Wild Romance

Chapter 151 Complex Relationships


Immediately after, Master Xuan Zhe roughly told Wei Xiaoping and Huang Xianlin about what he had talked with Master Shang Heng a few days ago.

Later, Huang Xianlin also told Wei Xiao about the conversation he had with Yang Shengtian (that is, Wei Xiaofan) at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain.

Wei Xiaoping listened, pondered for a while, and said: "Master, in this way, the one who took my younger brother Wei Xiaofan away back then should be the so-called master that my younger brother said. Wei Xiaofan's master was surnamed Yang, and the general Wei Xiaofan now serves as. Shi Huiguo, the king Yang Sancheng also has the surname Yang, the leader of the Heavenly Curse Demon Clan is Yang Qitian, whose surname is Yang, and Yang Jiutian, who got into the barbarian country to work as a national doctor, is also surnamed Yang. When I think about it carefully, I think these people are all surnamed Yang. It's just a coincidence, I think things are not simple, especially Yang Sancheng, although this Yang Sancheng split from the barbarian country and established the Shihui country by himself, it seems that he has nothing to do with the barbarian country, but thinking about it, it's not as simple as splitting ! I always feel that Shihui Nation, Barbarian Nation, and the Heavenly Curse Demon Clan have some kind of unknown relationship, but I can't figure out what kind of relationship it is!"

Master Xuanzhe said: "Teacher, you are right, this is also the place where the teacher is confused. I feel that this Yang Sancheng does not seem to have split from the barbarian country, and the reason why he split from the barbarian country seems to be brewing. Some kind of conspiracy!"

Huang Xianlin also said: "Yes! What the uncle said is very reasonable. I have a question, uncle. After Yang Sancheng came out of the barbarian country with his own troops, he established the Shihui country. Did the barbarian country split because of Yang Sancheng's troops?" , and fought against Shi Huiguo?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "As far as I know, since Yang Sancheng led troops to split to form Shi Hui Kingdom, the Barbarian Kingdom did not send troops to fight against Shi Hui Kingdom because of Yang Sancheng's split. This is what I can't figure out! On the contrary It is the State of Mercy, which has just split from the Barbarian State, but it is attacking other countries or gangs everywhere..."

Wei Xiaoping said: "Perhaps Shihui State is not really splitting from the Barbarian State, but just an illusion to show the gangs of other countries, making people mistakenly think that it is really splitting from the Barbarian State, and distracting other countries from the Barbarian State and the Barbarian State. The attention of the beneficiary country is nothing more than a large branch of the barbarian country."

Huang Xianlin said: "If this is the case, isn't the barbarian country afraid of the real independence of the Shihui country? You know, being the supreme commander of a country is the psychological dream of anyone in life! The feeling of having the highest power in your hands and doing whatever you want is a How many bad men's dreams,"

Wei Xiaoping said: "Master, do you know the origin of this Yang Sancheng? How did he enter the barbarian country to work in the past?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "Who is this Yang Sancheng? Master, I don't know! But it is said that he was handsome since he was a child, read a lot of books, was very smart, and had a lot of ambition. When he was in his twenties, he met a Immortal Taoist priest. The Taoist priest saw that he was handsome and intelligent, and said that he had such high aptitude, he was most suitable for cultivation in the mountains, and he would definitely do something in the future. If you want to do something, you must have some achievements in cultivating immortals and Taoism, so that you can get help in making achievements in the future. This Yang Sancheng followed the Taoist priest to go up the mountain to practice martial arts frequently, and practice immortality and Taoism diligently. After practicing for 900 years Later, he not only prolonged his own life in terms of age, but also gained a very high level of self-cultivation in the practice of immortality. At that time, his master was already over 1000 years old! It was just in his twilight years, and a few years later, this Yang Sancheng After sending his master to die, I thought to myself, no matter how much you cultivate and become an immortal, you can only prolong your own life and live longer than ordinary people. In the end, when your lifespan is up, your soul will return to the underworld, leaving nothing behind! Rather than doing this, it is better to do some big things and leave some memories for the world! Therefore, this Yang San became the leader of the barbarian country in order to display his lofty ambitions and want to be famous in history, looking for opportunities to get close to the barbarian country. The first time I volunteered my advice to the barbarian country, and finally I was able to serve as a military adviser under a general of the barbarian country."

"Master, then why did this Yang Sancheng leave the barbarian country and build a country independently?" Wei Xiaoping asked.

Xuanzhe said: "When Yang Sancheng was a military adviser in the barbarian country, sometimes in order to help his master win battles, he dared to offer any ruthless and merciless strategies when encountering difficult battles. However, although this Yang Sancheng has some ruthless and merciless strategies, but for The heart of loving the people is sincere, so it is also loved by many soldiers and people in the barbarian country, and has a certain prestige."

Huang Xianlin said: "According to my master, this Yang Sancheng is not a bad person, logically, this Yang Sancheng is still a good person!"

Master Xuanzhe said: "Judging from his attitude towards the barbarian country and its soldiers, in the barbarian country, he can be regarded as a good subject who cares about the country and the people! At that time, the leader of the barbarian country, Zhao Jingjiao, lived a corrupt life and ignored political affairs. , let the subordinate officers and soldiers burn, kill and plunder civilians, and even foreign enemies who abandon their clans don’t care much about it.”


The real person Xuan Na continued: "This Yang Sanyuan came to the barbarian country because he wanted to do great things and leave his name in the history books. Seeing that Zhao Jingjia was so addicted to women's sex and traveling around mountains and rivers, he felt extremely discouraged, so he waited until After the general he served died of illness, he took a team of people and fled from the barbarian country to a place called Shili thousands of miles away from the barbarian country. The Zixing gang was named Shi Huibang, which means to benefit the people .”

"Because this Yang Sancheng is extremely intelligent and possesses the magic of immortality, he fought against other alien gangs. He was rarely defeated and almost invincible. In addition, he loved the soldiers and the people very much, so many people suffered soon. Soldiers and refugees defected to him, so the gang quickly expanded rapidly."

"In just five or six years, the area of ​​the gang or country that his gang occupied has expanded rapidly, and it is larger than the land area of ​​our Qingfeng country. One of the kingdoms."

"Seeing that the gang he leads is invincible against other gangs, and the territorial area expands as quickly as the floating clouds in the sky projected on the ground, Yang Sancheng is very confident in his own strength. In order to facilitate the management of various areas, and also for the sake of In order to keep his name in history, he changed the name of Shi Huibang to Shi Hui Kingdom, and followed the management method of the barbarian country, dividing the country into three regions and giving them to three generals to guard and manage them. At the same time, he also gave the three generals the throne of the region power, second only to kings."

"Shi Huiguo divided the country into three regions and assigned three generals to manage it. For those who manage a region, Yang Sancheng named the general in charge of the region as the king of the region, and called him the king by the name of the region. At that time, Yang Sancheng divided Shi Huiguo into Huicheng District, Yingbin District, and Huainan District. Three generals took charge of the three areas respectively. The three generals were Yang Shengtian, Yang Chuanfang and Yang Jiancheng. Yang Shengtian managed Huicheng District and was named Huicheng District. Cheng Wang, Yang Chuanfang was in charge of the Yingbin District, and was conferred the title of Yingbin King. Yang Jiancheng was in charge of the Huainan District, and was conferred the title of King of Huainan. At that time, I also knew that Yang Shengtian was King Huicheng, but I didn’t expect that this Yang Shengtian had been missing for many years. Wei Xiaofan! ——It’s a pity that I didn’t know that this Yang Shengtian was my disciple Xiaofan, if I knew, I wouldn’t let you brothers each other...” At this point, Master Xuanzhe sighed a long time!

Seeing Master sighing and worrying about his two brothers, Wei Xiaoping immediately said: "I'm sorry, Master, I have caused Master to worry a lot about the matter of our brothers! We are really unfilial! Don't worry, Master, no matter what, I will Do everything possible to bring brother Zhao back!"

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