Wild Romance

Chapter 158

Huang Chonghuan said: "As Li Chaoqian said, no matter who is anyone, whether it is a great general of our country, or a relative of the king, or an ordinary citizen whose merit is as small as dust, as long as he violates the laws of our country , are punished in accordance with the rules established by the law, so as to demonstrate the good situation of our country's law that everyone is equal before the people of the country, and make all aspects of our country continue to develop in a good way, thus bringing benefits to the country and the people of the country! However, When enforcing the law, the lower officials believe that it is not possible to strictly punish violators according to the rules stipulated by the law!"

Li Chaoqian began to hear what Huang Chonghuan said earlier, all with a tone of approval for what he said, but when he heard the last sentence, the meaning and sentence took a turn!

Li Chaoqian said: "Master Huang, what do you mean by saying that you can't strictly punish violators according to the rules stipulated by the law? If this is the case, isn't the law just a decoration?"

Huang Jingrui also asked: "Master Li is right, Master Huang, according to what you say, the laws we have made are not just decorations?"

Huang Chonghuan said: "King, what do you mean by the words of the next official? Sometimes when we enforce the law, we have to implement it according to the situation, so that the process of enforcing the law is more reasonable?"

Huang Jingrui asked: "Divide the situation? What kind of situation? How?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, I think that in the process of law enforcement, we should look at how much harm and loss the offender has caused to the country and society, and then judge the severity of the crime based on the harm and damage it caused to the country and society, and then judge the severity of the crime according to the severity of the crime. Come and give light or heavy punishments to offenders, so that it will appear that your law enforcement is fair and just, and you will establish a glorious image of you being just and strict in law enforcement, loving generals and loving people in front of the people of the country!"

After hearing this, Huang Jingrui smiled faintly on his majestic face, and said, "Master Huang Chonghuan is right, and it suits me very well! Master Huang, in your opinion, how does the lonely king punish Lieutenant General Zhang Xiaoyan?"

Huang Chonghuan said: "Back to the king, the officials think that what the king said earlier to punish Vice-General Zhang Xiaoyan is just right!"

Huang Jingrui said: "Master Huang, the punishment that the lonely king said before was just casually said by the lonely king, and he didn't seriously think about why he was punished like this. You help the lonely king to explain the reason!"

Huang Chonghuan said: "Back to the king, since joining the army, Deputy General Zhang Xiaoyan has been on many battlefields and achieved a lot of military exploits, and since joining the army, he has never made any mistakes. This is one; General Wei Xiaoping's residence was to visit his senior brother. The reason why he fought with two soldiers guarding General Wei was because Vice General Zhang Xiaoyan was too anxious and was stopped by two soldiers, and he might not know who the two soldiers were. You sent me, the king, so there was a fight. There is a good saying, those who do not know are not guilty, which means that if you are offended because you did not know in advance, you should not blame it. If this happened to ordinary people, It should be innocent, but it happened to the two soldiers sent by the king. If they are found not guilty, they are ignoring the orders given by the king. It is a kind of disrespect to the king, so you should be punished, but you must A lighter punishment is more appropriate, just like what the king said at the beginning, it is enough to punish Vice General Zhang with [-] boards!"

After listening to Huang Chonghuan's words, Li Chaoqian rolled his eyes a few times, and said, "King, this matter must not be lightly punished! You are the king of a country, and you are respected and loved by all people. You naturally say what you say." The flower is also a word that promises nothing, and it cannot be defied, so that it reflects your prestige and dignity! Vice General Zhang ignored the king's order this time, and fought with two soldiers sent by the king, which is totally disrespectful to the king, so , must be severely punished, as a warning to others! If the king thinks that Vice General Zhang is a female general, and you think it is the first offense, you will be given a lighter punishment, and I am afraid that someone will follow suit in the future!"

Huang Jingrui thought for a while, and said: "My lord Li Chaoqian's words are not unreasonable, and what my lord Huang Chonghuan said is also right. All my dear ministers present, what do you think of the two lords' opinions?"

All the ministers present turned their heads to each other again, looked at each other, and started discussing. After a while, there was no unanimous opinion, and they dared not speak.

Huang Jingrui said: "How about this, since all the courtiers present dare not say anything, let's raise our hands for or against it. What do you like?"

Some ministers asked: "King, how will this show of hands vote be done?"

Huang Jingrui said: "I'm asking you something. If you agree, you can raise your hand. If you disagree and have different rights, you don't need to raise your hand. How about it?"

The ministers immediately said in unison: "The king is wise! The king is wise!"

Li Chaoqian heard Huang Jingrui's actions and thought, isn't this the so-called voting?If you do this, given the popularity of Vice General Zhang Xiaoyan and General Zhang Lingpu in the court, there must be many ministers who are inclined to Zhang Xiaoyan. No, I want to oppose this kind of voting.

"Your Majesty, I think it's inappropriate to do this! King, you are the king of a country, the lord who is admired by all people, and any bit of your majesty and dignity cannot be desecrated. I think that the punishment of Vice General Zhang should be severely punished. This is the respect for you, the king!"

Huang Jingrui said with a chuckle: "Oh! Master Li Chaoqian, you don't need to persuade the lonely king anymore. The lonely king's will has been decided. Let all the ministers present vote! It is better for the majority to win the minority!"

After Huang Jingrui finished speaking, he said to the ministers: "Okay, since this is the case, among all the ministers present, except General Zhang Lingpu, Zhang Xiaoyan, Li Chaoqian and Huang Chonghuan, all other ministers will participate in the vote. , Don’t go back on your word. The lonely king will give everyone a quarter of an hour to vote, and stop immediately when the time is up!”

"The king is wise! The ministers are waiting for you! Let the king begin!" the ministers shouted.

Huang Jingrui then called the attendants beside him to get ready to count, and said: "My dear ministers, please listen carefully, and vote after you have thought about it—agree to punish Vice General Zhang Xiaoyan with a lighter punishment—please raise your hand for a lighter punishment!"

After Huang Jingrui finished speaking, he looked at the ministers below with an encouraging look.

After the ministers listened attentively, some of them turned their heads and peeked at each other to ask others' opinions in private.

Some ministers paid attention to what Huang Jingrui said just now, and found that Huang Jingrui read the words "lighter punishment" one more time, so they thought that the king must wish to punish Zhang Xiaoyan with a lighter punishment, and at the same time hoped that the ministers would agree. his thoughts.

Then three of them raised their hands and said in unison: "I agree to give Vice General Zhang Xiaoyan a lighter punishment!"

Seeing that three ministers had raised their hands to vote, Huang Jingrui immediately said with joy, "Master Huang Jingxiu has raised his hand--Master Li Shang has raised his hand, and Lord Li Lichang has raised his hand. The rest of the ministers should vote quickly." Except Mr. Li Chaoqian, Mr. Huang Chonghuan, General Zhang Lingpu and Deputy General Zhang who cannot vote, there are a total of 24 ministers. As soon as the time comes, the vote will be stopped immediately and counted. If the total number of raised hands is more than no If the total number of hands raised is more than one, Vice General Zhang Xiaoyan will be given a lighter punishment, and vice versa, Vice General Zhang Xiaoyan will be given a heavier punishment. Everyone vote as soon as possible!"

So, the rest of the ministers discussed again, and after a while, two ministers raised their hands.I saw five raised their hands, and then eight more raised their hands one after another.

At this moment, King Huang Jingrui said that time was running out, and the remaining ministers voted as soon as possible. Now the number of raised hands exceeded the number of non-raised hands by one.

Some of the remaining ministers saw that the total number of raised hands exceeded the total number of non-raised hands by one, knowing that most of them agreed to give Zhang Xiaoyan a lighter punishment, so they also raised their hands.

After a while, it was time for voting, and when the number was counted, there were three more ministers who raised their hands than those who did not raise their hands, that is to say, a total of fifteen ministers agreed to punish Zhang Xiaoyan.

Huang Jingrui said: "Through voting, a total of [-] ministers agreed to punish Vice General Zhang Xiaoyan with [-] boards!"

After Li Chaoqian heard the vote, he thought to himself, king, king, you deliberately repeated the "lighter punishment" twice a year when you were talking, obviously you are implying that the ministers agree with you!Can the ministers disagree with you?You have hinted like this, can most people disagree with you?

After Zhang Xiaoyan heard the king's announcement of her punishment, she bowed down again and said: "The king's kindness is great, thank you for the fair punishment of the king, and the servant is willing to accept the punishment!"

Zhang Lingpu next to him also knelt down and worshiped, saying: "Wang Enhaodang, thank you very much for the king's punishment of Vice-General Zhang Xiaoyan! Wang Enhaodang!" Then he and Zhang Xiaoyan turned their heads to thank the ministers!

Huang Jingrui saw that Zhang Lingpu and Zhang Xiaoyan had finished thanking the ministers, so he asked them to stand up, and said, "Zhang Xiaoyan, this time you received a lighter punishment because of the care and love of the fifteen ministers. I hope that you will not commit the same crime again. If you make a mistake again, the lonely king will never forgive you lightly!"

Zhang Xiaoyan clasped her hands again and wrote: "Thank you Wang En! I will never make such a mistake again!"

Huang Jingrui said: "This is the best!—Punishment time, after the end of the dynasty, the lonely king will send someone to take you out for punishment! Now the lonely king still has something to ask you."

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