Wild Romance

Chapter 194

Huang Jingrui, who was about to leave the court, saw that Zhang Lingpu still had something to do, so he said annoyedly: "General Zhang, if you have something to do, hurry up and get it together. Just now, when the lonely king asked who else had something to do, you were looking around!"

Zhang Lingpu looked embarrassed, and said: "The officer just remembered! So I hurried—"

When the ministers saw that the king was about to say that he was going to retire, they thought in their hearts that they were finally going to retreat. This morning until now, they hadn't had a break, so they were about to turn around and leave.

Li Chaoqian also gave Zhang Lingpu a disgusted look.

Huang Jingrui said: "What's the matter, just tell me directly! You see, the ministers have not had a rest since this morning, and they are about to go back, but they have to stay!"

Zhang Lingpu said: "It is Wei Xiaoping's business to return to His Majesty the King!"

Huang Jingrui saw that it was a matter of playing with Wei Xiaoping, and thought to himself, Wei Xiaoping is now a guilty person, what else can he do?Even if there is something to do, it's none of the business of the ministers, so he said to the ministers below: "My dear ministers, it's nothing to do with you, all my dear ministers, let's go first!"

Li Chaoqian just heard that Zhang Lingpu said that it was related to Wei Xiaoping, and he thought to himself, Wei Xiaoping has been punished by the king, and now he is a guilty person, and has been reduced to an ordinary soldier. He is not even qualified to enter the palace, what else can he do? thing?Could it be that Zhang Lingpu wanted to intercede for Wei Xiaoping?

Li Chaoqian was thinking like this, and was about to say something, but when he saw what the king said, he felt embarrassed, and couldn't think of an excuse to stay, and wanted to hear what Zhang Lingpu wanted to do with Wei Xiaoping.

Therefore, Li Chaoqian had to go out with the ministers.

Seeing that all the ministers had left, Huang Jingrui said, "General Zhang, what's the matter, tell me quickly, the lonely king hasn't had a rest since the early court until now!"

Zhang Lingpu looked back and said, "Back to Your Majesty, more than half of Wei Xiaoping's contribution to subduing Wei Zhong and those ten wolf eagles this time is due to Wei Xiaoping's contribution. The Nether Dog has a huge combat power, even stronger than those wolf eagles. Now two Nether Dogs have joined my Qingfeng Kingdom as soldiers of my Qingfeng Kingdom, and the ten wolf eagles and Wei Zhong have also surrendered to me. The Qingfeng Kingdom has greatly improved the combat effectiveness of my Qingfeng army, and this is inseparable from Wei Xiaoping."

After hearing this, Huang Jingrui said, "General Zhang meant to let the lonely king reward Wei Xiaoping for his meritorious deeds?"

Zhang Lingpu said: "Since Wei Xiaoping entered our Qingfeng country and became a general, due to the dangerous geographical environment of our Qingfeng country, it is easy to defend and difficult to succeed, plus the land is wide and fertile, and the people are hardworking, making our country rich in production. It made other gangs around and the other three countries covet our land, so the enemy troops often invaded after a long time. Therefore, General Wei Xiaoping has often led troops to attack the enemy country for so many years, and has accumulated countless military exploits. The battle of Twin Peaks -"

Huang Jingrui heard what Zhang Lingpu said and knew what he meant, so he said: "General Zhang, the lonely king understands what you said. General Zhang wanted to ask the lonely king if he could use this time to subdue Wei Zhong and that The ten wolf eagles, and the two ghost dogs he brought back from the underworld as a credit, are part of his crimes worth it?"

Zhang Lingpu said Zhang: "Your Majesty, just imagine, since General Wei Xiaoping entered our Qingfeng country, he has been a deputy general. He has not been demoted for so many years. And this time the battle under the Twin Peaks, Because he accidentally made this small mistake and was demoted to an ordinary soldier, just imagine, a person who is used to being a general is suddenly demoted to an ordinary soldier. Fang, has rich experience in war. In the past, every time before our Qingfeng country sent troops to the battlefield, all the generals and deputy generals would discuss together. Every time Wei Xiaoping put forward a battle plan, it played a very important role. Now he is demoted to an ordinary soldier. , when wars come in the future, we want to discuss with him how to fight..."

After hearing this, Huang Jingrui understood what Zhang Lingpu meant, and said, "General Zhang, you don't need to go on. The lonely king understands what General Zhang means! General Wei Xiaoping, since entering our Qingfeng country, the wisdom he has shown, all the sacrifices he has made , The meritorious service established, why didn’t the lonely king see it? The lonely king will remember it! General Zhang, please rest assured! The reason why the lonely king demoted Wei Xiaoping to an ordinary soldier this time is that the lonely king has his own intentions.”

Hearing what Huang Jingrui said, Zhang Lingpu guessed in his heart, what exactly is Huang Jingrui's intention?Wei Xiaoping has been demoted to ordinary soldiers, and he has no power at all. What else can Wei Xiaoping do in the future?

Huang Jingrui saw that Zhang Lingpu was in a daze, and said, "General Zhang, is there anything else you want to do?"

When Zhang Lingpu was asked such a question by Huang Jingrui, he was taken aback from a daze, and said, "Since His Majesty has his own intentions in demoting Wei Xiaoping as an ordinary soldier, then I have nothing to do with you. I will resign!"

As Zhang Lingpu said, he turned around and was about to leave.

Huang Jingrui immediately said: "General Zhang, go out and help the Gu Wang to invite Wei Xiaoping into the palace for a while, the Gu Wang has something to say to him!"

When Zhang Lingpu heard that Huang Jingrui had invited Wei Xiaoping into the palace alone, he was secretly delighted, thinking, could it be that His Majesty demoted Wei Xiaoping, and there are really better things for Wei Xiaoping to do?

Zhang Lingpu immediately said: "Yes! I will take my leave!" As Zhang Lingpu said, he turned and walked out of the palace.

Huang Jingrui stared at Zhang Lingpu who was walking out of the palace, suddenly remembered something, and shouted: "General Zhang, please stay!"

Zhang Lingpu stopped immediately, walked towards Huang Jingrui, and asked, "What orders does Your Majesty have?"

Huang Jingrui said: "Gu Wang remembers, General Zhang Xiaoyan is the daughter of General Zhang, right?"

"Yes! The lower officials are ineffective in teaching and made mistakes, so they should be punished!" Zhang Lingpu said in an apologetic tone.

Huang Jingrui said: "General Zhang Xiaoyan, how old is this year? Gu Wang guesses, isn't it too young?"

Zhang Lingpu said, "It's already 23 years old."

Huang Jingrui said: "Well! At this age, according to this age, she should have started a family long ago! Does she have someone in mind?"

Zhang Lingpu thought to himself, what is His Majesty doing today?Suddenly concerned about my daughter's marriage!Do you want to give my daughter a marriage? "

Zhang Lingpu said: "Your Majesty, Zhang Xiaoyan is the only daughter of the minister. She was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and has a rebellious personality. She often hides her head in her words and actions. I don't know if she has someone in mind!" Zhang Lingpu said Saying this, Zhang Xiaoyan has known Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan since she was a child, and often played together. After joining the army, they often led troops to fight together and helped each other.

In Zhang Lingpu's mind, Wei Xiaoping is a very good boy, smart, calm, caring and compassionate for his soldiers, and also a proud disciple of Master Xuanzhe, almost all of whom have been taught by Master Xuanzhe, with high martial arts skills and outstanding mana In less than ten years after joining the army in Qingfeng country, she has made great achievements, and has been appreciated by His Majesty. She has a bright future; and her daughter Zhang Xiaoyan is also good, and she is also very intelligent. Practicing martial arts is just a different master. In Qingfeng country, he was able to sit on the position of lieutenant general based on his own ability.In Zhang Lingpu's mind, Zhang Xiaoyan and Wei Xiaoping are a natural match, and he very much hopes that Zhang Xiaoyan's future husband will be Wei Xiaoping.

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