Wild Romance

Chapter 153 "Everything Focuses on the Overall Situation"

The two ghost dogs ignored the passers-by.

Although passers-by kept watching the excitement along the way, and beat the two ghost dogs with sticks or stones from time to time, but because the two ghost dogs ignored everyone, they gradually felt bored and walked away. opened.

In this way, people came up to watch the fun along the way from time to time, and people walked away from time to time.

When the two ghost dogs heard Wei Xiaoping say to go to the palace, they thought to themselves: The palace?Isn't that where the king lives?Is the master going to take us to the king?

"General, where are you taking us? Is it the palace?" Boss Ma asked without turning his head while walking.

When the two ghost dogs were still in the underworld, because they were both ghosts like Wei Xiaoping in the underworld, and in the underworld, there was only one fixed language called ghost talk. Big words can communicate with nonsense.

After returning to the underworld, Wei Xiaoping's ghostly body returned to his original body, and his communication method changed from the ghost words used in the underworld to human language expressions; the two ghost dogs also changed from their original ghost bodies back to the underworld. As real dogs, their way of speaking and communicating has also become a way of expressing in real dog language, that is, speaking in dog language.

Although the ghost dog horse boss and Niu Dahua have turned back into real canine animals, their minds are indeed human minds, and their thinking is also unique to human beings, but the appearance of their bodies has changed into a strange three-headed dog.

Although Wei Xiaoping speaks and communicates in human language, and the two ghost dogs use dog language to communicate, but because Lord Yan assigned the two ghost dogs to Wei Xiaoping to help Wei Xiaoping eliminate evil and promote good in the world of heaven, and help humans in the world of heaven In order for them to have no barriers in language communication when they are in the yang world, Lord Yan specially cast spells on Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs, so that they can communicate with each other, although they speak their own words. , but through spells, they can understand the meaning of what the other party is saying.

"In the barracks just now, the king sent someone to invite him to the palace. I don't know what the king wants to summon!" Wei Xiaoping said.

The two ghost dogs heard that the king had summoned them, and they thought to themselves: Sure enough, the king wants to see the master, and the master takes us with him, so we can also see the king?

"General, are you bringing us into the palace too?" Boss Ma said happily, thinking to himself, if the master really takes us into the palace and see the king's honor, how lucky it is!The king is the lord of a country, and he is the most beloved celebrity in the eyes of everyone. How many people want to see the king, even shake hands with the king, is a luxury. If we are really led by the master, we can How nice it would be to see the king so easily!

Niu Dahua also thought, I hope the master can take us to meet the king and see the king's demeanor!In the previous life, I didn't know who was the king, and I didn't know who was in the previous life. I hope that in this life, I can witness the demeanor of the king, so that if I can change back to human beings and have descendants in this life, I can also Show it off to future generations!

Niu Dahua thought so, and asked Wei Xiaoping: "General, can you take us into the palace, we also want to meet the king!"

Wei Xiaoping smiled and said, "Why do you want to see the king so much?"

"The king is the lord of a country, and all the citizens depend on the king to live a good life! Therefore, the king is the idol of all the citizens, so the king is also my idol!" Ma said.

"Yes, Boss Ma is right! That's what I mean, but I can't think of how to express it!" Niu Dahua also agreed.

"Boss Ma, you are right. The king is the lord of a country. He is the leader who leads the people of the country to work together so that everyone can live a better life. His kindness to the people is like the parents in a family. Our own children are as deep, so we must respect and respect our king, and to defend our king and our country from foreign invasion, even if we die in battle, we will not hesitate!" Wei Xiaoping said.

"General, what kind of person is the king? Can you tell us something before we get to the palace?" Boss Ma asked.

Wei Xiaoping paused his shoulders and said: "I have been a soldier in Qingfeng since I was 20 years old. Up to now, I have been a soldier in Qingfeng for six years. During these six years, I have led troops to fight against many neighboring countries. I fought less, suffered a lot of injuries, and failed a few times, and every time I was injured or failed, the king came to greet me and comfort me personally, even brought me a bowl to feed me, and rubbed my medicine himself!"

Boss Ma said: "Huh? The king is so good? He fed the general the national food and rubbed the medicine himself?"

Niu Dahua also said in surprise: "What a good king!"

Wei Xiaoping continued: "Our king not only cares about us general-level soldiers, but also treats ordinary soldiers equally! Every time he fights with other countries or gangs, the king requires every general Register the wounded or dead soldiers, and send someone to bring them back to him to see. After receiving the list of wounded soldiers, after reading it, write the documents by hand to comfort and encourage the wounded soldiers, and send palace doctors to the injured soldiers. Soldiers were treated, the soldiers who died in battle were buried in a unified way, and incense was personally offered, and the families of the soldiers who died in battle were provided with necessities in life. This moved the soldiers and their families! Even some citizens saw the king If you are so kind to the people, you will have more children, so that when you grow up, you will be sent to the army to serve the country!"

"General, I was moved to tears when I heard that our king is so sympathetic to the soldiers! Now we come back with the general, are we also citizens of Qingfeng Kingdom?" Niu Dahua said.

Wei Xiaoping said: "Of course! You were assigned to me by Lord Yan, the old man. Come back with me and assist me in helping human beings and all living things to slay demons and demons in this world! Why do you ask?"

"Because we are dogs. I'm afraid the king will see us as animals and won't treat us like citizens!" Boss Ma and Niu Dahua said in unison.

Wei Xiaoping said: "Don't worry, I will tell him about your affairs in front of the king, and he will treat you well!"

"We are different from ordinary dogs! We look so weird, what if the king suspects that we are monsters and treats us as monsters? Look at us with disgust!" Ma Boss said.

Wei Xiaoping smiled and said: "Boss Ma, in your previous life, the reason why the people in the village looked at you that way was that apart from the fact that you were weird, the main reason was that the local villagers were ordinary villagers. There are few people in the world, so of course I suspect that you are changed by monsters. The king of our Qingfeng country is the lord of a country, and he has been king for decades. Every year, there are many weird things happening in the whole country, some important weird things, Generally, they are reported to the king to know. Over the past few decades, he has seen a lot of weird things, so I guess he will not be very surprised when he sees you, and before introducing him to see you, I have to first Explain your situation to him and let him prepare mentally."

Boss Ma said: "That's right, what the master said is very reasonable! Some master told the king first, it is impossible for the king not to trust his subordinates! It seems that our consideration is superfluous!"

Niu Dahua also said: "Our worries are superfluous! Anyway, we are sent by Lord Yan to follow Master. Whatever you want us to do, Master, we will do whatever you want. Everything is at Master's command!"

Wei Xiaoping patted Boss Ma's back, then looked at Niu Dahua, and said, "That's right, as long as I'm here, no matter what disputes you encounter, as long as the truth is on your side, I will always support you!"

Hearing what Wei Xiaoping said, the two ghost dogs felt a burst of sweetness in their hearts.

Boss Ma said gratefully: "Thank you, master! You can't say that all the time. Everything is based on the overall situation. Sometimes as long as the overall situation requires it, sometimes it is on the private side, but for the sake of the overall situation, it is also right to sacrifice personal interests." !"

Niu Dahua also sighed and said: "General Wei, Boss Ma is right. Everything should be based on the overall situation and national interests. Only when the overall situation is stable, and only when our country is stable, can the people live a stable life!"

Hearing the words of the two ghost dogs, Wei Xiaoping was moved in his heart, and he kept stroking the horse boss gently with his hands!

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