Wild Romance

Chapter 193

Zhang Lingpu, the king and the officials heard from Wei Zhong that there were at least 5000 ferocious birds and beasts that had been trained in the Wanshou Yao State, and they were all very surprised.

At least 5000 or more, what about the most?How much is this?What's more, they are all trained, and their combat effectiveness must be extremely strong. What's more, the king Zhang Tongming and his concubine Tao Wenyun taught some monsters their magic skills!It is self-evident that the combat power and lethality of a monster capable of sorcery are self-evident.

The ministers felt a little uneasy when they thought of this.

Hearing this, Zhang Lingpu also felt that his emotions were fluctuating a bit. Wanshou Yao Guoguang has trained at least [-] to [-] ferocious beasts of all sizes. The trained ferocious beasts are not only more lethal than usual It is several times as high as that of the Qingfeng country, and its intelligence has also been greatly improved. If it is suddenly attacked by so many ferocious birds and beasts with high IQ, the only [-] soldiers in my Qingfeng country may not be able to stop them, let alone the beasts. There are other human soldiers in the Kingdom of Beasts. Although it is not known how many human soldiers there are in the Kingdom of Beasts and Demons, they have sneaked into the wild continent for decades to plunder people, and the people who were plundered in the past settled and bred there. , at least in tens of thousands, right?

Zhang Lingpu suddenly thought of Wei Zhong's ten wolf sculptures, and asked, "The ten monster wolf sculptures you brought today, why did you call them wolf sculptures? What do their heads and legs look like?" Like a wild beast? But with a body like an eagle?"

Wei Zhong said: "Back to the king, back to the general, the monsters I brought today are called wolf eagles, because they are produced by the mating of ferocious wolves and giant eagles."

Hearing this, the king and his officials were all surprised. There is such a case of mating birds and beasts in the world?Isn't this against the law of heaven?Also, how do birds and beasts reproduce?What is the name of the bastard born?Wolf eagle?I think it's animals.

Zhang Lingpu said again: "Wei Zhong, judging from your many years of animal training, what is the combat effectiveness of your ten wolf eagles? How many beasts are there in the Ten Thousand Beast Kingdom?"

Wei Zhongdao: "Return to the general, with the combat power of an adult wolf carving, one can kill hundreds of soldiers without feeling tired. If you can kill it and fall down, you can kill thousands of soldiers in a row!"

Everyone opened their mouths wide in fright when they heard that this kind of wolf eagle could kill thousands of soldiers at a time, as if they were skeptical of what Wei Zhong said.

Some ministers muttered and said, it's really useless to blow the cannon!One beast can kill thousands of soldiers at a time, so today General Zhang only brought out more than 200 soldiers, and Wei Xiaoping only brought two three-headed strange dogs, you Wei Zhong, and your eleven beasts Was surrendered?

Li Chaoqian said: "You are a defeated general. You are so shameless. If this is the case, why did you and your ten beasts be defeated by our General Zhang so quickly? ——Your Majesty, the officials think that what this person said , It’s unbelievable! It’s already fallen into our hands, and you’re still talking so arrogantly, just pull it out and behead it!”

Huang Jingrui also felt that what Li Chaoqian said was reasonable, so he shouted: "Come here, pull this defeated general out and behead him!"

Seeing that Huang Jingrui was angry and wanted to kill Wei Zhong, Zhang Lingpu immediately said: "Your Majesty, wait a moment, I have something to say!"

"General Zhang, why did you stop the lonely king from beheading this guy? Could it be that he was telling the truth?"

When Wei Zhong heard that Li Chaoqian and Huang Jingrui were going to pull him to behead him, he immediately trembled with fright, thinking to himself, am I not telling the truth?The reason why I was defeated so quickly by you this time is that you shot my wolf eagle with that kind of rocket, and the wolf eagle was burned by fire, so it was forced to land in the pond of Jiangjia Village, and then came the fire-breathing one called The rhubarb monsters wanted to burn them with fire, and Wei Xiaoping and General Zhang agreed to take me and my wolf eagle in, so I was willing to surrender. If you don’t have this kind of fiery arrows and the fire-breathing rhubarb monster, you You may not be able to beat us!

Zhang Lingpu said: "His Majesty the King, through fighting and observing the ten wolf eagles of Wei Zhong today, these wolf eagles of Wei Zhong are indeed powerful in combat. This strength is for ordinary soldiers."

Huang Jingrui said, "Ordinary soldiers? What do you mean? If they are ordinary soldiers, can each of them kill thousands of soldiers?"

Zhang Lingpu said: "Yes!"

Huang Jingrui said, "Hmph, what common law? Are soldiers called ordinary soldiers without any weapons in their hands?"

Zhang Lingpu said: "Except for ordinary weapons, there are no magic weapons or other weapons. It's like today's competition between the ghost dog and horse boss and those soldiers."

Hearing this, Huang Jingrui seemed to understand, and said: "Oh! This is powerful enough! — General Zhang, since these ten wolf eagles are so powerful, you can decide whether to keep them or cut them off! This Wei Zhong I will leave the life and death power of those ten wolf eagles to you, I believe you will make a good choice!"

Li Chaoqian on the side heard this and wanted to say something, but seeing Huang Jingrui said so, he had to give up.

As soon as Zhang Lingpu heard from the king, Wei Zhong and the ten wolf eagles had the right to life and death.The full power was given to him, and I felt a burst of joy in my heart, and I immediately knelt down.

"Yes, Your Majesty, since this is the case, I think it is acceptable to accept the surrender of Wei Zhong and the ten wolf eagles, so as to immediately increase the combat effectiveness of our troops." Zhang Lingpu said.

Huang Jingrui said: "Okay, General Zhang, just figure it out! You can ask Wei Zhong now!"

Zhang Lingpu composed and said: "Yes, Your Majesty the King!" Then he turned around and faced Wei Zhong.

"Wei Zhong!" Zhang Lingpu shouted.

Wei Zhong responded, "Wei Zhong is here!"

"Why don't you hurry up and thank the king for agreeing to take you in!?" Zhang Lingpu said.

Only then did Wei Zhong suddenly realize that he immediately bowed down and kowtowed nine times: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for taking in! Thank you, Your Majesty, for taking in! I, Wei Zhong, swear from now on, from now on, as long as His Majesty needs it, no matter what I do, No matter what I do, whether there is any danger, I will jump through fire and water, and I will not hesitate!"

Huang Jingrui laughed loudly after hearing this, and said: "Wei people please stand up. As long as you work hard to kill the enemy in my Qingfeng country and make great achievements, my Qingfeng Congress will reward you for your merits."

After Huang Jingrui finished speaking, the ministers immediately shouted: "Congratulations to His Majesty the King for accepting a new general, Congratulations to His Majesty the King for accepting a new general!"

Wei Zhong knelt down again and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, I will obey all orders of His Majesty the King and General Zhang, and be ready to contribute everything to His Majesty the King and to protect the security of our Qingfeng country!"

Zhang Lingpu waited for Wei Zhong to finish speaking, immediately called him up, and waited for him outside the palace gate with the ten wolf eagles.

Seeing that Wei Zhong and his ten wolf eagles had been surrendered, Huang Jingrui said, "My dear ministers, is there anything else you want to join?"

The ministers immediately looked left and right to see if anyone was still doing something.

Seeing that no one wanted to join in, Huang Jingrui was about to talk about retiring from the imperial court when Zhang Lingpu suddenly remembered that his beloved daughter Zhang Xiaoyan had reminded him to tell Wei Xiaoping in front of the king that Wei Zhong and his ten wolves could be subdued today. The eagle is the credit of Wei Xiaoping. Let's see if the king can reward Xiaoping, or make up for part of the crime.

At this time, when Huang Jingrui was about to raise his hand and say to retreat, Zhang Lingpu immediately knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I still have something to do!"

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