Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1664 I am just one thigh

"Are you so proud of yourself?" Li Fusheng looked at Wang Changsheng and said.

Wang Changsheng was also dumbfounded, and said with some confusion: "Don't ask me, if you ask, you don't know!"

Li Fusheng was even more confused when he heard Wang Changsheng's words.

Li Fusheng has personally experienced Jian Ping's strength, not to mention that Li Fusheng is only in the middle stage of the Venerable, even if he breaks through to the peak of the Venerable and is at the same level as Jian Ping, Li Fusheng is not sure of defeating Jian Ping.

Until now, Jian usually only made a few strikes, and almost killed Li Fusheng and Fatty, forcing the two to sacrifice their trump cards to escape.

Of course, as long as his cultivation level is comparable to that of Jian Ping, Li Fusheng is confident that Jian Ping can't do anything to him.

It's just such a powerful genius who would give Wang Changsheng face. The point is that Wang Changsheng himself doesn't know what's going on, so it's normal for Li Fusheng to be a little confused.

"Old Wang, I heard that you have been chased and hid all these years, why did you..."

The fat man also asked immediately.

Wang Changsheng is now showing his true face to others, which means that Wang Changsheng is not hiding at all, and is walking outside in an upright manner. Except for Jian Ping, the other monks seem to not know Wang Changsheng. What's going on?

It's completely different from what Fatty knew.

"A lot of things have happened in these years, let's not talk about it for now, let's talk about it after leaving here!" Wang Changsheng said.

As he spoke, the Langcang Sword appeared in Wang Changsheng's hands, and he looked coldly at the monks present.

The apocalypse retreated, and now the sword usually retreated. Many monks at the peak of the Venerable Realm present looked at the sword turning into a sword light and leaving, all showing contemplative expressions. In the end, most of the monks chose to leave.

Although I don't know what happened, but since Tian Qi and Jian usually don't want to take this muddy water, everyone is not a fool, and naturally some monks can find it tricky.

Even so, there are hundreds of remaining monks, and among them, there are dozens of strong ones at the peak of the Venerable.

"Another Dao artifact?"

"Where did they come from? The three-legged giant tripod just now is a Taoist weapon, and this long sword is definitely of the Taoist level!"

"The three-legged giant tripod in Li Fusheng's hand, and the long sword that appears now are all magic weapons of the level of Dao weapons, and the corpse sacrificed by that fat man is not a Dao weapon, but its power is definitely not weaker than a Dao weapon!"

"He... isn't he the one who sells quasi-dao tools?"


Quite a few monks looked at Wang Changsheng and the three of them, and began to discuss in low voices. Tianqi and Jian's usual departure had a small impact on them, at least, it was enough to affect their judgment.

However, facing two living Dao artifacts and a corpse comparable to Dao artifacts, the reason why many monks did not leave was because the temptation was too great.

After everyone knew that Wang Changsheng was the cultivator who sold quasi-dao weapons, their coveting hearts became stronger.

"Can we fight again?"

Wang Changsheng looked at Li Fusheng and the fat man and asked.

In the current situation, seeing the eyes of those monks around him, Wang Changsheng knew that what the three of them had exposed was worthy of the covetousness of these monks of the supreme religion. If this was the case, there was nothing to say.

Jian Ping gave Wang Changsheng face because he didn't want the things in the ruins of the Three Immortals to be exposed. Otherwise, with Jian Ping's temper, how could he let go of the opportunity to fight Wang Changsheng?With Jian Ping on Wang Changsheng's body, he felt a strong threat.

"Of course!"

"What do you say?"

Both Li Fusheng and Fatty spoke pointedly, with inexplicable expressions on their faces.

Afterwards, the two took a step forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Wang Changsheng.

Especially Fatty, pointed at the monks present and said, "It's not that I'm bragging, but I can kill a bunch of scumbags!"

Fatty didn't know where his arrogance came from, maybe he was infected by Li Fusheng and Wang Changsheng?Otherwise, with the fat man's temper, the first reaction at this time is definitely to run away, instead of staying and fighting these people.

Fatty does have a hole card in his hand, but Fatty is not the kind of person who exposes his hole card and goes all out. Gou is king.

What's more, if you really stay and fight, you may die in the end.

"I've been hugging my thigh all the time, maybe I'm just a thigh..." the fat man thought in his heart.

Hearing Fatty's words, the monks present immediately became angry.

However, thinking that the fat man had devoured hundreds of monks not long ago, leaving no bones left, he couldn't refute it for a while, because what the fat man said was indeed true.


Wang Changsheng said: "Then fight!"

As he spoke, the Langcang sword swept across the sky, and Wang Changsheng swept across with his sword, and a crack in the void appeared not far away.

At the same time, a voice came out of Wang Changsheng's mouth: "Everyone here, if anyone wants to keep us, just cross this gap, or..."

A sneer appeared in Wang Changsheng's eyes.


This was the first reaction of the monks present. Even those monks who had been watching from the sidelines did not leave. After hearing Wang Changsheng's words, they also looked at Wang Changsheng with gloomy expressions.

It's crazy!

Everyone is a monk from the Supreme Cult, and Wang Changsheng's behavior and words are just disdain and contempt for them.

Immediately, many monks jumped over the crack and confronted the three of Wang Changsheng. Even some monks who were not going to intervene jumped over the crack at this time, looking at the three of Wang Changsheng with a look of fighting intent!

In just a few breaths, there were at least [-] monks who jumped over the crack, and there were still some rushing over behind.

Anyway, the monks who finally stood in front of Wang Changsheng and the three of them definitely exceeded [-]!

Fatty: "..."

Li Fusheng: "..."

"Old Wang, isn't this hatred a little too big?" The fat man said weakly, the lofty arrogance just now had long been annihilated.

Li Fusheng also nodded.

Just now, many monks chose to sit on the sidelines. The monks who did not resist the temptation are at most half of what they are now. One sentence from Wang Changsheng directly doubled the enemy.

Regardless of why Wang Changsheng did this, anyway, Li Fusheng and Fatty admired Wang Changsheng's courage and... ability to die!

"Is there a difference?"

Wang Changsheng looked at the two of them and said with disdain, "It's just a bunch of chickens and dogs!"

Chicken tile dog?

Anyway, no matter how Li Fusheng and Fatty reacted, the monks present were furious!


Suddenly, Li Fusheng saw Wang Changsheng give him a look. Li Fusheng, who was still in a daze, was instantly a little surprised.

Li Fusheng understood what Wang Changsheng meant for the two of them who knew each other well.

Seeing that Wang Changsheng also gave Fatty a look, Li Fusheng was even more sure of his guess.

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