Wild Romance

Chapter 144 Misidentified as a Monster Beast

As the sky became brighter, more and more soldiers woke up, and more and more people watched, and more and more people talked about the two strange ghost dogs, and the scenes became more and more serious. more lively.

In addition to discussing the strange appearance of the two ghost dogs and whether they are monsters or not, people also discussed whether rhubarb can defeat the two monster ghost dogs, and why the two monster ghost dogs would only evade and not fight back against rhubarb's attack ?They look so weird and ferocious, is it just a fake?Others said they were monsters. Since they were monsters, they should fight back against the attack of the two soldiers just now, right?If they fought back at the two soldiers, the two soldiers would have absolutely no chance to fight back.

Since they came here, they didn't see them hurt anyone, they didn't fight back against the attack of the two soldiers, they didn't fight back against the attack of Rhubarb and they didn't run away, they just lingered with Rhubarb and didn't want to leave.

About a quarter of an hour later, seeing that Rhubarb hadn't done anything to the two monsters, Huang Xianlin pointed to the soldiers next to him and said, "You, you, you, and you, go and block those two monsters from behind." The escape route of the two monsters, assist Da Huang to capture these two monsters together!"

The five soldiers responded and ran towards the back of the ghost dogs. They drew their knives and waved them back and forth at the two ghost dogs.

Rhubarb felt a little anxious when he saw the two monsters continuously breathing fire and flapping their wings, but failed to hit them. He didn't expect the two monsters to retreat so quickly.Seeing Huang Xianlin call a few soldiers to help, Da Huang felt that he was underestimated by the people around him, and it seemed that he wanted to change his attack method.

So, Rhubarb jumped between the two ghost dogs, and used his mouth and wings to attack quickly and continuously at close range.

I saw Rhubarb sometimes biting the head or neck of Niu Dahua on the left with its mouth, or hitting the body or head of Niu Dahua directly with its head. Boss Ma attacked to the right, his movements were as fast as lightning, and he quickly retracted as soon as he hit him.

The two ghost dogs saw that Rhubarb suddenly jumped among them and attacked them at close range with lightning-fast movements. They also saw the sudden increase of five soldiers besieging their retreat. Jump in and attack them at close range, and Rhubarb's attack speed is even faster, several times faster than the original attack speed, because Rhubarb's attack speed is faster, and there are five soldiers behind to block the retreat, if you still Such forbearance is likely to be hit by rhubarb!From the wind force from the upper and lower lips every time Rhubarb bites, you can feel how strong the force is. If you are bitten by it right, then it’s okay?

"It seems that in order to keep yourself from being bitten, you must either flee here as soon as possible and come back after the master wakes up, or fight hard with Rhubarb and the five soldiers! If you fight hard with them, it may be inevitable that both sides will be hurt. Hurt, at that time, when the master wakes up and sees this scene, he must feel uncomfortable!" The two ghost dogs were thinking contradictoryly in their hearts, while avoiding the attacks of Rhubarb and the five soldiers with quick eyes and hands.

At this time, Rhubarb's attack speed became faster and faster, and the five soldiers behind him also moved faster.

Facing the siege of six "enemies", one is the mythical beast Rhubarb, who has been on the battlefield with Wei Xiaoping for a long time. Although they don't have spells, they can be sent to watch the night for the soldiers in the barracks, and their martial arts and attack power are naturally good.

Now the six "enemies" are surrounding the two ghost dogs together, and their attacks have also accelerated. No matter how powerful the two ghost dogs are, they can only avoid the rapid attacks of Rhubarb and the six soldiers, but they can't dodge them. Come.

"Boss Ma, if this continues, no matter how fast we dodge, we will still miss! Should we fight back or escape from here?" Niu Dahua quickly sprinted back and forth to avoid Dahuang's attack, while He barked loudly at Boss Ma.

"It's strange, why hasn't General Wei woke up yet? Didn't it mean that the body wakes up as soon as the soul returns to the body? General Wei's soul has been in the body for so long, why don't you see him wake up?" Boss Ma hid The attack of the five soldiers also said.

"Could it be that the body has woken up, and the consciousness is still blurred, so it didn't come out to see us? Or didn't remember us?"

"It's possible! Just imagine, General Wei was pierced into the heart by an artifact, and the heart was punctured. How can he be healed in a few days?"

"Then what should we do? Should we leave here first, and come back after the master wakes up? Or continue to deal with Dahuang and them? If we continue to deal with it, we will still be misunderstood by them as beast monsters, and we will continue to be chased and beaten by them. At that time, there will definitely be more and more people coming to attack us, no matter how fast we evade their attack, we will still miss, not to mention, we may not be able to deal with just this monster named Dahuang!"

"You are right. We are not afraid of these soldiers. We are afraid that there are other beasts or other powerful people like General Wei coming to attack us. We are definitely not their opponents! And we don't know when the master will attack us. Can wake up. It seems that we should leave here for a while, and wait for the master to wake up and wake up one day, and we will come back to find him!"

"Okay, that's it!"

The ghost dog horse boss and Niu Dahua barked while hiding.

So, in order to escape smoothly, the two ghost dogs suddenly roared loudly at each other, and then attacked each other with all their strength.

Niu Dahua was dealing with the attacks of several soldiers. After suddenly yelling loudly at the soldiers, he quickly opened the three dog heads to the three soldiers on the left, pretending to bite them, and then , and the tail quickly swept towards the two soldiers on the right.

When the three soldiers on the left started attacking, they only saw Niu Dahua dodging their attacks, but now they saw three dogs biting them at the same time, because they had never fought such a monster before, although they were a little timid psychologically , but still bravely raised his knife to meet him.

When their knives were about to hit three dog heads, Niu Dahua not only did not avoid the coming knives, but opened his mouth wide to welcome them.

Hearing the sound of jingling three metals, the three long knives of the three soldiers were tightly bitten by Niu Dahua's steel-like teeth, and then they flicked their heads to the left, and immediately snatched the three soldiers' knives. At the same time, he also pulled the three soldiers to the left and threw them more than a foot away, and fell to the ground. Then, he bit hard and broke the three long knives at the same time. Six bangs sounded, and the three long knives that were bitten off turned into six pieces and fell to the ground at the same time, making several bangs.The two soldiers on the right saw Niu Dahua's tail swinging towards them, and raised their blades to slash at Niu Dahua's tail, only to hear two jingling sounds, and the two sharp knives were knocked to the ground by Niu Dahua's tail , the right hands of the two soldiers were also in pain from the shock of the knife handle, and they quickly stepped back ten steps.

After scaring the five soldiers back, Niu Dahua opened three more mouths, barking at the three soldiers on the ground and the two soldiers whose right arms were in pain from the shock.

The five soldiers saw that Niu Dahua suddenly fought back vigorously, knocking down all five of their weapons to the ground before they finished drinking a bowl of water, and they couldn't help feeling afraid of Niu Dahua!

It turns out that the two ghost dogs, the horse boss and Niu Dahua, were thrown into the wild by the owner and the bitch in the previous life when they were just born. In order to survive, they have been hunting in the mountains and forests since they were young. In fighting, in addition to training a whole body of hunting skills, one also trains one's own skin and tail to be as hard as steel sheets, making it impossible for ordinary weapons to cut or stab at all.

Later, he starved to death because he was filial to his master in the previous life. After death, he returned to the underworld again, and in the underworld, he showed the door for hundreds of years to the consultation office for the crossing of all things.In these hundreds of years, practicing while guarding the door has greatly increased my skill, and the dog's skin has become tougher and tougher!

After Ma Boss and Niu Dahua decided to leave here temporarily, in order to escape smoothly, he also suddenly launched a fierce attack on Dahuang.

When he saw Rhubarb opening his mouth to bite him, Boss Ma immediately opened his three mouths at the same time, and divided the labor to bite at three different places on Rhubarb's body. The three big mouths and the middle mouth greeted him. Rhubarb's mouth was biting away, and the other mouths on the left and right were biting towards Rhubarb's neck, and while biting, the three mouths also barked vigorously at the same time. The barking sound was loud, as if the sound was coming out against the ear.

Rhubarb was somewhat suspicious of the attack power of the two ghost dogs when he first fought with the two ghost dogs, because the two ghost dogs were just avoiding its attacks, so he was a little paralyzed about the strength of the two ghost dogs stand up.Now seeing them suddenly attack with all their strength, and the other one biting the cutting blade with its mouth, and the three blades can't hurt them, I feel that these two monsters should not be underestimated!

Rhubarb saw that Boss Ma suddenly opened three huge mouths towards him and bit him, and the three mouths actually divided their labor and bit in different directions on his body. While pushing the body back, a pair of steel-like wings also hit the horse boss at the same time.

Ma Boss, who just opened his mouth to bite Rhubarb, saw Rhubarb suddenly retreating, and at the same time, a pair of wings flapped forward while his body was retreating.Boss Ma wanted to avoid the pair of wings attacked by Rhubarb, but it was too late. Rhubarb's pair of steel-like wings hit its body and three heads hard, making its whole body seem to be thrown away After flying a few feet away, he fell heavily to the ground.

When Niu Dahua saw Boss Ma fell to the ground, he immediately barked a few times: "Boss Ma, what are you doing? Is it important?"

"It's okay, let's go now while we are far away from them!" Boss Ma barked.

Niu Dahua understood, and immediately soared into the air in the opposite direction, and flew towards the wall that was relatively close, followed by Boss Ma also leaping up.

The five soldiers immediately followed suit; when Da Huang saw this, he immediately flapped his wings and flew in the direction where the two ghost dogs were leaping away, and followed closely behind.

Huang Xianlin also immediately shouted: "Dahuang, hurry up and chase after them, don't let these two monsters run away, and also fly into the air, chasing after the two ghost dogs.

As soon as the two ghost dogs flew out of the barracks wall, they heard a few loud voices from the air saying: "Monsters, dare to attack my Qingfeng country barracks? Where are you going? Why don't you hurry up and catch them?"

Youming Dog Horse Boss and Niu Dahua looked at the sky, and saw a Taoist priest flying towards this side with a sword.

This priest is none other than Wei Xiaoping's master Xuanzhe Zhenren!

It turned out that after treating Wei Xiaoping a few days ago, Master Xuanzhe predicted from Wei Xiaoping's physical condition that Wei Xiaoping would wake up today, so he woke up early this morning and rushed to the barracks.

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