Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1618 A Little Difficult

What Lin Jiuyuan didn't know was that Wang Changsheng was able to arouse such majestic killing intent and evil spirit not because he killed many creatures.

From Wang Changsheng's practice until now, he hasn't been stained with much blood.

It's all Huangquan!

Wang Changsheng aroused the evil spirit in the underworld, and Lin Jiuyuan was impacted by the evil spirit, and the scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood kept appearing in his mind.

In fact, none of these belonged to Wang Changsheng, only the killing intent towards Lin Jiuyuan was erupted by Wang Changsheng himself.

Lin Jiuyuan killed Venerable Jingyu who was kind to him in teaching him, and Wang Changsheng was about to kill Lin Jiuyuan to avenge Venerable Jingyu.

"At first, I thought I couldn't meet him, but I didn't expect that now I'm standing in front of my eyes..."

Wang Changsheng said coldly.

Seeing that Lin Jiuyuan wanted to escape, Wang Changsheng would not let Lin Jiuyuan go like this.

With the use of Peng Strike, Wang Changsheng's speed skyrocketed again, reaching the limit. Of course, with the early stage of Venerable Wang Changsheng, even with the help of Peng Strike, the speed is only about the same as that of a strong person in the peak state of the Venerable.

As long as Wang Changsheng didn't have the means to trap Lin Jiuyuan, it would be impossible to kill Lin Jiuyuan when Lin Jiuyuan wanted to escape.

Of course, Wang Changsheng still has an advantage now, that is, in Lin Jiuyuan's cognition, he doesn't think Wang Changsheng can kill himself.

Lin Jiuyuan asked himself, how can he say that he is also the young master of the supreme religion. Among the monks of the same level, he is the best choice in terms of talent and background. Wang Changsheng is just a monk in the early stage of Shaozun. It's impossible for myself.

The reason why he ran away was because Lin Jiuyuan didn't want to fight Wang Changsheng to the death. Even if he killed Wang Changsheng in the end, he might be seriously injured. What's more, Lin Jiuyuan still couldn't figure out Wang Changsheng's origin.

We can only be sure of one thing, Wang Changsheng has a relationship with the Shangyang Li family, and the last thing the cultivators of the Xie Huo Sect want to provoke is the Shangyang Li family.

For a supreme religion like the Xiehuo Sect, they would rather choose to offend the Buddha Kingdom than the Shangyang Li family, unless...


It's not yet the point of no choice, Lin Jiuyuan doesn't want to get entangled with Wang Changsheng anymore.

"Can you run away?"

Wang Changsheng looked at Lin Jiuyuan's retreating steps with a sneer in his eyes.

When he hadn't sacrificed to Huangquan, Wang Changsheng really had no intention of fighting Lin Jiuyuan to the death. Now that he had sacrificed to Huangquan, it would be a big loss if Lin Jiuyuan was allowed to run away.

What's more, Lin Jiuyuan is powerful, even if Lin Jiuyuan survives in the end, Wang Changsheng will let Lin Jiuyuan take off a layer of skin!

Regarding Lin Jiuyuan, Wang Changsheng already had the heart of killing him. If he couldn't kill Lin Jiuyuan today, he would kill Lin Jiuyuan in the future.

After chasing after him, at the same time, Wang Changsheng waved his right hand, all the evil spirit and killing intent, when Wang Changsheng swung his arm, turned into a two-handed broadsword, appearing on Wang Changsheng's right hand.

I saw the two-handed broadsword showing a dark red color, which looked particularly pervasive!

"What magic weapon is this?"

Lin Jiuyuan felt the pressure of Wang Changsheng's sword, and his whole body felt frightened. This was the first time Lin Jiuyuan had such a feeling after he had cultivated to the peak of the Venerable.

Even when facing Venerable Jingyu last time, Lin Jiuyuan didn't feel this way.

You know, Venerable Jingyu is a veteran Venerable, and his cultivation has reached the late stage of Venerable Jingyu. If Venerable Jingyu hadn't relied on the skill of accumulating sword peaks, Lin Jiuyuan would be sure to kill Venerable Jingyu within ten moves.

Even Venerable Jingyu fell on Lin Jiuyuan, but facing the successor of Venerable Jingyu, Lin Jiuyuan felt that his life was seriously threatened.

Flame knife!

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Jiuyuan stopped running away. He felt that if he continued to run away, he would definitely be hit by Wang Changsheng's sword. Lin Jiuyuan was not sure that he could resist the sword.

Therefore, Lin Jiuyuan planned to fight with the flame knife. Even if the flame knife is not the opponent, it can weaken the power of Wang Changsheng's sword, and it will be much easier to resist it when the time comes.


When the Langcang sword collided with the flame knife, there was a roaring sound, and the flames splashed everywhere. The flame knife collapsed directly under Wang Changsheng's sword.

"Tao artifact?"

Lin Jiuyuan saw the flame knife collapse. Although he had expected that his flame knife would not be the opponent of Wang Changsheng's sword, but he didn't expect that it would collapse directly?

"Not a magic weapon?"

Wang Changsheng looked at the dissipated flame knife, also showing a surprised expression.

Seeing Lin Jiuyuan using the Flaming Saber many times, Wang Changsheng originally thought that the Flaming Saber was a saber-like magic weapon with spells added, but at the moment when a sword shattered the Flaming Saber, Wang Changsheng immediately understood that the Flaming Saber was not a magic weapon at all, just It is a technique.

The might of the Langcang sword was blocked by the flame knife. After the flame knife collapsed, the power had weakened a bit. In the end, Lin Jiuyuan threw a compass to block the power of the Langcang sword.

Although the compass blocked the power of the Langcang sword, cracks appeared on the compass, and within a short time, the compass was useless.

Being able to block the Langcang sword is enough to show that this compass is not easy.

call out!

The blow did not cause any injuries to Lin Jiuyuan, and Wang Changsheng's figure kept flickering. While retreating, he was able to ensure that he could chase Lin Jiuyuan and stand at a distance that could be attacked, retreated and defended.

This distance, for Wang Changsheng, can advance, attack, retreat and defend, and it is the same for Lin Jiuyuan. Even, Lin Jiuyuan's cultivation level far exceeds Wang Changsheng. Within this distance, Lin Jiuyuan has more advantages.

However, Lin Jiuyuan looked at the Langcang sword in Wang Changsheng's hand with burning eyes at this moment, without concealing his greed at all.

The Xiehuo Cult always liked to rob houses, and if they were ruthless, even Qiu Feng from the Supreme Cult would dare to fight. Now that Lin Jiuyuan saw the Taoist artifact in Wang Changsheng's hand, he naturally wanted to snatch it.

"Have the opportunity..."

On guard, after some thinking, Lin Jiuyuan definitely has a chance to snatch the Langcang Sword. Although he has no Taoist weapon to counter the Langcang Sword, his cards are definitely not weak.

Lin Jiuyuan looked at the guarded Wang Changsheng, and thought to himself, "We can only catch him by surprise and suppress him in an instant!"

Lin Jiuyuan knew Wang Changsheng's speed and strength. The reason why Wang Changsheng didn't do anything at this moment was also because he was afraid of Lin Jiuyuan's strength. To be precise, he was afraid of Lin Jiuyuan's trump card.

As the young master of the Evil Fire Sect, it is impossible not to have a hole card!

Lin Jiuyuan originally considered that in order to kill Wang Changsheng, a monk in the early stage of the Venerable, it was not worth exposing his hole cards. After all, some hole cards can only be used once.

But now, with the Langcang Sword, Lin Jiuyuan felt it was worth it.

Wang Changsheng and Lin Jiuyuan had the same purpose, seeking an opportunity to suppress Lin Jiuyuan for a moment, and Lin Jiuyuan must not be allowed to sacrifice his backhand.

"It's a little hard!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

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