Wild Romance

Chapter 147 Monsters in Dreams and Reality

"Yan Wangye? Send them back? Two three-headed strange dogs?" Hearing Wei Xiaoping calling the name of Yan Wangye in his dream, Xuanzhe had an ideal. There is no such god, no one has ever seen!Now Wei Xiaoping actually said in his dream that Lord Yan would send him back!Well, since I saw Lord Yan sending him back in my dream, it seems that his body has recovered pretty well!

Master Xuanzhe thought about it, and immediately felt Wei Xiaoping's pulse with his hand.

Master Xuanzhe gave Wei Xiaoping his pulse, and at the same time thought about what Wei Xiaoping said in his dream. He felt that one sentence of what Wei Xiaoping said in his dream just now was very strange!Which sentence is it? !

Master Xuanzhe continued to think about what Wei Xiaoping said about "two three-headed strange dogs" while sounding his pulse, and he always felt that these words seemed to correspond to something!Suddenly he frowned and thought to himself: "When I came here just now, the two monsters I met were so similar to the 'two three-headed strange dogs' that Wei Xiaoping said in his dream? Could it be that Wei Xiaoping said 'two three-headed monsters'? Is the "strange dog" the two three-headed monsters you caught just now? The heads of those two monsters really look like dogs! And they also have three heads on the same body! Could it be that these two monsters have Did the three-headed monster appear in the barracks because of Wei Xiaoping’s awakening? Otherwise, what is such a coincidence? If that’s the case, then what Wei Xiaoping said in his dream that Lord Hades sent him back was true? , Wei Xiaoping still said in his dream, "Yan Wangye, where is the old man? He sent us back, and we disappeared before we thanked him!" The us in this sentence refers to Wei Xiaoping and who Is it these two monsters?

"Xiaoyan, go find Huang Xianlin and tell him not to tease those two monsters for others!" Master Xuanzhe said to Zhang Xiaoyan.

"Uncle, what monster?" Zhang Xiaoyan was a little puzzled.

Master Xuanzhe said: "I can't explain it clearly for a while, let Dahuang take you to Huang Xianlin! —— Dahuang, take Xiaoyan to Huang Xianlin's senior brother, and let Xiaoyan tell him not to tease those two. monster!"

Rhubarb's eyes widened when he heard Master Xuanzhe said that no one would tease those two monsters, thinking, didn't those two monsters come to attack the barracks before they were arrested?What's the matter with this old man?Are you going to protect them now?But thinking that Master Xuanzhe is the master's master, and he is a person who has practiced immortality and Taoism for thousands of years, and has thousands of years of life experience in the world, so he can clearly distinguish between good and bad things, good and evil.

Da Huang thought so, and took Zhang Xiaoyan to the place where the two monsters were closed.

Rhubarb and Zhang Xiaoyan went out, and Master Xuanzhe continued to give Wei Xiaoping pulse!

"Sure enough, just as Zhang Xiaoyan said, Wei Xiaoping's pulse is normal and healthier than that of ordinary people! But why is he still half asleep and half awake?" Xuanzhe thought ideally.

Master Xuan Zhe helped Wei Xiaoping up, sat him on the bed with his back facing him, put his left palm against Wei Xiaoping's back, and poured his true energy into Wei Xiaoping's back with luck.

After a while, where Master Xuanzhe pressed Wei Xiaoping's back with his palm, wisps of white mist rose slowly.As the white mist rose, Wei Xiaoping's eyes slowly opened, looking around dully.

Seeing that Wei Xiaoping woke up, Master Xuanzhe immediately turned to Wei Xiaoping and looked at Wei Xiaoping carefully.

"Master, when did you come?" Wei Xiaoping saw Master Xuanzhe coming in front of him, he quickly stood up and wanted to salute Master Xuanzhe.

Master Xuan Zhe immediately suppressed Wei Xiaoping and said, "Excuse me, excuse me. How does your body feel now?"

"Thank you, master, for your concern. My disciple is fine!" Wei Xiaoping got out of bed, intending to get a cup to pour water for Master Xuan Zhe.

Wei Xiaoping poured a glass of water for Master Xuanzhe, and Master Xuanzhe told him to sit down, and asked, "Tell Master, why did you get stabbed in the heart from the back? , there are not many opponents on the wild continent, not to mention, you have the body of the Nine Heavens God Gang!"

"I met my younger brother, Wei Xiaofan, master!" Wei Xiaoping said with a sad tone.

"Oh? Where did you meet? On the battlefield?" Master Xuan Zhe probably guessed the process of Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan's fight, but he still wanted to hear Wei Xiaoping's story of the fight with Wei Xiaofan.

"My younger brother is now General Shi Huiguo, and his name has been changed to Yang Shengtian! Besides, he seems to have been controlled by someone! He has completely forgotten everything about his childhood...!" So Wei Xiaoping told how Huang Xianlin met Wei Xiaofan, How he went to Shi Huiguo alone to find Wei Xiaofan, and how he fought against Wei Xiaofan on the battlefield, roughly told Master Xuanzhe!

After Master Xuanzhe listened, he thought of the fight he had with Yang Shengtian on the battlefield that day, and was even more sure that Yang Shengtian was 100% Wei Xiaofan.

And judging from the fact that Wei Xiaofan changed his name to Yang Shengtian and was controlled by a dementor, Wei Xiaofan was suddenly taken away ten years ago. [-]% related!As for why he thinks this way, Master Xuanzhe is not very clear about it, but he just vaguely feels that there is a close relationship between the Sky Curse Demon Clan and Yang Jiutian and Yang Sancheng.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoyan, Huang Xianlin and Da Huang walked in.

When Da Huang, Zhang Xiaoyan and Huang Xianlin saw that Wei Xiaoping was already standing and talking to Master Xuanzhe, they all walked up quickly.

"Xiaoping, are you fully recovered?" Huang Xianlin grabbed Wei Xiaoping's shoulder, looked left and right at Wei Xiaoping and asked.

Wei Xiaoping said apologetically with happiness: "It's all healed! Thank you brother for your concern! I'm sorry for making everyone worry!"

"That's good! That's good!" Huang Xianlin thumped Wei Xiaoping's shoulder with his fist and said, "You've been in a coma for the past few days, you tortured everyone!"

Rhubarb on the side also turned his head deep, and gently pushed Wei Xiaoping's back with his head like a baby, then turned his head a few times, and let out a low cry, as if to say: Master, why are you ignoring him? I!

Wei Xiaoping immediately turned his head, supported Da Huang's chin with his hands, made Da Huang look at him, and said jokingly: "Brother Da Huang, to be honest, where did you go to have fun these few days when I was in a coma? Why did I When I woke up, I only saw Master, but not you?"

Rhubarb looked at Wei Xiaoping's expression when he spoke, and knew that the master was joking with him, so he opened his mouth wide, pretending to be angry, and wanted to bite Wei Xiaoping.

Wei Xiaoping immediately pretended to be scared and patted Rhubarb lightly, avoiding Rhubarb's mouth that was about to bite!

Immediately, Xuan Zhe, Zhang Xiaoyan and Huang Xianlin beside him laughed!

After everyone laughed, Wei Xiaoping came to Zhang Xiaoyan and said jokingly: "Yan'er, you have to explain to me, where did you go to play when I was in a coma for the past few days? When I woke up, I only I saw Master, didn’t I see you? I didn’t come to see me until now!” Wei Xiaoping said, pretending to be heartbroken: “It’s a shame that I used to treat you like my own sister!” Wei Xiaoping turned his head away, Covering his face with his sleeves, he put his fingers in his mouth, soaked in the saliva, and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoyan thought that Wei Xiaoping was really sad, and immediately went to Xiaoping, pushed Wei Xiaoping's hand away and looked into Wei Xiaoping's eyes.Seeing that the corners of Wei Xiaoping's eyes were a little wet, he immediately became sad, and said distressedly: "Brother Xiaoping, I didn't go to play! Really! Ever since you came back from your injury that day, Rhubarb and I have been here to take care of you!" , took out a handkerchief from his arms, wiped Xiaoping's "tears" lightly, and continued: "During the few days you were in a coma, everyone was very worried about you!"

Wei Xiaoping pretended to be wronged and said softly: "Is it true? Don't lie to me? Then why can't I see you when I wake up?"

Zhang Xiaoyan said: "That's because Dahuang and I went out on business. When I was leaving, the uncle saw it, and it was the uncle who told me to go find Xianlin!"

Hearing what Zhang Xiaoyan said, Master Xuanzhe suddenly remembered something, and immediately asked Wei Xiaoping: "Xiaoping, during the time you were in a coma, did you see anything in your dream?"

Zhang Xiaoyan also asked Xiaoping, "Yeah, Brother Xiaoping, I stayed by your bedside and heard you talking a lot of nonsense in your sleep! Every time I heard you talking, I always thought you were going to wake up, but then I didn't." Wake up! Do you remember what you saw in your dream?"

When Wei Xiaoping heard Xuanzhe and Zhang Xiaoyan's question, he immediately froze for a while, as if he was recalling what happened in his dream.

Wei Xiaoping closed his eyes and thought for a while, then said: "There are so many messy things in the dream, I don't remember anything, and I don't know where to think of it!"

Zhang Xiaoyan saw that Wei Xiaoping couldn't recall what happened in the dream, and his face showed a bit of pain, so she said, "Since you can't remember it, then don't! You just woke up from a coma, and your body may not have Don’t think about it when you’ve fully recovered, it’s just a dream anyway!”

Master Xuan Zhe said: "Then think back to what you dreamed of when you were about to wake up?"

Zhang Xiaoyan and Huang Xianlin saw Master Xuanzhe asking Wei Xiaoping so seriously, they felt that Master Xuanzhe seemed to have discovered something, and looked at Xiaoping seriously.

Wei Xiaoping closed his eyes and pondered for a while, and said: "Before the sky was about to dawn, I dreamed that Lord Yama sent me back with two strange dogs with these three heads! When I was about to arrive home, I was about to thank Lord Yama, Looking back, I saw that I don’t know when Lord Yan left, and I wanted to ask the two ghost dogs, but I also saw that the two ghost dogs also left at some point! Seeing that Lord Yan and the two ghost dogs were gone, My soul rushed directly to the body, and then I woke up."

Zhang Xiaoyan, Huang Xianlin and Da Huang were all stunned when Wei Xiaoping said that two ghost dogs with three heads came back with him in his dream.Because, the three of them just came back from the two three-headed monsters that were captured in captivity.Xiaoping woke up this morning. These two monsters with three heads also appeared in the barracks before dawn today, and the two fast dogs with three heads that Xiaoping said came back with him in the dream were the same as these two monsters. The monster looks very imaginary, what a coincidence, could it be that Wei Xiaoping really brought back two real three-headed strange dogs in his dream?

Master Xuanzhe asked again: "Do you remember what those two strange dogs in the dream looked like?"

Wei Xiaoping immediately described the appearance of the two ghost dogs brought back in the dream in detail, and asked: "Master, what's wrong? What happened?"

After hearing this, Master Xuanzhe stroked his beard, and said in a deep voice, "Come on, I'll take you to see the two monsters and see if they look exactly like the two ghost dogs you saw in your dream!"

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