Wild Romance

Chapter 157 Questioning Zhang Xiaoyan

After Zhang Lingpu left the palace, he immediately ordered one of his subordinates to go to Wei Xiaoping's residence, telling Zhang Xiaoyan to return to the palace immediately!Then he returned to the palace to report to the king.

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhang Xiaoyan came to the palace, bowed her hands to Huang Jingrui and knelt down and said, "The last general Zhang Xiaoyan pays homage to the king, long live my king!"

King Huang Jingrui said sternly, "Zhang Xiaoyan, are you guilty?"

Seeing the king's question, Zhang Xiaoyan felt confused. She saw her father's subordinates calling her back to the palace, and thought it was the king's military mission for her to do. Unexpectedly, the king came to the palace to ask such a question. !

"Go back to the king, I'm a stupid official, I can't figure out what crime I have committed, I hope the king will make it clear!" Zhang Xiaoyan said with her head down.

Zhang Lingpu on the side, when he heard the king's question, his expression froze immediately!What's the matter with the king?Before that, didn't you praise Zhang Xiaoyan for going to see Wei Xiaoping privately?Why did Zhang Xiaoyan start to question the crime as soon as she arrived in the palace?Could it be that Zhang Xiaoyan did something else wrong?

When the other ministers saw the king questioning Zhang Xiaoyan in this way, they also peeped at each other. Before, they exaggerated that General Zhang Xiaoyan went to protect Wei Xiaoping privately, but now they suddenly started to question Zhang Xiaoyan!I can't grasp the king's mentality of changing in an instant.

Li Chaoqian, Minister of Defense, saw the king's sudden questioning of Zhang Xiaoyan, and felt ambiguous about the king's words in his heart!I thought to myself, what kind of medicine is sold in the king's gourd?A quarter of an hour ago, it was exaggerated that Xiaoyan went to protect Wei Xiaoping privately, but now that Zhang Xiaoyan has arrived, she suddenly asked Zhang Xiaoyan to blame her!

Li Chaoqian thought about it, and suddenly his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something beneficial to him, and said:

"General Zhang Xiaoyan, without the king's permission, you fought with two soldiers guarding Wei Xiaoping and forced your way into Wei Xiaoping's residence. You violated the king's order. What do you take the king's order for?" Li Chaoqian Said.

Hearing what Li Chaoqian said, other ministers also agreed: "Yes, the two soldiers were sent by the king to protect General Wei Xiaoping. To have two soldiers fight, is to despise the king's order, and simply does not take the king's order to heart! What is it if this is not defiance of the king? Zhang Xiaoyan, why don't you bow your head to the king and apologize?"

Zhang Lingpu saw that the ministers were cooperating with Li Chaoqian, and thought to himself, it's too bad, he usually indulges his daughter too much, this time it caused trouble, this time he offended the king, what should we do!Immediately said with a reproachful tone: "Zhang Xiaoyan, why don't you hurry up and plead guilty to the king?"

Zhang Xiaoyan heard the discussion of the officials and knew that the matter was serious, so she immediately bowed her head and said: "My king, I am guilty of the crime, please punish me!"

Huang Jingrui said: "General Zhang, I heard that you and General Wei Xiaoping have known each other since childhood and practiced martial arts together since childhood. Is this true?"

Zhang Xiaoyan said: "Back to the king, Xiaguan has followed his master to practice martial arts since he was five years old. Xiaguan's master and General Wei Xiaoping's master are brothers. I knew General Wei Xiaoping, and they often referred to each other as brother and sister. Since entering our country and joining the army, they have often lived and died together on the battlefield, supporting each other, and have a deep brother-sister relationship with each other. Therefore, when I heard that brother Xiaoping was seriously injured, I was excited Regardless of the obstruction of the two guard soldiers, he forced his way in to see brother Xiaoping! He didn’t want to disobey the king’s order! I implore the king to punish him, so that the king can be justified!”

Huang Jingrui raised his hand and said: "Since General Zhang Xiaoyan and General Wei Xiaoping are senior brothers and sisters, and they are called brothers and sisters, it is not unreasonable for the elder brother to visit the seriously injured elder brother because of family affection! At that time, knowing that the two guarding soldiers were sent by the king, he fought against the two soldiers and forced his way in. He really wanted to despise the king!——" Huang Jingrui looked around at all the ministers, and continued: "In this way, I General Wang Nian and Zhang Xiaoyan are the first female generals in this dynasty, and she has done a lot of military exploits. The crime she committed this time was just to bump into General Wei Xiaoping without knowing it, and did not injure two Taking care of the soldiers did not cause any losses, so the heavy punishment can be avoided, but in order to show the majesty of the original king, hit [-] big boards lightly, what do you love?"

When Li Chaoqian heard that the king wanted to punish Zhang Xiaoyan lightly, he immediately folded his hands and wrote: "Dear king, I believe that the crime committed by General Zhang Xiaoyan is to despise the king's orders and trample on the laws of our country. This kind of behavior is very abominable." If it is spread, people in the country may think that the words of the king can be betrayed at will, and it will have a certain impact on your majesty, the king. Therefore, you should be punished according to the laws of our country. It seems that the laws of our country are in front of the people of the country, and everyone is equal. Only in this way can we show that the laws of our country are strict, and you, the king, enforce the law strictly. The reason will make it worthless! It will cause someone to follow suit in the future!"

Originally, when the officials heard that the king wanted to treat Zhang Xiaoyan leniently, they all felt that the king was benevolent. When they were about to shout that the king was magnanimous and righteous, when they heard what Li Chaoqian said, they felt that what Li Chaoqian said was not unreasonable!

So some ministers said: "King, I also think that what Mr. Li Chaoqian said is not unreasonable! Before the law, everyone is equal, and the law must be strictly enforced. It should be punished according to the provisions of the law, not because of the criminal's contribution to the country. It should be that merit is merit, and demerit is demerit. Merit and demerit should be rewarded and punished separately, so as to reflect the king's rewards and punishments!"

Some ministers thought that from the perspective of strict law enforcement, what Li Chaoqian said was not unreasonable, but after thinking about it, Zhang Xiaoyan and Wei Xiaoping have known each other since childhood, and they practice martial arts and Taoism in the same sect, and they have become brothers and sisters. They often supported each other on the battlefield, went through life and death, and forged a deep friendship between brothers and sisters. Therefore, Zhang Xiaoyan knew that Wei Xiaoping was seriously injured, so it was reasonable to rush in to see Wei Xiaoping. Just imagine, if the person who was so seriously injured was her own My dear, who can not be in a hurry?It's just that when Zhang Xiaoyan went to see Wei Xiaoping, he fought against the soldiers without the permission of the guards, which violated the king's order, and did not cause any loss to the country. Moreover, after the king understood the cause, he gave Zhang Xiaoyan forgiveness, and from then on The light punishment reflects the king's magnanimity in law enforcement.

So a minister named Huang Chonghuan stood up and said, "King, I very much agree with the lighter punishment you planned to give to General Zhang Xiaoyan just now! I also agree with the strict law enforcement that Master Li Chaoqian said!"

King Huang Jingrui heard this, and said: "Master Huang Chonghuan, what you said made me feel a little confused. Please explain it to all the ministers present in detail!"

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