Hearing Tian Qi's words, Wang Changsheng's eyes immediately became sharp.


Sword Peak Art!

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly sacrificed the technique of the sword peak, and crushed it towards Tianqi. At the same time, the Langcang sword in his hand was not slow, and pressed down fiercely on Tianqi.

"Opportunity? Great Master Realm?"


Wang Changsheng wasn't polite at all, what's the chance to break through the Great Senior?Wang Changsheng was puzzled, how could he somehow become Tian Qi's chance?

If you want to kill yourself to prove the Dao, just say it straight. What Wang Changsheng despises the most is the kind of person who talks about the chance of the great master and beats around the bush.

In the end, we still have to fight!

"Wang Daoyou, why did you..."

As soon as Tian Qi finished explaining, he felt a majestic force crushing towards him, and his expression immediately changed.

Even if he is confident that he can leave safely, Tian Qi really didn't come to fight against Wang Changsheng.

boom boom boom...

When the sword peak technique fell, it was too late for Tianqi to explain it. The strength of the sword peak technique has become extremely terrifying as Wang Changsheng's cultivation and cultivation level improved. If Tianqi was hit by the sword peak technique, he would definitely not It will end well!

No matter what misunderstanding there is, now is not the time to clarify. What Tianqi has to do now is to block the sword peak technique.

I saw Tian Qi waved his hand, and a quaint copper coin appeared directly in midair. This quaint copper coin didn't have any aura on it, just like an ordinary copper coin.

However, under the urging of Tianqi, the copper coins rose against the wind. Although there was still no strong aura, but only the characteristic of the copper coins rising against the wind, we knew that this was not an ordinary magic weapon.


There was a whisper from Tian Qi's mouth, and a mysterious breath came out through his body. Immediately afterwards, he saw the enlarged copper coin, which was directly and tightly attached to the sword peak technique.


Wang Changsheng looked puzzled. According to past experience, if the sword peak technique hits hard, no matter what technique or magic weapon it collides with, it will have a huge collision force.

However, now that the Sword Peak Technique collided with the copper coin, there was no sound, as if the copper coin was already attached to the Sword Peak Technique.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng realized that something was wrong. After the sword peak technique was attached to the copper coin, the power of the sword peak technique was actually disappearing?Moreover, the speed of the sword peak technique disappearing is extremely fast, and within a few breaths, the power of the sword peak technique is completely eliminated, and finally, it turns into a wisp of dao accumulation and dissipates in the stars.

"What's going on?" Wang Changsheng looked puzzled.

Even the Langcang sword that was chopped down in his hand paused. Wang Changsheng was really shocked by this situation. The method of defending against the enemy like Tianqi does not go head-to-head with the enemy's magic, but refines it with the mystery of copper coins. Indeed, Wang Changsheng had never seen it, let alone heard of it.

"Let's see if you can refine the Langcang Sword!"

Wang Changsheng said with a sharp expression.


The epee has no sharp edge, and it doesn't work!

The blood-red Langcang Sword, carrying enormous power, crushed directly at Tianqi.

"Not good!" Tian Qi saw Wang Changsheng's Langcang sword pressed down, and his expression immediately changed: "It seems to be a Taoist weapon..."

Tian Qi's figure kept retreating, and instantly escaped from the range of the Lang Cang Sword.

When facing the Sword Peak Technique, Tian Qi is sure that it can be eliminated, because the Sword Peak Technique is just a technique, but now facing the Langcang Sword, Tian Qi has no confidence.

If the Langcang Sword was just a quasi-dao weapon, Tianqi would be willing to take the risk, but the quality of the Langcang Sword has clearly reached the level of a Taoist weapon, so Tianqi would not dare to take the edge lightly!

"Can you run away?" Wang Changsheng sneered.

Peng strike technique!

With the Peng strike technique, Wang Changsheng's speed surpassed Tianqi in an instant, and when Tianqi reached out, the Langcang sword crushed it again. This time, Tianqi could not dodge it, because Wang Changsheng's speed was faster than Tianqi's. quick!


Seeing the Langcang sword falling, and Wang Changsheng's speed, Tian Qi also knew that blindly dodging is not a long-term solution, unless he escapes with a secret method. However, the purpose of coming to see Wang Changsheng today has not been achieved, and it is related to the opportunity to break through the great venerable. It is impossible for Tianqi to leave like this.

The copper coin came up again, this time, the copper coin was still attached to the Lang Cang sword.


The moment the copper coin was attached to the Langcang Sword, Wang Changsheng frowned immediately, because Wang Changsheng felt a vast force on the copper coin.

Wang Changsheng is very familiar with this force, it is the Dao Yun of heaven and earth!

"This is the law, not the device!"

Wang Changsheng immediately concluded.

Copper coins are just ordinary copper coins. The reason why they have the effect of resolving spells is because the method of Tianqi cultivation, the problem itself, is not above copper coins, and has nothing to do with copper coins.

Not to mention copper coins, even an ordinary blade of grass can exert the power of the law.

It's just that this copper coin, after years of Tianqi's cultivation, can quickly exert the power of the Tianqi method.

Wang Changsheng hadn't had time to feel the Sword Peak's technique being removed by Tianqi, mainly because he didn't expect Tianqi to have such a means, but this time, the huge heaven, earth and dao accumulation were entangled with the Langcang sword, and Wang Changsheng's feeling was very obvious.

The entanglement of heaven, earth and dao, actually dissolves the power of Langcang Sword, but at the same time dissolves the essence of Langcang Sword?

The speed of resolution is very slow, but it is scary enough.

"If it were an ordinary magic weapon, wouldn't it be returned to its original value soon under this kind of technique?" Wang Changsheng was horrified.

The Langcang Sword is a Dao weapon. Under this heaven, earth and Dao accumulation, there are signs of returning to its origin. If an ordinary magic weapon is faced with such a method, how can it resist it?

The method of Tianyan Pavilion is too abnormal. According to this situation, doesn't it mean that Tianyan Pavilion is already invincible in the battle of monks of the same rank? !

Regardless of whether the opponent is a technique or a magic weapon, just use the technique of Tianyan to eliminate it.

Looking at the dark red waves surging above the Langcang sword, Wang Changsheng didn't worry at all, even if the Langcang sword was returned to its original state, so what?

What is the essence of Langcang Sword?It's not those refining materials, but a yellow spring!

Huangquan, the only one in the world, once the Langcang sword returns to its origin, it will be even more ferocious. To be honest, Wang Changsheng used the form of the Langcang sword to face the enemy Tianqi, just because he didn't want to expose Huangquan.

Now that Tianqi wants to get a glimpse of the true appearance of the Langcang Sword with this method, Wang Changsheng feels that it is necessary to satisfy Tianqi.

Let Tianqi know that some magical artifacts will be even more terrifying after they return to their origins!

"Damn him!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart, this is definitely a good opportunity to win the apocalypse.

Immediately afterwards, the blood on the Langcang sword became more violent. Under the circumstances of Wang Changsheng's deliberate action, the body of the Langcang sword was slowly melting, and it was moving towards returning to its origin.

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