Wild Romance

Chapter 154 Fate

While stroking Boss Ma's back, Wei Xiaoping thought to himself, I never thought that Boss Ma and Niu Dahua were so broad-minded that they could say such broad-minded words. Yes, everything should be done with the big picture in mind first. The most important thing is to put the interests of the overall situation first, and then think about the individual, and then think about yourself, because everyone lives in the same country, and this country provides everyone with various guarantees in terms of safety and life. [-]. The country is composed of countless individuals. Only when the countless individuals unite can the overall situation form an irresistible and destructive force, and then in turn protect the safety and life security of the countless individuals.

"Master, when we first arrived at the barracks today, we were about to go in to see you, but we were blocked and attacked by two soldiers and a monster. Is that monster also your subordinate?" When I came back, I asked.

"That's right, the monster you mentioned is called Rhubarb. It has been with me for more than ten years. It is my mount and my helper. It has gone through countless wars with me and made many achievements for me. Now I and him, just Dear brother and brother, although I am a human being and a general, sometimes I have to listen to its opinions! In the future, you will also be like it, follow me on expeditions, go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and contribute to defeating the enemy for our Qingfeng country! You have to build a good relationship with it, unite with each other, and don’t feel personal grievances, because its qualifications are relatively long, and if you encounter disagreements in the future, you should let it as much as possible.” Wei Xiaoping said.

"Don't worry, General! We saw that it looks very ferocious. What kind of species is it? From birth to now, we have experienced hundreds of years and several previous lives, and we have never seen such a species!" Ma Boss said.

Then Wei Xiaoping gave an overview of how he went out to collect herbs, how he encountered rhubarb and how he took it in.

Boss Ma said: "General, since Qiongqi is a strange ancient fetish, and its character is so strange, since it can be so good with you, it proves that you and Brother Dahuang are really destined. It seems that this is destined by heaven. Arranged for you to be with Rhubarb!"

Niu Dahua also said: "General, the encounter between you and Brother Dahuang was arranged by God, just like Lord Yan arranged for us to meet you, it is also a kind of predestined fate!"

Wei Xiaoping thought about it for a while, and said: "It is true! So we must cherish our fate. The meeting between you and Dahuang is also the fate that you and Dahuang are destined to meet, so you and Dahuang should respect each other and help each other! "

"We will, general, because we and Dahuang are here to assist the general's cause! Our fate with Dahuang is also because of you, so we will respect Dahuang!" Ma Boss said.

Niu Dahua said: "General, why didn't we bring rhubarb with us when we came out just now? If we brought rhubarb with us, we could just talk to it and get to know each other!"

Wei Xiaoping said: "I thought so too at first, but when I thought about the past few days when I was injured and comatose, Rhubarb had been guarding my bedside. I didn't have to rest, so I let him rest in the barracks! Don't worry, from now on the three of you will all be together. Follow me, you can go wherever I go, there is plenty of time!"

At this time, Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs had already arrived outside the gate of the palace!

The six guards guarding the door were very surprised to see Wei Xiaoping's arrival.

Because they already knew that Wei Xiaoping was injured, and it was very serious, because Wei Xiaoping was pierced in the heart by a magic weapon, and they didn't expect to recover so quickly and report to the palace so soon.

They saw that Wei Xiaoping also brought two three-headed monsters, dogs and not dogs, and wolves and not wolves, thinking that Wei Xiaoping had caught them from somewhere.

"General Wei, didn't you get injured a few days ago? You recovered so early? Congratulations! Why didn't you take a break and report for duty? And you also caught two monsters?" said a guard soldier.

"Thank you! I have fully recovered. I came here because I had something to report to the king!" Wei Xiaoping said in return.

"These two monsters look so ugly and look so ferocious. Where were they caught? What kind of monsters are they? Why didn't General Wei tie them up? Are you not afraid of them hurting people?" Another soldier followed. Said.

Wei Xiaoping said: "They are my new helpers, they are not monsters! Thank you for your concern! I have something to report to the king, please one of you to go in and inform the king that General Wei has something to report to him?"

A soldier immediately walked quickly into the palace.

Wei Xiaoping brought the two ghost dogs to a tree not far from the door, and said, "Boss Ma, you two wait for me under this tree, don't run around, lest others will be frightened by you!"

Boss Ma said: "Good general! In order to give everyone a sense of security, general, you can tie the chains around our necks under the tree roots, so that when others see us being chained under the tree, they don't have to worry about it." Scared!"

Niu Dahua also said: "General, you can tie us up, so that others will not be frightened by us, cause trouble, and delay the general's affairs!"

After hearing this, Wei Xiaoping thought to himself, Boss Ma and Niu Dahua are right, it’s really rare for them to be so considerate of others, but if I tie them up, I feel like I don’t trust them in my heart ! ——Since they said so, I'll tie them under the tree first!Now that I have just returned from the underworld to the underworld, few people have come into contact with them. In the future, people will often see them and understand them, so there is no need to tie them!

Then Wei Xiaoping recited the mantra of the hoop dog, and the arm-like thick chains around the necks of the two ghost dogs suddenly floated up, stretched, and floated towards the root of the tree, and then automatically joined under the root of the tree and entangled themselves. Get tangled up.

"Boss Ma, Niu Dahua, in order to take care of other people's feelings, I will wrong you for a while!" After fastening the chain, Wei Xiaoping said,

The two ghost dogs let out a low "bark" bark to answer Wei Xiaoping's words.

The five soldiers on both sides saw that Wei Xiaoping was able to thicken and lengthen the iron chains around the necks of the two monsters just by chanting words, and automatically tied the two monsters under the tree. sharp!

Seeing that the person who went in to report hadn't come out, the five soldiers wanted to chat with Wei Xiaoping, wanting to know how Wei Xiaoping captured these two monsters back, and how he trained them to be his helpers.

Wei Xiaoping looked at them seriously and said: "Everyone, be serious. During work, you are not allowed to talk, and you are not allowed to leave your post without authorization, so as not to be walked into the palace by the enemy!"

After hearing this, the five soldiers immediately returned to the door and stood up solemnly!

After a while, the soldier who went in to report came out and said, "General Wei, hurry up and go in. The king is very happy to hear that you have recovered. He will call you in immediately!"

Hearing what the soldiers said, Wei Xiaoping turned his head and said a few words to the two ghost dogs under the tree. He saluted the six soldiers with his hands clasped together, and immediately walked quickly to the palace.

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