Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1632 They Are All Rich People

"I still underestimated the value of this golden core!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

To Wang Changsheng's surprise, the final auction price for the golden pill of the Great Monarch of the Monster Race actually reached nearly four thousand immortal awns.

When many monks couldn't hold on to the auction, they lent the fairy lights in their hands to other people, and finally the fairy lights borrowed by the audience gathered in the hands of two monks.

Both of them had more than 3000 celestial glows in their hands. In the end, it was one of the monks who won the golden elixir of Yaozu Dazun with a difference of five celestial glows.

Originally, Wang Changsheng guessed that the price was less than a thousand, but now it has increased several times.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Zhou, next time Daoist Zhou is expected!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, this Golden Elixir is at least from a strong person in the late stage of the Great Senior. Once you understand it, you can smoothly cultivate all the way to the late stage of the Great Senior. Congratulations!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, after you break through, you will definitely have a place in the position of elder in Zhou Tiangong, so please take care of me in the future!"


Many monks cupped their fists to congratulate the monk who won the Golden Core.

"It turned out to be a monk from Zhou Tiangong..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

After Wang Changsheng came to the Nine Heavens Realm, he didn't come into contact with many supreme religions. Zhou Tiangong happened to be one of them that Wang Changsheng knew. When he was in the ancient city of the ruins of the Three Immortals, there were monks from Zhou Tiangong in it.

And the monk Zhou Tiangong who won the Golden Core is obviously much stronger than the leader of the Three Immortals Ruins.

And the other monk who didn't get the golden core showed a helpless look, and returned all the fairy lights that belonged to other monks in his hand one by one.

If he failed with a large amount of difference, maybe he would have thought about it a little bit, but it was only five immortal glows short, and such a small difference was indeed very embarrassing.

Thinking of the time when the fairy light was squandered, not to mention the five fairy lights, even the fifty fairy lights were not taken seriously. Today, because the five fairy lights lost the chance to defeat the lord, I felt depressed for a while.

"They are all wealthy people!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

During the auction, Wang Changsheng had been paying attention to those monks who were bidding. Most of them were monks above the Venerable's late stage stage.

Why Wang Changsheng pays attention to these people, probably only Wang Changsheng himself knows.

After the auction of the golden elixir of the Great Monarch of the Monster Race was completed, the altar shook in mid-air, but no treasure emerged.

"Free trading time is up!"

Many monks who have participated in it said in their hearts.

The most attractive part of the Zhang family's auction method is the final free auction time. Everyone will take out their own treasures, and they will eventually appear on the altar, and then the interested monks will quote. Moreover, the Zhang family does not Any fees will be drawn in the middle.

It is equivalent to the last free auction time without commission.

Afterwards, everyone saw a long knife appearing on the altar.

"My, my..."

Just as everyone was looking at the long knife, a monk in the early stage of the Venerable Master came out with an excited voice.

Every monk can put his own treasures on this altar, but only one piece will appear at a time. The auction time is half a stick of incense time. Once the auction fails, the magical artifact will return to the owner himself.

Everyone turned their attention to the yelling monk, because this long knife is an ordinary magic weapon, and it has not even stepped into the threshold of the quasi-dao weapon, so how dare you take it out for auction?

"Sorry, sorry..."

The monk in the early stage of the venerable said: "I'm hasty, I just put a magic weapon in order to save time..."

Even the young master, let alone the venerable, is not worth the price of this long saber, a magic weapon. Who would bid for it?

In the end, after half a stick of incense time, the magic weapon long knife disappeared on the altar, and the auction failed.

This is the free auction time. Even the Zhang family is not sure what the treasure is, and it may even be a pile of shit!

The second free auction item appeared, and it was also a long knife. However, this long knife barely stepped into the threshold of the quasi-dao weapon, but it was taken down. The transaction price was not high, only Jiu Dao Xian mango.

“Really cheap!”

Wang Changsheng frowned when he saw the auction price of the quasi-dao weapon long knife.

The long knife that was auctioned was not produced by Wang Changsheng, but the quasi-dao weapon that Wang Changsheng produced was not much higher in quality than this long knife.

Therefore, the long knife was only auctioned for nine immortal lights, and the price of the quasi-dao weapon that Wang Changsheng took out was at most between ten and thirteen immortal lights.

Wang Changsheng took out ten quasi-dao tools in total. Originally, Wang Changsheng thought that he could exchange for 150 immortal rays, but now it seems that it would be good to be able to exchange for 130 immortal rays.

Until now, Wang Changsheng has not experienced how mysterious the fairy glow is, so he is not sure why the fairy glow is so valuable. Anyway, now that the quasi-dao weapon has been taken out, let's take a step and see how much fairy glow can be exchanged for. It depends on the needs of Taoism.

In the following time, Wang Changsheng had seen what is called multifarious. On the magic weapon, swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks all appeared, and even a two-handed meteor sledgehammer appeared.

Some magic tools are at the level of quasi-dao tools, while others are not even at the level of quasi-dao tools, barely maintaining the level of ordinary magic tools.

Fortunately, on such an occasion, no one would use a mortal weapon to fool people, otherwise, they would really be laughed to death.

In addition to magic weapons, there are many kinds of precious medicines.

Great medicine, holy medicine, precious medicine...

Flowery ones, thorny ones, and even humanoid ones...

All kinds of treasures, some failed to sell, and some were sold at high prices. Wang Changsheng maintained a surprised look in the audience. Many things Wang Changsheng had never added, so he had gained knowledge.

"This trip, even if you don't sell many fairy lights, it will definitely not be a loss!"

Wang Changsheng said with a sigh in his heart.

Anyway, if the magic weapon cannot be auctioned, it will definitely be returned to him. The key is that he has gained so much knowledge, many of which are unknown to Wang Changsheng, which can be regarded as a very rewarding achievement.


When Wang Changsheng saw a long sword appearing on the altar, he also showed anticipation.

At the beginning of the free auction time, Wang Changsheng took out ten quasi-dao tools and put them in it. Unexpectedly, they did not appear until now, which means that before he took out the quasi-dao tools, there were more monks than him. The reaction is much faster.

This long sword was of the highest quality among the ten quasi-dao tools that Wang Changsheng took out.

Although the quality of this long sword was good, it did not fetch as high a price as Wang Changsheng imagined. Only fourteen celestial glows were auctioned.


Wang Changsheng sighed in his heart.

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