Wild Romance

Chapter 181

Thinking of this, the two wolf eagles called to each other, as if they were talking to each other.

The two wolf eagles had just finished calling, and another wolf eagle chasing Niu Dahua in another direction also called out.

Boss Ma is lying sideways between the two wolf eagles, walking around it with the two wolf eagles, looking left and right to look at each other, while walking backwards, because, not far from the back, there are many tree trunks The distance between the tree gaps is relatively narrow. When I got there, I wanted to attack them violently, and then deliberately pretended to be defeated, and penetrated into the trees in those narrow tree gaps. I have to pass through those narrow tree gaps, and they are likely to be caught by those book gaps. In this way, their attack power will be greatly reduced, and I will be able to subdue them easily without much effort.

Thinking about it, Boss Ma let out a loud roar at the two monsters, and stepped back quickly.

The two wolf eagles saw that the horse was stepping back quickly, thinking that it was about to run away, the bigger one whined again, at the same time puffed up its feathers, opened its mouth wide and galloped towards the horse.

The one on the left is the same, with its wings slightly spread, and a pair of iron claws, it rushes towards the horse boss with a swift force.

I saw the ground where the two wolf eagles walked when they ran, the dust blown up by their hook-like claws and the dead branches and leaves on the ground were flying up.

Boss Ma saw the monsters on the left and right rushing towards him at the same time, and the speed was so fast that it was impossible to go backwards, so he rushed towards the monster wolf eagle on the right with all his might.

When Boss Ma was rushing over, he opened his three mouths at the same time, and before the wolf eagle on the right, he kicked his back legs vigorously, and jumped towards the monster on the opposite side, which was slightly higher than its head. , the upper mouth bites the opponent's head, and the lower two mouths bite the opponent's neck.

The wolf eagle on the right saw that Ma Boss was about to bite his head and neck with his mouth, so he was not afraid. He immediately retracted his body, followed by his head, and his two paws were almost as high as his neck, facing Grab the two lower mouths of Boss Ma.

Boss Ma didn't expect that the wolf eagle on the opposite side suddenly retracted its head and grabbed its two claws towards it, and when the two claws were opened, they were still so big. Really head caught in it.

In an emergency, Boss Ma immediately raised his front feet in the air, and swiped down the claws of the wolf eagle facing him that were about to touch his head, knocking the opponent's claws down, and obeyed immediately. The opponent's head flew over and landed under a tree a couple of feet away.

When Boss Ma fell to the ground, he felt some pain in his feet. He quickly lowered his head and looked down. The claw of his right foot was scratched by the claw of the wolf eagle, and blood was flowing from the wound. Where the flow is slow.

The wolf eagle on the left jumped into the air when Ma Boss was falling down, and landed a foot away from Ma Boss' left.As soon as it fell, it immediately rushed to the horse boss.

Boss Ma immediately turned around and ran towards the place where the tree trunks were denser.

The wolf eagle that had just landed ten feet away from Boss Ma pounced on the place where Boss Ma was standing just now, and missed him, but with its beastly nose, it immediately asked if there was a smell of blood where Boss Ma was standing just now. He sniffed the ground with his nose for a while, and immediately saw some blood on the ground, so he whined at his comrades, as if telling them that the enemy had been injured.

After the wolf eagle whined twice, he and his accomplices chased after Boss Ma.

When Boss Ma was running towards the dense tree, he took advantage of the injured paw and limped to let the two wolf eagles notice that he couldn't run fast enough due to the injured leg.

When the two wolf eagles saw that the horse was lame, they thought that another animal of the same kind might have been killed by the horse, and they became even more resentful. Now that they saw that the horse was lame, they became more confident in killing the horse.So he increased his speed and chased after Boss Ma.

At this time, Boss Ma had already run to a relatively narrow place in the tree trunk, so he pretended to have a sore leg and slowed down.

After a while, two wolf eagles arrived.Immediately, they surrounded Boss Ma one by one.

Boss Ma saw that the two wolf eagles had arrived, and in order to make progress, he angered the two wolf eagles and immediately launched a fierce attack on the two wolf eagles

Besides, after Niu Dahua lured the other wolf vulture away, he also introduced the other wolf vulture to the narrow gaps in the nearby tree trunks. The records between the trunks in these places are the smallest, just a little bigger than Niu Dahua. , smaller than this wolf eagle just fit through.

The wolf eagle came here chasing Niu Dahua. Seeing so many trees in front of them so close to each other, he thought to himself, why is this three-headed monster so stupid to run into such a narrow gap between the trees? See where you can go!

Niu Dahuaxiang pretended to be impenetrable, turned his head around, clamped his tail down, barked loudly at the wolf eagle with three heads, rushed over, and slammed into the wolf eagle.

The wolf eagle saw Niu Dahua coming towards him, and the speed of the collision was very fierce. He felt a little scared, so he jumped up habitually, and wanted to spread his wings. Unexpectedly, when the wings were half opened, he was caught by the left and right sides. The tree blocked it and couldn't open it.

However, although the wings can't be opened, but because of the force of the feet when jumping up, the jump is almost a foot high.

Just as Niu Dahua was about to rush to the wolf eagle, the wolf eagle just jumped up and passed under the wolf eagle.

Strutting out the cow big flower one foot away, seeing that the wolf eagle just couldn't open its wings just now, I was secretly happy, thinking, ha ha, as Boss Ma expected, it really can't open its wings, can't open its wings, this The monster lost almost half of its combat power, wait and see what I will do to you!

So, before Niu Dahua waited for the wolf eagle to land, he pounced on it again.

When the wolf eagle jumped about ten feet into the sky, due to the space limitation between the trees, its wings could not be opened, and the wings lost their function. It could not control its weight, and fell back to the ground, just halfway Niu Dahua pounced on him and hit his own tail, causing it to turn forward almost half a somersault before falling to the ground; after falling to the ground, he felt a dull pain in his buttocks, so he looked at Niu Dahua.

I saw Niu Dahua's three mouths, each with a big mouthful of feathers, landed a couple of feet away.

It turned out that Niu Dahua wanted to jump over and bite the wolf eagle's buttocks. Unexpectedly, the wolf eagle fell too fast, or Niu Dahua's aiming was not accurate enough, and his mouth only touched the plump feathers on the wolf eagle's buttocks. Bitten a lot of feathers of the wolf eagle.

And when the wolf eagle was falling just now, it was precisely because Niu Dahua pulled the hair on its buttocks that it did a half somersault during the fall.

At this time, the wolf eagle felt a burning pain in his buttocks, and thought to himself, biting off so much hair on my buttocks, maybe my buttocks might be exposed!So he became even more angry, let out a huge whining sound, and chased Niu Dahua like crazy.

Niu Dahua saw that the monster was angry, and felt that the goal had been achieved, so she followed the monster wolf sculpture in circles around several trees. During the circle, Niu Dahua was always chasing the wolf sculpture monster, and sometimes slowed down. , speeding up his pace from time to time, deliberately letting the wolf eagle almost peck him, but not being able to peck him, which made the wolf eagle more and more angry...

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