Wild Romance

Chapter 182

Chapter 180 Two

The wolf eagle, who was annoyed by Niu Dahua, tried his best to chase Niu Dahua.

Niu Dahua saw that the monster was very annoyed, and the speed of chasing it became faster and faster, so she turned and ran between the two trees with a narrow gap in front.

The distance between these two trees is very small, slightly larger than the body of Niu Dahua, but about three-tenths smaller than the body of this wolf eagle, and at a height of about ten feet, they eat each other and grow a few trees. Thick branches larger than a man's arm cross each other.

Niu Dahua aimed at the middle of the two trees, and swished through the middle of the two trees.

The wolf eagle, which was chasing after it quickly, didn't notice the narrow distance between the two trees, and followed it with all its strength.

Only a sound of "唪" was heard, and the wolf eagle was stuck between two trees.

Due to too much force, and the distance between the two trees was too small, the wolf eagle penetrated almost half of its body, so its wings were caught between the two trees.

The wolf eagle, caught between the two trees, tried its best to spread its wings and push the two trees away. The two giant claws under its feet kept scratching the ground.

Every time the wolf eagle spreads its wings vigorously, the trees sandwiched by its two sides, which are as big as a plate of vegetables, are pushed by its wings and shake slightly; It kept scraping, and the soil scraped by it on the ground kept flying backwards and falling down. After a while, the surrounding area was immediately blown up by dust and leaf fragments.

Seeing the monster's strength, Niu Dahua was also afraid that it might push the tree out for a while, so he immediately jumped forward, jumped to the side of the monster, and bit the wolf eagle's neck.

The wolf eagle's neck was bitten, and it became difficult to breathe. Immediately, it exerted the greatest force, and its claws kept slashing backwards quickly on the ground; The big trees on both sides of him pushed to both sides.

Niu Dahuasui bit the vital part of the wolf eagle, but seeing its claws scraping the ground and its wings trying to push the two trees away, I was a little afraid that it would be able to take it off, so I tried hard Pull its neck to the ground and hold its head down to the ground.

After the neck of the wolf eagle was bitten by Dahua Niu and its head was pressed to the ground, its buttocks tilted backwards, whining from time to time; after a while, because the neck was bitten by Dahua Niu, its breathing gradually weakened , The claws that had been scraping the ground gradually stopped.

-------------Dividing line---------------

Besides, after Ma Boss pretended to be lame and led the two wolf eagles to a place where the trees were denser, in order to trick the two wolves into his trap and further anger the two wolf eagles, Ma Boss immediately barked loudly, and then As fast as lightning, the wolf eagle rushed to the left. When it rushed over, three big mouths opened at the same time, revealing a mouthful of fangs and a blood-red tongue, which looked very terrifying.

The wolf eagle on the left originally thought that the old horse had a lame thigh, so he didn't move so fast, so he couldn't dare to attack them first.Now seeing that Boss Ma suddenly wants to rush over by himself, the speed is beyond his imagination, and the three mouths are opened so wide at the same time, he can't help but feel a little scared, just about to jump up, to avoid Boss Ma.But before he jumped off the ground, there was a muffled "bang", and he was knocked backward by the horse boss.

The one on the right saw the horse boss rushing to the left, and immediately jumped up, spread its wings and wanted to fly towards the horse boss, but was caught. It didn't expect that its wings were less than half opened, and it hit the right two on the left and right. A tree blocks it.

The wings were blocked by the trees, so it couldn't exert its strength, and the body lost its support. With a muffled "poof", the wolf eagle on the right fell heavily to the ground.

After knocking down the wolf eagle on the left, Boss Ma rushed forward a few meters with the inertial force of rushing forward, and immediately turned back to look at the two enemies facing backward. When he saw the wolf eagle on the right When the wolf eagle fell to the ground because its wings were blocked by the trees on both sides, it couldn't fly. I have lost a lot, now here, your advantage is gone, and it will be your turn later to see how I can subdue you with a little effort on Weibo.

The wolf eagle that was knocked down, as if it had been greatly humiliated in its heart, quickly stood up, a pair of wolf-like eyes shot an ineffective and angry orchid gaze, howled loudly, and rushed towards Boss Ma.

The one in the back, seeing that its wings were not functioning, put them away, shot extremely angry eyes, and ran to the right side in a detour to Boss Ma.

When Boss Ma saw this, he used the nearby big tree to block him head-on, and quickly went around the big tree, intending to quickly attack the enemy from behind.

Seeing this, the two wolf eagles turned their heads and ran quickly behind the boss of the horse. Two wolf carvings.

At this moment, another wolf eagle's tragic howling suddenly came from not far away, and the two looked in the direction of the howling sound, and saw another wolf eagle of their own kind being bitten by a bull. The neck was bitten out, the head was pressed to the ground, and the body was also clamped by two big trees, unable to move.

Seeing this, the two seemed to understand why the two three-headed monsters were running here, and immediately yelled angrily, and ran towards the same kind that was pressed to the ground by Niu Dahua's neck, wanting to Wanted to save that one in the past.

Boss Ma saw the two running towards the direction of Niu Dahua, and knew that these two were just trying to save the one that was bitten by Niu Dahua, so he quickly walked forward from the big tree.

In less than a blink of an eye, Boss Ma immediately ran in front of them.

At this moment, the tragic howling of another wolf eagle came from another direction, mixed with the biting sounds of other wild beasts.

After Boss Ma heard this, he remembered that he had bitten another wolf eagle unconscious in another place.

After the previous one was bitten by the horse boss and passed out, because he was anxious to come over to deal with the three with Niu Dahua, in order to prevent it from escaping after waking up, or come to attack it and Niu Dahua with the three, the boss Ma followed the unconscious one. At that time, one of its legs and one wing was cut off, so that even after it woke up, because its legs and wings were broken and it couldn't move, it could only stay there until it and Niu Dahua subdued the three. Take them back together and dedicate them to the master Wei Xiaoping.

Also, the reason why Boss Ma didn't kill the one he subdued was because when he came to fight these monsters, Wei Xiaoping told him that as long as he could conquer them, try not to kill them and capture them alive. Through retraining, let them become soldiers of Qingfeng country and increase the strength of Qingfeng country...

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