The sword is so fierce that even the surrounding Xingyu is filled with a sword's momentum, but it is not the Langcang sword sacrificed by Wang Changsheng.

At this time, Lin Jiuyuan no longer had the determination to kill Wang Changsheng, so Wang Changsheng didn't plan to sacrifice the Langcang sword for the time being.

When meeting someone as strong as Lin Jiuyuan, under such circumstances, he can just use Lin Jiuyuan to polish his strength and skills.

Sword Peak Art!

What Wang Changsheng sacrificed was exactly the sword peak technique taught by Venerable Jingyu.

When Venerable Jingyu taught the sword peak technique, he was already a strong man in the realm of the Venerable, even in the ranks of the Venerable, he was still a very powerful existence.

Therefore, Wang Changsheng was greatly shocked by the sword's edge technique at that time.

Even though Wang Changsheng is now a strong man in the realm of the venerable, but compared with the venerable Jingyu's sword peak technique, his own sword edge technique is several grades behind.

Wang Changsheng was very sure that Lin Jiuyuan would be in danger if Venerable Jingyu was using the sword at this moment.

Because, after the successful cultivation of the sword peak technique, apart from the comprehension of the way of the sword, the most important thing is the accumulation of time.

Wang Changsheng has used the Langcang Sword for so many years, and his understanding of the way of the sword is not bad. In addition, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and his understanding of the way of the sword is even more subtle.

However, Wang Changsheng's time to practice the art of the sword is still short, and the cultivation of Jianfeng is not as good as that of Venerable Jingyu. This is the gap with Venerable Jingyu.

"Sword art?"

When Lin Jiuyuan saw Wang Changsheng's sword-edge technique, he immediately expressed surprise: "How do you know the sword-edge technique?"

Hearing Lin Jiuyuan's words, Wang Changsheng frowned.

According to what Venerable Jingyu said, this sword edge technique is a technique inherited from the sect of Venerable Jingyu, but that sect has been destroyed, and Venerable Jingyu has no sect views.

Venerable Jingyu passed this technique on to Wang Changsheng, hoping that the technique of sword edge would be carried forward.

It can be said that in the entire Nine Heavens Realm, there are only two monks who practice the sword edge technique, one of them is Venerable Jingyu, and the other is Wang Changsheng.

Even Venerable Jingyu's younger brother has not practiced the art of sword sharpening.

How did Lin Jiuyuan recognize that this is the technique of sword edge?

"You know?" Wang Changsheng asked with a frown, but the sword's edge technique stopped for a while.

"I must know!" Lin Jiuyuan said with a sneer: "It turns out that you have also obtained the inheritance technique of that old man Jingyu!"


As soon as Lin Jiuyuan's voice fell, Wang Changsheng directly controlled the sword peak technique to fall, and slammed it on Lin Jiuyuan's body.

Judging from the tone of Lin Jiuyuan's speech, it is known that Lin Jiuyuan and Venerable Jingyu are at odds, and Wang Changsheng still respects Venerable Jingyu from the bottom of his heart, so...

bang bang...

The sword's edge technique kept crushing Lin Jiuyuan, and the huge sword power kept impacting Lin Jiuyuan, but Wang Changsheng's time to cultivate the sword's edge technique was too short, and his power was limited, so he couldn't pose too much threat to Lin Jiuyuan.

At this moment, Lin Jiuyuan resisted the sword's edge technique. Although it seemed easy, he was actually a little stretched, but he couldn't show it, otherwise he would be discovered by Wang Changsheng.

"What is the origin of this person?"

The biggest doubt in Lin Jiuyuan's mind was Wang Changsheng's identity.

From meeting Wang Changsheng to the current fight, Lin Jiuyuan saw Wang Changsheng with some of the descendants of the mountain patroller, and at first thought that Wang Changsheng was the descendant of the mountain patroller.

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng showed his true body of Huofeng, and Lin Jiuyuan believed that Wang Changsheng was a member of the Li family in Shangyang.

Now, Wang Changsheng demonstrated the sword edge technique again, which should have been inherited by Venerable Jingyu.

There are already three different identities in the magic techniques shown by Wang Changsheng, and Lin Jiuyuan can't figure out Wang Changsheng's origin. Of course, the identity that Lin Jiuyuan is most afraid of is the inheritor of Venerable Jingyu.


Because Venerable Jingyu died in the hands of Lin Jiuyuan!

"Don't waste your energy!" Lin Jiuyuan said while resisting the sword's edge technique, "Even Venerable Jingyu died in my hands, you are just his inheritor!"

"What's more, compared with Venerable Jingyu's sword edge technique, you don't know how many grades are worse!"

When Lin Jiuyuan fought with Venerable Jingyu, he saw the power of the sword's edge. With Lin Jiuyuan's strength, after killing Venerable Jingyu, he was also seriously injured and recuperated for a long time.


Hearing Lin Jiuyuan's words, Wang Changsheng's expression immediately changed, and even the sword's edge technique collapsed instantly under Wang Changsheng's emotional changes.

"You killed Venerable Jingyu?" Wang Changsheng looked at Lin Jiuyuan and said word by word, his eyes full of killing intent.

On the bright side, Venerable Jingyu is Wang Changsheng's master, although Wang Changsheng does not agree that Venerable Jingyu is his master, but Venerable Jingyu has taught Wang Changsheng the art of sword edge, and he is also good to Wang Changsheng, and carefully guides Wang Changsheng in cultivation.

Wang Changsheng respected Venerable Jingyu very much.

Therefore, when he was at Qingshan Gate, Wang Changsheng was also very angry when he heard that Venerable Jingyu died in the battle world, but Wang Changsheng did not have the strength to take revenge, so he could only bury it deeply in his heart.

Even Wang Changsheng himself didn't expect that he would meet the person who beheaded and killed Venerable Jingyu in this fairy world?


Lin Jiuyuan said with a sneer.

Lin Jiuyuan felt that when he admitted it, Wang Changsheng's emotions had already begun to riot. Lin Jiuyuan was stronger than Wang Changsheng, and he was not afraid of Wang Changsheng's riot, but hoped so.

Because once the emotions are out of control, even the battle will lose its tricks, which is why many monks with similar strengths first attack their hearts before fighting.

For Lin Jiuyuan, this moment is equivalent to a successful heart attack. If so, Wang Changsheng's strength will definitely be greatly reduced.

"You...damn it!"

Wang Changsheng's expression was cold and stern, and the power of his expression erupted again. Compared with just now, it erupted to a higher level. Moreover, a strong killing intent was so substantive that it turned into blood and spread towards Lin Jiuyuan.


Sensing the substantial killing intent around him, Lin Jiuyuan's expression immediately changed: "How many creatures did you kill to have such a killing intent?"

Along the way, Lin Jiuyuan also killed many monks, and even fought some clan extermination battles against some monks. However, Lin Jiuyuan could not condense any real killing intent.

What's more, there is a majestic evil spirit in this killing intent. Just being impacted by this evil spirit, Lin Jiuyuan's mind is affected as if he saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"not good!"

Lin Jiuyuan immediately decided: "Leave first!"

Lin Jiuyuan didn't expect that such a situation would happen after Wang Changsheng lost control of his emotions?

With such a strong killing intent and evil spirit, if you really fight head-on, you will definitely not be able to please.

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