Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1663 Give you a face

"Damn it, he...why is he here?"

The fat man looked at the direction Li Fusheng was pointing at, and didn't know what to say. He was stunned for a moment and continued, "No... Did I read it wrong?"


Before Li Fusheng could answer, a domineering sword glow traversed Xingyu and appeared directly in front of Li Fusheng and Fatty.

This domineering sword light is completely different from the sword's usual fierce sword light. Although it is not as powerful, when this sword light hits the sword's normal sword light, with a roaring sound, the sword normally shoots The sword light that came out shattered in response.


Seeing the figure that appeared, Li Fusheng also showed excitement on his face.

How many years have you been apart?Li Fusheng couldn't remember clearly either, and it wasn't too long after thinking about it, but Li Fusheng felt that it had been a long time.

After all, when they parted at Qingshan Gate, neither of them had the strength to gain a foothold in the Nine Heavens Realm.

And what about today?

Although the strength of the two of them is not top-notch in the entire Nine Heavens Realm, they are enough to protect themselves.

The two were not native monks, but came up from the closed place in the next three days. From the weakest monks, they grew up step by step. Their experiences must be different from those of other monks in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Especially in this situation, both Li Fusheng and Fatty were in danger. If they didn't use their cards to escape, both of them would die in this place.

In the face of thousands of cultivator enemies, Wang Changsheng could have chosen to save his own life, but Wang Changsheng still chose to take action. Perhaps, Wang Changsheng did not know that the two had a way to escape.

Li Fusheng was moved by this feeling.

"Old Li..."


Wang Changsheng looked at Li Fusheng and Fatty and smiled slightly.

Hurry up and hurry up, Wang Changsheng still arrived.

After hearing that Li Fusheng and Fatty had come to Xianmang Xingyu, especially the monks whose identities were exposed and besieged by everyone, Wang Changsheng rushed towards the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu without the slightest hesitation. Along the way, Wang Changsheng also met many monks.

Some monks even recognized Wang Changsheng's identity, knowing that Wang Changsheng was the one who was besieged in the city by other monks because of the auction. However, Wang Changsheng was too fast for them to catch up.

What's more, Wang Changsheng didn't dare to make them act rashly due to the mighty power revealed by Wang Changsheng.

Therefore, the final result was that at the last moment, Wang Changsheng rushed to the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu.

The power of the fight here was very strong, Wang Changsheng rushed over directly, and while saving the two, he also interrupted their escape.

"Old Wang, yes!"

Li Fusheng looked at Wang Changsheng and said with a smile: "The Venerable has reached the peak!"


Wang Changsheng said.

It is true that he has broken through to the peak of the Venerable, and this is thanks to Tianjian Mountain. If it were not for the eight thousand immortal lights of Tianjian Mountain, it would be impossible for Wang Changsheng to break through to the peak of the Venerable in such a short time.

Wang Changsheng, who was already at the peak of the Venerable, could not be said to be invincible in Xianmang Xingyu with his own backhand, but even in the face of the siege of these monks, Wang Changsheng could calmly leave.

Back then, Li Fusheng met Wang Changsheng on the cloud boat. At that time, Wang Changsheng was still a martial artist at the peak of congenital realm. Even Li Fusheng himself did not expect that the good relationship formed for a while would be able to cooperate with Wang Changsheng. support until today.

Venerable Realm? !

When the two were weak back then, how did they ever think that they would be able to make it to where they are today?

This is also the reason why the two can become life-and-death friends, probably because of similar smells...

"Old Wang..."

Fatty looked at Wang Changsheng with an excited expression.

"You're finally here..." Li Fusheng continued.

Wang Changsheng asked suspiciously, "You know I'm coming?"

Wang Changsheng also rushed to this place after hearing the news about Li Fusheng and Fatty temporarily. To be honest, before hearing the news about Li Fusheng, even Wang Changsheng himself didn't know about it. How could Li Fusheng guess it?

"No..." Li Fusheng shook his head and said, "I just think that as long as you are in the fairy world, you will definitely rush over to such a lively place!"

Of course, Li Fusheng couldn't have guessed it, because only monks with a great teaching background were eligible to enter Xianmang Xingyu.

Li Fusheng and Wang Changsheng came up from the next three days together, and they couldn't be more clear about Wang Changsheng's origin. There is no supreme teaching at all, and the only possibility is the Shangyang lineage, but the monk who robbed Wang Changsheng was not the Shangyang one pulse.

Wang Changsheng smiled, but did not speak.

Wang Changsheng didn't like to join in the fun, but was often troubled. If it wasn't for the news about Li Fusheng this time, Wang Changsheng would never rush over.

"It's you?"

When Jian Ping saw Li Fusheng killing people to reminisce about the old days, Jian Ping did not act immediately, because the moment Wang Changsheng appeared, Jian Ping had already recognized Wang Changsheng.

The other monks only knew that Wang Changsheng had many quasi-dao tools and holy medicines on him, but they didn't know that it was this person who caused a huge wave in the ruins of the Three Immortals.

However, Jian usually knows!

In the deal between Tianjian Mountain and Wang Changsheng, Jian Pingfan and Zhang Wan'er were sent on the surface, but in fact, a strong man was secretly sent to protect him.

Jian Ping is one of them!

However, the transaction between Jian Pingfan and Wang Changsheng was surprisingly smooth, and it was not Jian Pingfan's turn to appear in the end, but Jian Pingfan knew Wang Changsheng.

"You know me?" Wang Changsheng looked at Jian Ping and asked.

From Jian Ping's body, Wang Changsheng felt a familiar aura. Wang Changsheng was very sure that he definitely didn't know Jian Ping.

Jian Ping nodded and didn't say much, and he would not reveal Wang Changsheng's identity on such an occasion, because the deal between Tianjian Mountain and Wang Changsheng was ultimately taken advantage of by Tianjian Mountain. He didn't want more Supreme Masters to know Wang Changsheng's identity, so that Tianjian Mountain could have more advantages.

"You want to protect the two of them?" Jian Ping asked looking at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng didn't need to think at all, and nodded directly. The purpose of coming here was for Li Fusheng. How could he let Li Fusheng die in the hands of these monks?

When Jian Ping heard Wang Changsheng's words, he showed a thoughtful expression.

After a few breaths, Jian Ping looked at Wang Changsheng and said calmly, "Okay, I'll give you some face!"

After finishing speaking, Jian Ping turned around directly and disappeared from the sight of the three of them in an instant.

Wang Changsheng: "..."


what happened?The three of them were a little confused, especially Wang Changsheng, why did Jian Pingfan give himself face?

Wang Changsheng doesn't know Jian Pingfan!

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