed by Huang Quan.

"what did you just say?"

Seeing Tianqi being suppressed by Huang Quan, Wang Changsheng looked at Tianqi and asked.

According to what Tianqi said, Wang Changsheng certainly knew what the cause and effect entangled in his body was, it was Huangquan and Jiuyou City!

Tianqi practiced the technique of Tianyan Pavilion, as long as he uncovered the cause and effect in himself, he could break through to the Great Venerable. Wang Changsheng had no doubts about this, because Wang Changsheng is now at the peak of the Venerable, and of course he knew that reaching this realm would not be enough for him. The breakthrough is inductive, which is why Wang Changsheng is not in a hurry, the opportunity has not yet arrived.

It's just that Tianqi actually said that he could cut off the cause and effect in himself?

It's not that Wang Changsheng underestimated Tianqi, let alone Tianqi broke through to the Great Master, even if Tianqi enters the Tao, it is impossible to cut off the cause and effect in himself.

Can ordinary monks cut off the causality between Huangquan and Jiuyou City?

Thinking back to the scene I saw in Jiuyou City back then, the indomitable powerhouse must not only be in the realm of a great lord, but he still died of this cause and effect, how can Tianqi cut it off?

Therefore, Wang Changsheng was not at all interested in cutting off the cause and effect in himself as Tian Qi said, because he knew it was impossible.

"Friend Wang Dao..."

Tian Qi was also stunned at the moment, he still had a lot of means to use, so he was suppressed, and said aggrievedly: "Fellow Daoist Wang, it's all a misunderstanding, I have no intention of being your enemy!"

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