Wild Romance

Chapter 191 Interrogating Wei Zhong

Chapter 190 Interrogating Wei Zhong

Wu Wenbin said: "Your Majesty, although I don't know whether there is such a thing as a hell in this world, I think that even if there is, it will be the same as the Yang world we are in. Things can be divided into good and evil. Since the hell There is also a distinction between good and evil, and Wei Xiaoping said that these two ghost dogs were seen by Lord Yama who had done a lot of good deeds in the previous life. Seeing that they are so conscientious, the prince praised them very much, so he arranged for them to accompany Wei Xiaoping back to our Qingfeng country and assist Wei Xiaoping in defending our Qingfeng country, which is enough to show that these two ghost dogs are auspicious things!"

Li Chaoqian said: "Although what Mr. Wu said is reasonable, it's just your assumption, and you haven't experienced anything in the underworld. How can you prove that these two ghost dogs are auspicious things? Besides, Wei Xiaoping said that, It’s just that he knows it alone, and no one has personally seen the underworld with him! Since no one can prove that these two three-headed monsters came from the underworld, and no one can prove that they are auspicious objects, who knows? How did Wei Xiaoping get these two things? Who can guarantee that these two monsters are auspicious things? What's more, Wei Xiaoping is now a guilty person. Believe me! Therefore, I think it is better to be cautious about accepting ghost dogs!"

Huang Jingrui said: "What Master Li Chaoqian said seems to be reasonable. Master Wu Wenbin, what do you think?"

Wu Wenbin said: "Your Majesty the King, whether these two ghost dogs are auspicious or evil, you can see their performance today, don't you know? Look at it and the soldiers outside at noon During the competition, there was a sudden attack by monsters from the Beast Kingdom. Didn't Wei Xiaoping take two ghost dogs out to fight against the enemy? Just now General Zhang Lingpu came back and said that the two ghost dogs also defeated four wolf eagles? Since this is the case, can't it prove that these two ghost dogs are auspicious things? Can't it prove that these two ghost dogs are suitable to help us fight against the enemy?"

Huang Jingrui heard what Wu Wenbin said, nodded and said: "Master Wu Wenbin is also reasonable, after all, General Zhang Lingpu has proved that these two ghost dogs also helped Wei Xiaoping defeat the four wolf eagles, the facts have already been revealed .”

Seeing what the king said, all the ministers nodded in agreement with Huang Jingrui's words, and also agreed with what Wu Wenbin said.

When Li Chaoqian saw what the king said, all the ministers nodded in agreement. He felt embarrassed and said, "Anyway, I think that before there is no third party to prove that these two three-headed monsters came from the underworld, are they really brought by Wei Xiaoping?" Before you come, it's better to be cautious!"

Wu Wenbin said: "Anyway, the arrival of these two ghost dogs, at least up to now, has not done anything harmful to our Qingfeng country, and they also assisted Wei Xiaoping and General Zhang Lingpu in defeating four monsters. What's more, when they competed with the soldiers at noon, a single ghost dog defeated 150 soldiers without any effort. This shows how powerful their fighting power is. And that ghost dog was fighting against When the soldiers competed, in order not to let them hurt each other, we also set up the rules of the competition. Under the restrictions of the rules, the ghost dog still easily defeated 150 soldiers. If there were no restrictions on the rules on the battlefield , let the ghost dog display its combat power, let alone know how strong its combat power is. Therefore, Your Majesty, I believe that the arrival of these two ghost dogs will greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of our Qingfeng country , so that our country's national defense power has been greatly improved!"

When Huang Jingrui heard what Wu Wenbin said, he nodded with joy and said, "Master Wu Wenbin is right! Anyway, these two ghost dogs have not shown that they have done anything detrimental to our country. He also helped General Zhang and Wei Xiaoping defeat the monsters that attacked Jiangjia Village. More importantly, if these two ghost dogs join our Qingfeng Kingdom, it will greatly enhance our Qingfeng Kingdom's military strength! This is a great thing! Therefore, Regarding the matter of taking in the two ghost dogs, the lonely king thinks that he should observe for a while before making a decision!"

Seeing Huang Jingrui's happy face, the ministers all shouted: "The ministers wait for second!"

After Huang Jingrui finished speaking, he looked outside the door and said, "General Zhang Lingpu, why hasn't he brought the prisoners back for so long? And Wei Xiaoping is missing?"

Just as he was saying this, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the door: "General Zhang Lingpu is here!"

After a while, Zhang Lingpu walked in with a man who was tied up.

The officials looked at the bound man, and saw that the bound man had hair like a bird's nest, a burly figure, and his entire upper body was wearing a piece of clothing made of animal skin. However, there were several holes and a lot of wear and tear. It seems that this animal skin clothing has been used for some years; the lower body is a pair of trousers woven from countless leaves and some hemp ropes. Although the trousers are made of leaves It is woven with Macheng, but because of the meticulous handwork, it looks very delicate; although the skin on the hands, feet and face is dark, but the limbs are well developed, the eyebrows are thick, the face is wide and the mouth is square, the thick nose is straight, and it looks handsome. .

Zhang Lingpu lightly pressed the bound person, and softly shouted: "Kneel down!"

After kneeling the prisoner, Zhang Lingpu immediately said to Huang Jingrui: "Your Majesty, bring the prisoner here!"

Huang Jingrui nodded and waved his hand, motioning for Zhang Lingpu to stand aside, staring at the kneeling Wei Zhong, shouting, "Who is here? Tell us your name! Why are you here in Qingfeng Country?"

Wei Zhong said: "Your Majesty, my sinner, Wei Zhong, came from the Ten Thousand Beast and Monster Kingdom thousands of miles away. This time I came to Qingfeng Country because I was forced by the evil king of the Ten Thousand Beast and Monster Kingdom to arrest some villagers. Take them back to the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Kingdom, and become soldiers or citizens of the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Kingdom."

Huang Jingrui heard that Wei Zhong said that they were arresting the villagers to go back to be the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Beasts and Monster Kingdom. He felt very strange, so he said: "Come and arrest the people of my Qingfeng Kingdom and go back to be your soldiers of the Ten Thousand Beasts and Monster Kingdom? Don't you have soldiers? Don't you have any?" People? Do you need to come to my Qingfeng country from thousands of miles away to arrest people?"

Wei Zhong said: "Respected Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts and Monsters is a country with the largest proportion of wild animals. The king of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts and Monsters is a human couple, because there are few humans in the area. It has become a country dominated by human beings, so people are sent to the barbaric continent to arrest the people of various countries, and they will settle and breed in the kingdom of ten thousand beasts and demons."

When the ministers heard what Wei Zhong said, they immediately started discussing in a bustling manner, saying that there would be such a country?Most of them are beasts?It's unheard of, an anecdote in the world!

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