Wild Romance

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Wei Xiaoping and Zhang Xiaoyan brought Wei Zhong and his ten wolf eagles back outside the palace, Zhang Lingpu was already waiting outside the palace.

According to Wei Xiaoping's order, Wei Zhong took the ten wolf eagles to the tree not far from the gate of the palace, and told them to stay still.

He followed Wei Xiaoping to Zhang Lingpu.

Wei Xiaoping handed Wei Zhong over to Zhang Lingpu, and went to the execution room with Zhang Xiaoyan to receive his sentence.

Zhang Lingpu took Wei Zhong into the palace to face the saint.

In the palace, Huang Jingrui sat on the throne, while the former ministers stood below.

At noon, when the ministers and the king were at the gate outside the palace, when they saw Wei Xiaoping bringing back two ugly ghost dogs with three heads from the underworld, they were really terrified by the two ghost dog elephants.

At that time, the ministers complained about Wei Xiaoping, why did he bring back these two ugly things from the underworld, which was scary!

Later, while watching the competition between the horse boss and the soldiers, Wei Zhong led the wolf eagles to attack Jiangjia Village. The wolf eagles howled loudly, scaring the ministers and the king again.

Seeing the king being frightened twice in a row, the ministers became somewhat unhappy.

When Zhang Lingpu came back from Jiangjia Village and said that Wei Xiaoping conquered the monster wolf eagle from the kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts and Monsters who had surrendered in Jiangjia Village, some ministers complained again, saying what happened today, and suddenly came So many monsters?

And are they all related to Wei Xiaoping?

Li Chaoqian, in particular, originally wanted to take advantage of Wei Xiaoping's mistakes in the battle of Twin Peaks this morning, and kick Wei Xiaoping out of the Qingfeng National Army Camp.

They even want Huang Jingrui to put him to death and get rid of him.

Unexpectedly, the king only punished Wei Xiaoping and demoted him to an ordinary soldier.

Now in Jiangjia Village, he subdued ten more wolf eagles.

And persuaded that Wei Zhong, a man from the kingdom of ten thousand beasts and monsters, to return to our country, the king may regard this as a performance of Wei Xiaoping's meritorious service, and may restore him to some official positions...

Thinking of this, Li Chaoqian was secretly angry and depressed!

In any case, I will object to the king's acceptance of these two creatures of the underworld.

Even if I can't convince the king, if the king agrees to take in these two ghost dogs, I will also find a way to prevent Wei Xiaoping from managing these two three-headed monsters, so that Wei Xiaoping may regain power after dispersing them.

And what Wei Xiaoping subdued in Jiangjia Village is called Wei Zhong, the animal trainer of the Ten Thousand Beasts and Monster Kingdom, and his ten wolf eagles are called. If the king really takes this Wei Zhong and those ten wolf eagles in, and returns them Wei Xiaoping's management, then Wei Xiaoping's power and combat effectiveness will be incredible!

Some ministers felt happy that Wei Xiaoping was able to surrender such a ferocious monster for Qingfeng Kingdom, and thought to themselves, now there are Barbarian Kingdom, Shihui Kingdom, and Tiansong Kingdom on the Wild Continent, plus my Qingfeng Kingdom, there are four kingdoms in total. For a long time, other countries came to invade our Qingfeng country, and now a kingdom of myriad beasts and monsters appeared, and now this country of myriad beasts and monsters also sent people to our country to plunder its citizens.

Although I am not afraid of the invasion of other countries for the time being based on the current national strength of Qingfeng country, but no matter what, the continuous improvement of the country's combat strength can only be a good thing, not a bad thing.

However, some people in the court complained about the two ghost dogs brought back by Wei Xiaoping and the subdued ten wolf eagles. The special envoy was Li Chaoqian...

Huang Jingrui sat on the throne, looked at the officials who were discussing with each other with sharp eyes, and said:

"My dear ministers, General Zhang said just now that Wei Xiaoping surrendered the ten wolf eagles to my Qingfeng country. What do you think? Do you want to return the captives and their ten wolf eagles to my Qingfeng country?"

Li Chaoqian stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the officials believe that the ten wolf eagles that Wei Xiaoping subdued and the two three-headed monsters he brought back from the underworld are all ominous things and cannot be taken in! "

Huang Jingrui looked at Li Chaoqian in amazement, and said, "Where did Master Li say that? Those two - ghost dogs, are so powerful that one can only match the combat power of hundreds of soldiers. Taking them in can greatly improve the strength of the soldiers." My Qingfeng country's combat power, what is an ominous thing?"

Li Chaoqian said: "Judging from the competition between the horse boss and 150 soldiers just now, its combat power is indeed powerful, but after all, they are things that returned from the underworld to the underworld, because the underworld is always dirty. Therefore, since ancient times, there has been a saying that things in the underworld are unlucky, so I think it is better to be cautious about taking in these two ghost dogs."

At this time, a minister named Wu Wenbin said: "Your Majesty, I do not agree with what Li Chaoqian said."

Huang Jingrui said: "Oh, Wu Aichen, go on and talk about your hair style!"

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