Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1649 Li Fusheng and Fatty

Leaving aside the matter of Wang Changsheng's seclusion in the city, the entire Xianmang Xingyu has become lively recently.

Xianmang Xingyu is the back garden of all the supreme religions. As long as they are monks in the realm of venerables, they will often go in and out of Xianmang Xingyu to seek their own opportunities in Xianmang Xingyu.

There is no small world in Xianmang Xingyu, the only chance is Xianmang.

As long as you get the fairy glow, you can help monks in the realm of the venerable to practice. As for the speed of cultivation, it depends on the monk's own understanding.

Some monks can absorb [-]% to [-]% of the Dao Yun in the fairy light, and some can only absorb [-]% to [-]%. The final result is definitely different.

The nearest Xianmang Xingyu was caused by two monks. One of them was named Li Fusheng, and the other was a big fat man.

Li Fusheng's origin was discovered by some monks. He was a member of the Shangyang lineage, and he was also a royal family of the Shangyang lineage.

As for the other fat man, along with Li Fusheng, everyone guessed that the other fat man should also be a member of the Shangyang lineage, but not a member of the Li family of the royal family.

The two appeared in Xianmang Xingyu. To the huge Xianmang Xingyu, it was not a big deal. The cause of the matter was still a transaction.

Both Li Fusheng and Fatty are monks in the early stage of the Venerable, and they have just broken through to the early stage of the Venerable, and the realm is still unstable. They came to Xianmang Xingyu to seek opportunities.

It's just that the luck of the two of them was not very good. They didn't even catch a single celestial glow in Xianmang Xingyu for a while, so in the end Li Fusheng found other monks to trade.

After inquiring, Li Fusheng took out a quasi-dao weapon and exchanged ten immortal lights with a monk in the middle stage of the Venerable Master.

To be honest, the quasi-dao weapon that Li Fusheng took out definitely had more than ten immortal lights, and it could sell for about fourteen.

However, the mid-stage cultivator who was dealing with Li Fusheng didn't plan to trade at all, but directly robbed him.

Don't think that Li Fusheng's background in Shangyang's Li family is enough to scare him. Everyone is a supreme teacher, and after entering Xianmang Xingyu, they all rely on their own methods.

Originally, it was easy for a monk in the middle stage of the Venerable to rob two monks who had just broken through to the early stage of the Venerable, and their realm was not even stable. However, the final result was shocking.

The monk in the middle stage of the venerable died directly under the cooperation of Li Fusheng and Fatty.

According to people familiar with the matter, the last middle-stage cultivator of the Venerable was actually swallowed by the fat man!

As for who the insider is, it is not clear until now.

What everyone cares about is what is the origin of that fat man?

Now all the monks in Xianmang Xingyu, as long as they know about this, are looking for Li Fusheng and Fatty.

Everyone didn't want to look for Li Fusheng, but wanted to know the origin of the fat man.

If he really swallowed a monk in the middle stage of the venerable, it would mean one thing, the origin of that fat man is very likely to be from the demon clan!

In the last three days, the Yaozu is a very powerful race, not within the Supreme Sect, but many branches of the Yaozu are comparable to the Supreme Sect, and more importantly, the Yaozu are not allowed to enter the Immortal Star Universe , This is the consensus of all supreme teachings.

If the fat man is really from the Yaozu, then the Supreme Sect must have joined forces with the Yaozu. Judging from the current situation, it is very likely to be from the Shangyang lineage, because Li Fusheng has the blood of the Li family of the royal family.

If this is the case, the Shangyang lineage will definitely be suppressed by all the supreme sects in the Nine Heavens Realm.

It's just that things haven't been confirmed yet, and everyone is looking for Fatty and Li Fusheng.

"If it is really a monster race, it must have something to do with the Shangyang lineage. I have said long ago that the Shangyang lineage is an innate race. It is neither a human race nor a monster race. If it is not my race, its heart must be different. !"

"It's too early to say, let's find that fat man first. If it's really a demon clan, Shangyang Yimai will be miserable this time!"

"Yeah, the Shangyang lineage is used to being strong, but once it really joins forces with the Yaozu, the Shangyang lineage will not be easy!"

"Shangyang's lineage belongs to the Xiantian lineage, so it shouldn't be united with the Yaozu, because in their view, the Yaozu are all bastards with impure blood!"


Many monks expressed their views on this matter, and then mobilized their forces to search for Li Fusheng and Fatty in the entire Immortal Star Universe.

If the Supreme Master had not participated in this matter, how could Fatty enter the Immortal Mang Xingyu as a demon clan?

However, after searching for two or three years in Xianmang Xingyu, there was no trace of Li Fusheng and Fatty at all.

The turmoil caused by Li Fusheng and Fatty gradually subsided, and many monks came up with Wang Changsheng's idea and returned to the city, waiting for Wang Changsheng to leave the city.

After waiting for another two years, if Kuixianlou hadn't confirmed that Wang Changsheng was still in the restaurant, everyone would have thought that Wang Changsheng had escaped.

At this time, news about Li Fusheng and Fatty spread again.

"Have you heard? The two monks of the Shangyang Royal Family and the Yaozu seem to have been discovered!"

"I've also heard that it was discovered in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, not far from us, but I think this kind of thing should not have much to do with monks like us!"

"How can it be unrelated? Fellow Daoist, you are from the Supreme Sect, right? Since you are from the Supreme Sect, this matter has a lot to do with you!"

"Forget it, go and have a look, just treat it as watching the excitement!"


The monks in the city began to disappear again, and the direction they rushed to was also the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu.

As long as they are monks of the supreme religion, almost all of them have dealt with the monster race, and they know that the monster race is not easy to provoke, but this is Xianmang Xingyu, even if the great master of the monster race comes here, he can only hate it the result of.

What's more, according to rumors, Li Fusheng and Fatty are only in the early stages of Venerable.


When many monks rushed to the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, there was a sound of the door opening.

A figure came out of the room, it was Wang Changsheng.


Wang Changsheng, who walked out of the room, felt that there were only two or three kittens left among the cultivators who were monitoring him. The one with the worst cultivation was only in the early stage of the Venerable, and he also showed a surprised look.

"Those people, aren't they going to attack me?" Wang Changsheng was puzzled.

What Wang Changsheng didn't know was that after staying in the city for so many years, many monks knew that Wang Changsheng had exchanged a large amount of fairy lights in the Treasure Pavilion, which was enough for cultivation. Of course, they understood Wang Changsheng's plan, which was to stay in the city for a long time up.

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