Wild Romance

Chapter 171 Wei Xiaoping Falls from the Sky

Chapter 170

I saw the monster called the wolf eagle by the man, flapping its wings vigorously, and flew towards Wei Xiaoping.

Wei Xiaoping was about three or four feet away from the wolf eagle. Before the wolf eagle could pounce, the wind generated by its huge wings had already blown towards Wei Xiaoping first. The huge wind force made Wei Xiaoping's hair fall back. It fluttered up, and the sleeves fluttered with the wind, making a crackling sound.

From the wind generated by the flapping of the wolf eagle's wings, Wei Xiaoping felt that this thing was extremely ferocious and extremely powerful, probably because it was often trained by its master to have such great power.Wei Xiaoping thought to himself, this wolf eagle is so huge, and its strength is so fierce. From the tragic scene of those livestock dying in the village and the scene of them chasing and beating the villagers, it seems that this wolf eagle has killed countless lives. !Originally, I could kill it with a single sword, but thinking that it can grow to such a size, it is really not easy. Even if I kill it, the creatures that were killed and eaten by it before will not be able to survive, so it is better to conquer its master, and then eat it again. It may be the best way to teach its master to be good, and then let its master lead it to do good!

So Wei Xiaoping took advantage of the fact that the wolf eagle hadn't jumped in front of him, "whoosh" jumped into the air one or two feet away from where he was just now, and then jumped from the air to the man on the wolf eagle's back.

Seeing Wei Xiaoping rushing towards him, the man immediately let go of the rope held by his left hand, grabbed a snake spear with a length of about two meters lying in front of him with his right hand, and jumped up from the wolf eagle's back with a "swish" It was about one meter high, and after turning sharply, it landed heavily on the wolf eagle's back, swung the snake spear and stabbed at Wei Xiaoping who was rushing down.

When the man aimed the snake spear at Wei Xiaoping who was stabbing downwards, he saw that the sword in Wei Xiaoping's hand was shorter than his own, he smiled contemptuously, and said, "I don't know how tall you are, boy, I see that you have some skills, so I don't want to get entangled with you , so as not to delay my business, since you don’t know how to live or die, I’ll make it happen for you!” As he spoke, he pushed the snake spear up with all his might, aiming at Wei Xiaoping’s face, intending to pierce a hole in Wei Xiaoping’s face .

Wei Xiaoping saw the opponent's snake spear stabbing towards him. Originally, he was stabbing the opponent with the Demon Slaying Sword, but immediately changed his mind. He changed the thrust into a thrust in the air, and when the tip of the sword was about to touch the snake spear, he swung the tip of the sword. Tilted a bit, and waited until the point of the sword passed a foot or two from the point of the opponent's snake spear, then turned the sword body towards the snake spear, turned the snake spear to one side, and by the way, placed the sword edge on the snake spear, and then used his body The inertial force of the downward rush pressed the sword body against the snake spear, and then slid towards the opponent along the snake spear.

I saw Wei Xiaoping's sword edge and the man's snake spear coming out of each other, and countless sparks floated out continuously.

In an instant, Wei Xiaoping slid to half the length of the snake spear, and Wei Xiaoping's body was less than one meter away from the man. Wei Xiaoping kicked the man with his feet as fast as lightning.

The man on the wolf sculpture did not expect that when Wei Xiaoping was stabbing down, he would suddenly change his spear and use the tip to push away his snake spear, and it slid down so fast. It was even more incredible that Wei Xiaoping's foot kicked so quickly to him.

Before the man had time to block Wei Xiaoping's kick with his hands, Wei Xiaoping kicked him heavily on the shoulder.

Wei Xiaoping's kick, although his body's reaction force was relatively small when he kicked it out, he still felt a dull pain in the shoulder of the kicked man, and at the same time his body fell to the left.

When the man's body fell to the left, Wei Xiaoping was already standing on the wolf eagle's back, and while the man was falling, he kicked the man's right foot which was still hanging on the wolf eagle's back.

The man's right foot was kicked by Wei Xiaoping in this way, the right foot immediately lost its support, and the whole body immediately fell down.

When the man was falling down, he was quick-witted and grabbed the rope hanging down from the neck of the wolf eagle with one hand.

When the man fell downwards, the rope straightened suddenly, causing the wolf eagle to sink suddenly.

When the wolf eagle saw its master hanging under its neck, it immediately increased the frequency of its wings flapping to balance its body, then let out a few "wow" sounds, and stretched out a paw towards the man.

The man immediately took advantage of his body swinging towards the wolf eagle's outstretched claws, clamped the snake spear with his neck, and then grabbed the wolf eagle's claw with one hand.

After a while, the man immediately grabbed the wolf eagle's claws with both hands, and climbed up along the claws. After a while, the man climbed onto the wolf eagle's claws.

Because this wolf eagle is huge, naturally its claws are not small. When the wolf eagle opened its claws, the man hugged the wolf eagle's legs, clamped the wolf eagle's legs with his legs, and made it into the wolf eagle's body. paws above.

Wei Xiaoping, who was standing on the wolf eagle's back, at first wanted to knock the man off the wolf eagle. When the man fell down, he flew down, grabbed the man's snake spear, and then threatened to throw the man The method of going to the ground, forcing the men to say why they arrested the villagers, and forcing the men to stop attacking the villagers.When he saw the man grab the wolf eagle's paw from the dangling rope and sit on the wolf eagle's paw, he couldn't help admiring the tacit understanding between the wolf eagle and the man.

Wei Xiaoping saw the man sitting on the claws of the wolf eagle, and thought to himself, if you know how to claw rope, so can I!So, he jumped down to the rope hanging under the wolf eagle's neck.

After the man stabilized himself on the wolf eagle's claws, he thought to himself, I didn't expect this kid to be so powerful, it seems that I can't beat him!In order to avoid being beaten and chased, I have to sit on the paw of the wolf eagle and hold on to the thigh of the wolf eagle!Thinking of the rope that came in with his claws just now, he was afraid that the other party would use this method to fight him, so the man immediately wrapped the rope with a snake spear and pulled in his claws.

Just as Wei Xiaoping was about to jump over to the rope, he suddenly saw the rope being pulled in by the man with a snake spear. He smiled and thought to himself, this man is really stupid. Won't I climb on the wolf eagle's neck and slide down the rope to you?So Wei Xiaoping reached out and grabbed the rope around the wolf eagle's neck.

Unexpectedly, before Wei Xiaoping's hand reached the rope, the man suddenly untied it and took it away.

Wei Xiaoping smiled, suddenly felt that this guy was a little silly and cute, and thought to himself: Just now you saw that I, Wei Xiaoping, can use spells to fly, so why don't you take away the rope around the wolf eagle's neck, and I can't do anything about you Yet?

Wei Xiaoping was laughing to himself when he suddenly heard the man whistle a few times!

As the whistle sounded, Wei Xiaoping, who was standing on the back of the wolf eagle, suddenly felt as if his feet were being pushed up by something, causing his whole body to tilt to the left, and then his body fell from the back of the wolf eagle...

It turned out that the man whistled and instructed the wolf eagle to turn around in the air and leave Wei Xiaoping behind!

The man sitting on the paw of the wolf eagle saw Wei Xiaoping fall, he laughed happily and said, "Stinky boy, fight with me? You are still young!" As he said, he looked forward , and saw that six other wolf eagles had arrived nearby.It turned out that when the man was whistling just now, besides telling the sitting animal to turn over and throw Wei Xiaoping away, he also called some other wolf eagles to help get rid of Wei Xiaoping.

Seeing the six wolf eagles flying over, the man immediately whistled a few more times.

After hearing the whistle, the six wolf eagles immediately flew towards the direction where Wei Xiaoping fell.

Wei Xiaoping, who was falling downwards, in the process of falling, because he was too late to use the hair technique, his body fell rapidly like a stone. When he was about to approach the ground, he fell on a big tree with dense branches and leaves. The branches and leaves of the tree supported him so that he would not fall to the ground.

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