Wild Romance

Chapter 143 Zhang Tongming and the Beast Kingdom

"What kind of monster is this? It looks like a wolf demon!" said a soldier who just woke up to watch the excitement

"Wolf demon? What is it?" Hearing what the soldier said, the other soldiers asked, "Wolf demon?"This is the first time I heard it

"The wolf monster is a kind of monster in the monster beast clan, that is, a monster transformed from a wolf. It is said that last month, a town in the Tiansong Kingdom was attacked by the monster beast clan, and the town was kidnapped and taken away. Five or sixty people were killed, it was terrifying!" said a soldier

"Well, I also heard that there is such a thing! Among the beast monsters that attacked Tiansong Kingdom this time, there are wolf monsters like this! However, those wolf monsters only have one head! And now the front These two are really like wolf demons, but they have two more heads on their necks, and they are much bigger than ordinary wolf demons!"

The Beast Monster Clan is a beast clan group composed of several giant beasts on the wild continent to deal with the attacks of humans and other species and to dominate all creatures on the wild continent.

The members of this Beast Monster Clan are mainly composed of six giant beasts including Ape Monster, Leopard Monster, Tiger Monster, Wolf Monster, Bear Monster, and Eagle Monster. A couple who cultivated the history of immortality and Taoism, and had relatively high achievements.

The couple's name is Zhang Tongming and the woman's name is Tao Wenyun.

Zhang Tongming was born in a small town in Linghuang County, a barbarian country, and his parents were rotten local thieves.

Once, Zhang Tongming's parents were beaten to death in a theft, and since then, Zhang Tongming has become an orphan.

Due to the early death of his parents since he was a child, relatives in the family disliked his parents as thieves, and were unwilling to take Zhang Tongming in, so Zhang Tongming wandered in Linghuang County since he was a child, begging for food from people in Linghuang County.Later, he was seen by the Taoist priest along the way, and saw that he was very handsome, but he was a beggar. He went up the mountain to practice.

As expected, after Zhang Tongming practiced with his master, he has gained a lot in fairy arts and martial arts. In just a few decades, he has learned ten of the fairy arts that his master took two to 300 years to practice. Fifty percent, very much appreciated by his master.

Although Zhang Tongming is very talented in cultivating immortals and Dao, but his heart is still alive, and he fell in love with the young and beautiful daughter of a relative of his own. Although Zhang Tongming was already seven or eighty years old at that time, because he People who practice immortality and Taoism extend their life span and their appearance is still in their 80s and 40s.

That relative's daughter was Tao Wenyun, who was only seventeen or eighteen years old. For some reason, Tao Wenyun also fell in love with Zhang Tongming, who could be his grandfather.

Although Tao Wenyun's parents strongly opposed it, and Zhang Tongming's master was extremely dissatisfied with Zhang Tongming's falling in love with a relative's daughter, Zhang Tongming and Tao Wenyun stayed together no matter how their elders objected.

Later, Zhang Tongming was forced by the master to drive Zhang Tongming out of the mountain gate.

Tao Wenyun's parents also beat Tao Wenyun to death with tears in her eyes, cut off her father-daughter relationship with her daughter, and buried her in the wild with tears.

After Zhang Tongming found out, he dug Tao Wenyun out and took her away, and revived her with alchemy. In order to avoid being seen, they pointed behind their backs, and the two fled to a place called Wanyun five thousand miles away. The mountain forest of Beast Mountain lives in seclusion.

Wanshou Mountain, as the name suggests, is a huge mountain forest that gathers many wild beasts.As for how big the mountain forest is, no one has calculated it. It is estimated to be about five or six hundred square miles. It is composed of one mountain high and hundreds of hills of different heights. The river runs through it, making it a good place for all things to live.

Because the mountains and rivers are good here, and the environment is suitable for the survival and living of rare birds and animals, many various birds and animals gather here to live and reproduce.

Moreover, in order to survive, wild beasts rely on killing each other and eating each other to survive.

Nature selects the fittest to survive, so in this cruel mountain of beasts, most kinds of beasts, in order to protect their race from being eaten and exterminated by other beasts stronger than themselves, unite with each other to deal with alien beasts. Species foraging and raiding.Over time, numerous animal groups emerged, and each animal group had a leader of the same kind with the highest ability, unified command, so that the hunting ability of its own race group was greatly enhanced.

In the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, the most powerful ones are apes and monkeys. The intelligence of this species is close to that of humans, and whether they are walking straight or crawling, or whether they are on flat ground, mountains or woods, they are very suitable for their walking, and their speed Fast as a flying shuttle, the most important thing is that this kind of ape can grab things with its front feet to attack the enemy's attack, so the ape group has the greatest attack and hunting ability, and even the lion group and tiger group are afraid to avoid them when they meet them Not enough!

After Zhang Tongming and Tao Wenyun came to Wanshou Mountain, they saw that there were many ferocious beasts and dangers, so they searched for a cave that was close to the cliff and where it was difficult for wild beasts to go up and lived.

Zhang Tongming originally learned how to cultivate immortals and Taoism, and has already achieved good results in this area.The two lived in seclusion together. In order to improve the physical strength of himself and Tao Wenyun, so that they could fight against the attacking beasts when they went out, Zhang Tongming naturally taught Tao Wenyun all the immortal arts and Taoism he had learned. The two also studied and practiced some magic spells for strengthening the body together.Originally, the practice of fairy arts and magical skills required a step-by-step practice method to refer to. Zhang Tongming was driven down the mountain by his master. Naturally, there was no teaching method taught by his master. Come on!

Zhang Tongming and Tao Wenyun have practiced this kind of magic power. When they are not performing their skills, people are normal and no different from ordinary people. Once they are activated, their whole body will immediately become three or four times larger than its original size. It turned out to be several times, and dozens of bulging sarcoids protruded from the muscles on the body, and the sarcoids were lying on the body, which was very ugly and sad; the skin color also turned into a demon green body, and the eyes also glowed with phantom green light. It looks very frightening; the physical strength is more than ten times stronger, and with a single pull, a tree as thick as a plate can be broken and knocked down in an instant, and a grown-up fact can be torn in half in the blink of an eye!

The two found out that they had practiced such evil and strange magic skills, and they also practiced themselves into an ugly appearance. They regretted it very much. They wanted to go back to their original appearance, but they couldn't. They were very sad.I regret and feel sad too much, and I just think back to myself for so many years, the reason why I became like this, and the reason why I became isolated from the world, is because my family and master prevented them from loving each other, and it was the people of Linghuang County who were behind the scenes. Pointing and pointing at their friendship, that's why they hid in this untouched mountain of beasts to escape the world's gossip, so it became what it is now. The people of the county and town hated it to the bone, and wanted to take revenge on the people of Linghuang County...

Therefore, Zhang Tongming and Tao Wenyun simply continued to practice like this, and wanted to use this body's magic power to do something great: the two had ideals in their minds. Extremely powerful magic skills, no matter how ugly my appearance and body have become, I simply use this magic attack to destroy those who push me into the "abyss", such as cutting off my father, daughter, mother and daughter. The relationship between the parents who beat him to "death" and buried him, the master who pushed him out of the mountain gate, and the people from Linghuang County and barbarians who pointed at him behind his back...

In order to achieve their own goals, the couple not only continue to practice according to the original magic skills, but also learn various animal languages ​​through observation, learn to use various sounds to communicate with some animals, and use force to conquer some animals. The leader of the beast group wants them to submit to themselves and use them for their own use.

After decades of hard work, Zhang Tongming and Tao Wenyun not only learned a dozen kinds of animal languages, but also used magic skills to conquer the leaders of the six most powerful animal groups in Wanshou Mountain. All the members of this animal group belong to him, named Wanshou Monster Clan, also called Wanshou Kingdom, and his wife Zhang Tong became the king of Wanshou Kingdom.

The total number of members of these six types of animal groups is more than 7 to [-].In order to improve the hunting ability of all these beast members and solve the food problem, Mrs. Zhang conducted unified training and exercises for the members of these six types of beast groups, so that the [-] to [-] beast members will more or less be certain. Black art, hunting ability is greatly improved, teach them to circle other small beasts and birds in their respective groups, and use them as food in stock.

Sometimes, in order to expand the human members in the group, this same woman would drive a monster or a giant eagle, go to the border of some countries, capture some people back, and train them as their own subordinates, so that the group members will continue to expand, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved improve.

Therefore, a soldier in front said that there were monster beasts attacking the Tiansong Kingdom last month. It was the Wanshou Kingdom who sent some beast monsters to attack the Tiansong Kingdom in order to expand its members and hunt for food.

"Are you sure these two monsters are really wolf demons?"

"Don't you think they look like wolves?"

"It's really similar! It's very strange! Why do they only avoid rhubarb's attack instead of fighting back?"

"Rhubarb is an ancient mythical beast, Qiongqi, one of the four legendary beasts. They are scared when they see Rhubarb, and they dare to fight back?"

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