bang bang...

The roaring sound constantly trembled Wang Changsheng's dantian xingyu. With the continuous expansion of his dantian xingyu, the current Wang Changsheng did not go into the size of his dantian xingyu.

Because with the Jianmu seedlings, Dantian Xingyu didn't need Wang Changsheng to stabilize himself at all. As much as the Dantian Xingyu expanded, the Jianmu seedlings would move outward.

The greatest use of Jianmu seedlings now is not to provide vitality to Wang Changsheng, because the vitality in Wang Changsheng's body is always at its peak. This is also a gift to Wang Changsheng when Jianmu left.

As long as Wang Changsheng is not too seriously injured, this state can last at least for many years.

The most important thing for Jianmu Seedlings now is to help stabilize Xingyu Dantian and save Wang Changsheng's training time.


With a huge explosion, the entire dantian xingyu was swept away like a huge wave. Wherever it passed, the true essence was disordered and in a mess. However, the moment Wang Changsheng used the longevity kung fu, dantian xingyu instantly fell silent.

On the contrary, it was the divine treasure in the galaxy, which started to make trouble again.

ho ho ho..

The sacred treasure contained in the galaxy kept roaring.

"It's over!"

Wang Changsheng felt the soul contained in the galaxy, and his whole body was not well.

With the breakthrough in cultivation, Wang Changsheng also understood a truth, as his cultivation became stronger, the spirit he cultivated would also become stronger and stronger.

After the enlightenment of Jianmu's entry into Taoism, Wang Changsheng's gains were not as good as his own spiritual gains.

Of course, the soul is also owned by Wang Changsheng, and everything about the soul is equivalent to Wang Changsheng's. However, after so many years, after Wang Changsheng separated the soul, he turned it into a god, and he has never dared to integrate it. So, until now, Shenzangdu still exists independently.

Once a certain Heavenly King Changsheng can bear the realm of Shenzang, the promotion he can get is absolutely unimaginable.

" the future..."

Thinking of a certain possibility, Wang Changsheng's eyes shone with piercing brilliance.

The commotion caused by Shenzang was suppressed by Wang Changsheng.


Continuously absorbing the fairy light, he almost absorbed nearly a thousand fairy lights, and Wang Changsheng finally broke through to the late stage of the Venerable.

Although he had just stepped into the later stage of the Venerable, Wang Changsheng felt that his strength had increased by more than ten times.

Not only that, because of Jianmu's entry into Taoism, Wang Changsheng's perception of the realm is not bad at all. As soon as he stepped into the later stage of the Venerable, his realm was stable and his background was profound.

"The ancient method is too overbearing!"

Wang Changsheng sighed in his heart.

Breaking through from the middle stage of the Venerable to the late stage of the Venerable is only a small gap in the realm, and the strength Wang Changsheng displayed has at least increased dozens of times.

The current Wang Changsheng feels that if he unleashes his full strength, ordinary monks at the peak of the Venerable realm should not be his opponents. Even if he meets a strong man like Lin Jiuyuan again, he will not be as embarrassed as before.

However, Wang Changsheng didn't dare to go out of the city. What Wang Changsheng had to face now was not a single Venerable at the peak level, but hundreds of monks, among whom there were quite a few strong ones at the peak level of the Venerable.

"Only by breaking through to the extreme peak of the Venerable's peak realm can we truly protect ourselves in Xianmang Xingyu!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Ordinary supreme monks, in the celestial world, the middle stage of the venerable is enough to protect themselves, and the late stage of the venerable is a strong one, but Wang Changsheng is different...

Wang Changsheng's actions were too ostentatious, which aroused the covetousness of other monks, and it was difficult for the Venerable to protect himself in his later stage.

"However, if Huangquan and Jiuyou City are exposed now, there will be nothing to be afraid of in Xianmang Xingyu!"

Wang Changsheng said with certainty in his heart.

This is confidence in Huangquan and Jiuyou City, and even more confidence in one's own strength.

There is absolutely no doubt about Huang Quan's strength, even if it is a Dazun, as long as he is entangled by Huang Quan, if he fails to break free from Huang Quan, it will be the result of death and dao in the end.

As for Jiuyou City...

Wang Changsheng only used it once, which was to resist the storm in the ruins of the Three Immortals.

Although he didn't use Jiuyou City to defend against the enemy, Wang Changsheng was very sure that the power of Jiuyou City might be stronger than Huang Quan.

Seeing the Jianmu seedlings continue to stabilize the dantian Xingyu, there is no need to worry about it at all, and the problem of realm is also solved by the opportunity obtained by Jianmu's Taoism.

Wang Changsheng found that he didn't seem to need to do anything, all he needed to do was absorb the fairy lights.

"So, as long as there is enough fairy light, I can directly reach the peak of the Venerable?" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Wang Changsheng's guess is not wrong, Jianmu's opportunity to enter Taoism, and the entire era of the golden elixir technique, Wang Changsheng got such a big opportunity, a chance that even Dazun coveted, if Wang Changsheng can understand it thoroughly, although it is not enough to use it to enter Taoism , but there is absolutely no problem in becoming a titled Grand Master.

That is to say, Wang Changsheng's realm is too low to comprehend the mystery of Jianmu's entry into Taoism. After Wang Changsheng's cultivation base has improved, once he comprehends it, it will be a qualitative leap.

The only trouble is that heaven and earth don't like the ancient law.

Without Jianmu's help, it would have been even more difficult for Wang Changsheng to break through the realm.

For Wang Changsheng this time, the time of retreat is a process of breaking through the customs, but the time outside has already passed for nearly a year. If Wang Changsheng hadn't planned to stay for a long time and paid the rent in advance, he might have been forced to pay the rent in advance. Xianlou was kicked out.

Temporarily ending his closed-door training, Wang Changsheng walked out of the room and directly paid the ten-year rent. The next time he will practice, he will need to absorb more immortal lights, so he may spend a longer time in closed-door training.

"It seems... there are fewer monks following me?"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Two or three years of training, plus the wasted time in between, have passed for almost two or three years, and the commotion caused by Wang Changsheng has gradually faded away.

Of course, it wasn't that those cultivators had forgotten about Wang Changsheng, but from Wang Changsheng's appearance, he knew that Wang Changsheng planned to stay in the city for a long time, so naturally he didn't have to follow him for the time being.

Once Wang Changsheng showed signs of leaving, he might be hunted down instantly.

After paying the rent, Wang Changsheng didn't even bother to stroll around the city. Wang Changsheng went straight back to his room and took out his fairy lights to continue his cultivation.

This time, Wang Changsheng swallowed more fairy lights in one gulp, close to a hundred fairy lights, but the time it took for Wang Changsheng to absorb it also became longer.

The speed of absorbing the fairy light will become faster as the cultivation level increases, but Wang Changsheng absorbed the fairy light not by his own comprehension, but by understanding the fairy light and then suppressing it.

Even so, the speed at which Wang Changsheng absorbed the celestial light was more than a hundred times faster than that of ordinary monks in the late stage of the venerable.

According to this speed of absorption, it will not take long for Wang Changsheng to absorb the remaining 7000 celestial lights. As for whether he can break through to the peak of the Venerable, it depends on whether the remaining celestial lights are enough for Wang Changsheng to rush. closed?

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