Wild Romance

Chapter 170 Wolf Sculpture

Chapter 170

Hearing Zhang Lingpu's order, Wei Xiaoping immediately called the ghost dog Ma Boss and Niu Dahua over, jumped onto Ma Boss's back, grabbed the chain around Ma Boss's neck with his left hand, pointed in the direction of Jiangjia Village with his right hand, and shouted: "Boss Ma, Niu Dahua, run to Jiangjia Village quickly, the villagers there are being attacked by monsters, it is important to save the villagers as soon as possible!"

Boss Ma and Niu Dahua barked "Wow, woof" a few times, and immediately raised their feet and ran quickly in the direction of Jiangjia Village.

Boss Ma and Niu Dahua raised their front legs, stood half upright, flicked their hind legs vigorously, and immediately jumped forward about ten meters away.

In this way, repeating such actions, in an instant, the two ghost dogs and Wei Xiaoping immediately ran 600 meters away, and their huge bodies quickly flew past the dusty road, rolling up waves of flying dust rolling.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs immediately disappeared into the billowing dust.

After Zhang Lingpu gave the order, he turned around and jumped on the horse. He just turned around and looked at the place where Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs were just now. I saw the road dust billowing, and two black shadows loomed in the road dust, and disappeared in the dust in an instant.

Zhang Lingpu saw that the two ghost dogs were carrying Wei Xiaoping and they could run so fast. He gasped and sighed: "These two monsters run too fast! It's amazing!" Sigh After Bi, he immediately took more than 200 soldiers and ran towards Jiangjia Village.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Wei Xiaoping and two ghost dogs came to the edge of Jiang's village.

Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs looked at the village, and saw a dozen or so huge black shadow flying objects flapping their five or six feet wide wings in the low sky of Jiangjia Village, chasing the villagers running wildly and screaming on the ground.

These ten or so huge flying objects look like some species of winged birds, but the shape of their heads is like the head of some beast. They are very big, the size of a wooden barrel, with two standing The ears are the size of a palm, and the mouth is like the mouth of a wild wolf. It is full of fangs, and it opens from time to time in a character-horoscope shape, revealing the long fangs, and making a howl; the abdomen under the body is long. It has two beast-like thighs, but at the end of the feet, there are claws like eagle claws, and each small claw is as thick as a child's arm.

These huge flying species spread their wings about five or six feet wide, flapping them up and down from time to time, and with the huge wind force generated by the flapping of the wings, the dust on the ground one or two feet away from them was billowing.

Among the dozen or so huge flying objects that were neither birds nor animals, one of them was much larger than the others.

On the back of the relatively large flying species, which was neither bird nor beast, sat a hulking man with disheveled hair like a bird's nest, wearing clothes made of animal skins all over his body.

In his left hand, the man held a thick rope that was wrapped around the neck of the flying object he was sitting on. His left hand shook from time to time, and he yelled from time to time, as if he was ordering his mount to go faster. Sometimes he moved his right index finger It rolled a circle and put it in its mouth, whistling to point to other flying objects that were chasing the villagers.

As the man's whistle kept ringing, a dozen or so huge flying objects made "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"s of a dozen huge huge flying objects in response to their master's call.

The screams of the monsters were very loud, resounding throughout the surrounding air, making it sound like it was coming from behind several miles away.

The villagers on the ground were frightened out of their wits by the sudden attack of the huge flying object, panicked, screamed, and ran around and hid:

Some were frightened by the huge body of the giant flying object chasing behind their heads and the monster-like sound of "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"? Running around in a panic.

In order to protect their own family, some picked up the hoes in their hands and told their wives and children to run first, and stayed behind to block the arrival of giant monsters. Although they knew that they could not fight giant monsters, they thought in their hearts: These goddamn monsters Flying so fast, you can't run away from them. Since you can't run away from them, fight them. Anyway, you can't run away. Just stop and fight with them. For the safety of your children and wives, let them Run quickly, even if it can delay a little time...

Some of them couldn't run fast enough because the children were too young, and soon adults and children were caught in the claws of the flying monster's huge claws one by one.The person caught by the giant claws of the monster swung his limbs in the air as if swimming in water, screaming in despair.

And those large domestic animals that were kept in captivity, such as sheep, pigs, dogs, cattle, etc., many of them have been killed or died, and the ground is bloody red, only some heads or feet are left, which may be discarded because of too many bones. do not eat.

There are also some old people who are older than you, maybe because they ran too slowly or couldn't run anymore, they were also killed or eaten by monsters, leaving only their heads, hands and feet, and the scene was very miserable.

The entire Jiangjia Village was in a mess.


Seeing such a bloody and messy scene, Wei Xiaoping angrily jumped off Boss Ma's back, raised the Demon Slaying Sword in his hand, pointed in the direction where the monsters were chasing people, and said, "Boss Ma, Niu Dahua, chase those monsters immediately!" No matter what, we must save the villagers caught by the monsters, stop them, and try not to let the monsters harm the villagers."

The boss Ma and Niu Dahua yelled "Wow, woof, woof" three times, but before he could finish the three times, his body had already jumped off the ground, chasing after the monsters frantically.

After Boss Ma and Niu Dahua left, Wei Xiaoping also curled his right index finger and thumb into a circle, put it in his mouth, and whistled loudly.

I could only hear the whistle blowing from Wei Xiaoping's mouth, the sound was slow and slender at first, and then gradually became louder, longer and longer, spreading farther and farther.

After blowing and drinking a bowl of water, Xiaoping slowly lowered his voice again, took a few breaths, and said to himself: "Dahuang, I'm sorry, I saw you trying to protect me for several days. There is no time to rest, I want you to rest more, but now the villagers are hunted down by monsters entering the village, these monsters are too big and can fly, I guess it is difficult for me and two ghost dogs to defeat them, so I have to ask you to come together Help kill the enemy!"

As Wei Xiaoping said, he immediately jumped into the air three or four feet high, and chased after the dozen or so monsters chasing the villagers.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaoping caught up with the monster sitting on the man's back.

Boss Ma was also going around with this monster, barking angrily from time to time, trying to find the opponent's weakness to attack.

"Boss Ma, you and Niu Dahua are going to kill other monsters, and I will take care of the big one!" Wei Xiaoping ordered to Boss Ma.

Because among the dozen or so monsters, only this relatively large one has a commander on it, Wei Xiaoping thought, since this person can command these monsters, he is undoubtedly the leader of these monsters, as long as this person is captured , and then threaten him, let him tell those monsters to stop chasing and attacking the villagers. Seeing that their leader has been captured, those monsters dare not stop attacking!

When Boss Ma first started chasing them, he also thought of capturing the owners of these monsters first, and then handing them over to the master. He thought to himself, if I can really capture this person, and then hand it over to the master, the master will definitely capture this person back and offer it to the master. To the king, according to the character of the master, the master must also be in front of the king, saying that I caught this man, and then I will give the credit to me, so the king may praise me... Well, if I am really praised by the king, I feel What will it be like?Boss Ma thinks so.

Now suddenly seeing Wei Xiaoping feeling, and having said that, Boss Ma had no choice but to say: "Okay master, be careful yourself, I'm going!" Said and immediately flew towards other monsters.

Wei Xiaoping flew to a place three or four zhang away from the monster and stopped. He held the Demon Slayer Sword across his chest and stopped the monster.

The man on the monster's back saw a three-headed dog blocking his way just now, and thought to himself, what kind of monster is this, it has three dog heads!Like my mount, it can fly in the air, and it can walk in the air without wings. It seems that this thing is not simple.

The man on the monster's back was about to command his mount to slap the boss of the ghost dog and horse, when suddenly another flying man appeared.And after this one came, he actually sent the three-headed monster away, and then blocked his way, so he wanted to fight against him.

The man took a closer look, and it turned out that he was a young man who was much smaller than himself and his mount.I thought to myself, although this person is small, he can fly in the air; anyone who can fly in the air must have some practice in certain magic and fairy arts, and if he can take away the three-headed monster dog, he must be The owner of the three-headed dog.Since he can be that three-headed strange dog, he must be more capable than that three-headed strange dog, so he should not be underestimated. Since this person should not be underestimated, in order not to delay my business, it is better not to be an enemy of him.

So he said: "Hey, where is the wild boy, blocking my way for peace? Why don't you get out of here?"

Wei Xiaoping said: "Where are you from? Who is your name?"

The man said: "Boy, why are you so chattery? Why don't you hurry up and get out of the way? Don't blame me for being rude!" As he spoke, he shook his left hand vigorously, and Dasheng shouted: "Langdiao, hurry up and take this People were killed, so as not to delay our big event!"

After hearing his master's call, the monster called a wolf eagle by the men immediately made a sound of "向呀呼吧呢吧", flapped its wings quickly, opened its big mouth full of sharp white fangs, and fiercely yelled at Wei Xiaoping. Come on...

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