A quasi-dao weapon is only worth more than a dozen immortal lights, and Wang Changsheng doesn't know what to say.

The long sword, the quasi-dao weapon, disappeared, and fourteen immortal lights appeared in front of Wang Changsheng, who was directly accepted by Wang Changsheng with a big hand.

There are still nine quasi-dao artifacts that have not been auctioned. Now is not the time to study the mystery of Xianmang.

The monk next to him also showed surprise when he saw Wang Changsheng put away the fourteen immortal lights. For monks in the early stage of the venerable, the quasi-dao weapon is definitely a very suitable magic weapon, and the long sword of the quasi-dao weapon level Not weak yet.

Unexpectedly, Wang Changsheng, a monk at the early stage of the Venerable, was able to take out a quasi-dao weapon for auction?

What does it mean?

It shows that Wang Changsheng has a better quasi-dao weapon.

"The origin is not simple!"

The monks around Wang Changsheng sighed in their hearts when they saw Wang Changsheng not looking sideways.

Everyone is from the Supreme Sect, and there are still many monks who do not have quasi-dao tools, but Wang Changsheng, a monk in the early stage of the Venerable Master, unexpectedly has extra quasi-dao tools for auction...

Why is the gap so big?

"Perhaps, he is the only child in the family!"

Many monks guessed in their hearts, and also pondered Wang Changsheng's origin.

Given their background, a few quasi-dao tools can still be produced, but in their ethnic group, he is not the only junior, there are many peers, and the treatment they enjoy is naturally impossible to be the only favorite. .

The monks around did not pay much attention to Wang Changsheng, because the next lot also appeared on the altar.

It is also a sword, and it is also a quasi-dao weapon, but it is a grade worse than the previous quasi-dao weapon long sword.

There are obviously more monks competing for the magic weapon in the shape of a long sword. This long sword finally sold for the price of eleven fairy glows.

"is acceptable..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

This quasi-dao artifact long sword also belonged to Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng took out ten quasi-dao artifacts in total, three of which were shaped like long swords, and the rest were quasi-dao artifacts of other shapes.

The second long sword, according to Wang Changsheng's estimation, is only about ten immortal lights. After all, this quasi-dao long sword can only break through the threshold of a quasi-dao weapon. I didn't expect to be able to shoot eleven fairy lights , has exceeded Wang Changsheng's expectations.

The long sword disappeared on the altar, and the fairy light also appeared in Wang Changsheng's hand, and was immediately put away by Wang Changsheng's big hand.

"It's his Taoist device again?"

"I've never seen this fellow daoist, who was able to put up two quasi-dao weapons for auction?"

"Another rich man, but in this fairy world, it's better not to reveal his wealth, or else..."

"This fellow daoist can take out two quasi-dao weapons for auction, so he must have something to rely on, and he is not afraid of you snatching them at all!"


The surrounding monks all showed surprise when they saw that the second quasi-dao weapon was also auctioned by Wang Changsheng.

Even many great lords, many of them are quasi-dao weapons. Wang Changsheng, a monk in the early stage of the venerable, barely stepped into the high-level threshold of the Nine Heavens Realm, and he was able to put up two quasi-dao weapons for auction, which is enough to attract everyone's attention. .

However, what happened next made the surrounding monks understand that they were still too young to understand Wang Changsheng at all.

More than two quasi-dao tools?

The eight quasi-dao tools that were auctioned off next, Xianmang all appeared in front of Wang Changsheng, and were put away with a wave of Wang Changsheng's big hand.

Ten handles!

Wang Changsheng auctioned off ten quasi-dao tools, which attracted the attention of many monks.

Even if it is a monk in the early stage of the great venerable, it is shocking to take out ten quasi-dao tools for auction, let alone Wang Changsheng who is only in the early stage of the venerable.

Those are ten quasi-dao tools!

How rich is this person to take out ten quasi-dao tools for auction?

Feeling that many monks were looking at him, Wang Changsheng didn't even care about the malice contained in some of the eyes. This place is in the city, and no hands are allowed, which greatly guarantees Wang Changsheng's safety.

As long as he obtains these celestial radiances, he can go one step further and reach the mid-term realm of the venerable, and Wang Changsheng will have the absolute power to protect himself in the celestial radiance.

As for leaving Xianmang Xingyu, that's the second uncle's business.

Not to mention ten quasi-dao tools, if Wang Changsheng wanted to sell them, he would have no problem bringing out ten more quasi-dao utensils.

The ten magic weapons sold more than 100 fairy glows, all of which were put away by Wang Changsheng. Now Wang Changsheng's net worth can be regarded as a small rich man.

After his ten quasi-dao tools were auctioned off, Wang Changsheng closed his eyes and stopped paying attention to the things that appeared on the altar.

Because, the items that can be freely auctioned by everyone are not very good treasures, they are all not used by themselves, and they are exchanged for Xianmang cultivation.

Wang Changsheng took out ten quasi-dao tools, which can be regarded as very good quality treasures.

On the contrary, many cultivators on the square have been focusing on Wang Changsheng, especially the surrounding cultivators, seeing that Wang Changsheng has received ten immortal glows, they are jealous...

"More than 100 immortal glows, if I can get them, it will be enough for me to cultivate to the later stage of the Venerable!"

"Ten Quasi-Tao Artifacts, I don't know what the origin is, I can take out ten Quasi-Tao Artifacts for auction, I want to snatch him..."

"If you can take out ten quasi-dao artifacts for auction, you must have better magic artifacts on your body. Maybe... there are dao artifacts..."

"Several juniors, keep an eye on him, I think the opportunity for us to break through should be on him!"


Many monks had bad thoughts about Wang Changsheng. They were sure that since Wang Changsheng took out ten quasi-dao weapons to bid for, he must have better quasi-dao weapons.

Even if you can't get a better quasi-dao weapon, you will definitely not lose if you snatch more than 100 immortal lights from Wang Changsheng's body.

This deal, no matter how it is done, is a bargain!

After doing some calculations, many monks are ready to plot against Wang Changsheng. As for who can get the most benefit in the end, it depends on each person's ability.

When things like Wang Changsheng happened, the time for the final free auction was obviously shortened a lot. The purpose of the free auction was nothing more than two, either for treasures or for immortals.

But now Wang Changsheng has no shortage of fairy lights, and treasures are a mystery. As long as he is strong, he can threaten Wang Changsheng, and he doesn't have to pay anything himself. Why not do it?

As for Wang Changsheng's background?

Everyone knows that it is definitely not easy, but no one is afraid. After all, the monks present are all from the supreme religion, and the background of the competition is not bad. No one is afraid of anyone.


At the end of the auction, the big formation covering the square disappeared with a roar. At the moment the big formation dissipated, many monks left directly. It was not that they were not interested in Wang Changsheng, but that they were also monks who participated in the auction. It's not small, and it's easy to be targeted by other monks.

Sure enough, quite a few monks followed suit, obviously trying to trick those monks who were rewarded.

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