Wild Romance

Chapter 129 The Disappearing Sky Curse Demon Clan

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Hearing this, Xuanzhe was anxious to know what reaction Li Youqian and the Lingrui Taoist host would make when they knew about it, and quickly asked: "Master, what will Li Youqian and the others do about the Sky Curse Demon Clan after they know about it?" What kind of reaction?"

Shangheng real person said: "After hearing this, Li Youqian and the others began to analyze the relationship between Yang Jiutian and the Sky Curse Demon Clan, and at the same time discussed why the face of the Sky Curse Demon Lord was that of a giant orangutan. They Comparing the human patients and beast patients in the Linghuang County epidemic with those experimented people and beasts in the Sky Curse demon base, I think the situation between the two is very similar, not only similar, but basically the same, Therefore, it is believed that the epidemic in Linghuang County was artificially created by the Sky Curse Demon Clan; the reason the Sky Curse Demon Clan did this was to allow Yang Jiutian to sneak into the barbarian king's palace smoothly. The trust in Yang Jiutian, after Yang Jiutian entered the palace, he created several cases of the same epidemic in a row, and there were even such patients in the military camp, so Yang Jiutian had another chance to cure these so-called epidemics and show it to the king Zhao Songren can see that it makes Zhao Songren feel that this Yang Jiutian is indispensable, and even regards Yang Jiutian as important as a general. In this way, Yang Jiutian will be permanently left in the palace as a national doctor. As for why the cursed demons want Yang Jiutian to mix with the barbarians China, there must be some ulterior purpose, but we don't know it now."

Xuanzhe said: "That's right, Li Youqian and the others did a good job of analyzing, especially the matter of letting Yang Jiutian sneak into the barbarian country to work as a national doctor. The analysis is very good. What's next? Master, next, what will Li Youqian and the others do to the cursed demons?" What kind of thing? In the end, did Li Youqian and the others use some method to make the cursed demons disappear for hundreds of years?"

Shangheng said: "Li Youqian said that because they couldn't think of the purpose of the cursed demons to mix Yang Jiutian into the barbarian country, they discussed the matter of the cursed demons doing experiments on humans and animals on Tianhuang Island. The demons use innocent people and beasts to do such inhumane experiments. The purpose behind it must be to create some method of spells to control the consciousness of others and beasts, so that the people or beasts controlled by them are at their mercy. Help them do some inhumane things to achieve their ulterior motives; the cursed demons have spent so much manpower and material resources to create such a huge project, and there must be a huge hidden behind such a dangerous island creation. Some kind of ambition, and the reason why they use humans and beasts to do this kind of experiment of killing each other is probably that they will use this method to control wild beasts or some people to fight for them when they realize their certain ambitions. Pave the way; once they have successfully experimented with this method, they are likely to capture some innocent people and beasts, and cast this method of controlling the consciousness of humans and beasts on the innocent people and beasts captured by them, and then control and guide the innocent people. People and beasts, tell them to kill, and use them as killing tools. If it really develops to that extent, it will bring great harm to everyone. Therefore, in order to stop this kind of harm from happening, we must destroy the cursed demons. But thinking that the curse demon clan has already built a certain scale, it is difficult to deal with it, so I invited some righteous gangs on the barbaric continent to go together. At the same time, I also found someone to report the matter to Zhao Songren, the leader of the barbarian country. At that time, Zhao Songren heard about it At that time, he was skeptical about this matter, and he was skeptical about Yang Jiutian's ability to cure the epidemic in Linghuang County, but just in case, Zhao Songren did not alert anyone in the palace to the fact. He secretly instructed his confidants to follow the righteous man to Tianhuang Island to investigate the matter. Unexpectedly, after the righteous man and Zhao Songren's confidants arrived on Tianhuang Island, they could not find the base of the cursed demon clan. It’s just a small island full of dense flowers and trees, birds and animals, and some low mountains. At first, everyone thought that Li Jinxuan had misremembered the address, so everyone searched around the entire island one by one, but finally found nothing. So everyone Thinking that Li Jinxuan deceived everyone in order to attract everyone's attention, everyone scolded Li Jinxuan and asked Lingrui Taoist temple to compensate for the loss of the troops. Confused, unbelievable, he thought, the day everyone went to Tianhuang Island together, it was only six or seven days since he came back from Tianhuang Island. Why did the Cursed Demon Clan disappear? Why did it only take seven days? , this Sky Curse Demon Clan base disappeared without a trace?

Zhao Songren, the lord of the Barbarian Kingdom, heard the report from his confidant who came back from Tianhuang Island, and then arrested Li Jinxuan and locked him up for a month before releasing him. From then on, he trusted Yang Jiutian even more. "

Hearing that such a large base of the cursed demons disappeared without a trace within a few days, Master Xuanzhe was surprised and said: "Master, such a large base of the cursed demons disappeared in just a few days." No trace? No trace at all?"

Shangheng real person said: "According to Li Jinxuan later, the base of the Curse Demon Clan disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace, including the ten huge lighting holes on the top of the cave, there is no trace at all, and It is already covered with flowers, plants and trees, as well as some small stone mountains. It looks like these flowers, plants, trees and small stone mountains have been here for tens of thousands of years. After Li Jinxuan was released by Zhao Songren for a month, he went to Tianhuang Island alone for a few days After returning home, I still found nothing, so I began to wonder if I was suffering from hysteria at that time, so I saw such a realistic hallucination. But later, Li Jinxuan himself denied that he had hysteria, and confirmed that the cursed demons and their bases existed, but I don’t know what method the Sky Curse Demon Clan used to block their eyes so that they couldn’t see the Sky Curse base.”

Master Xuanzhe heard this, and began to doubt what Li Jinxuan said. Is what this person said about the cursed demon clan true or false?After all, at that time, he was the only one who said that he saw the Sky Curse Demon Clan building an island on Tianhuang Island, and saw the Sky Curse Demon Clan experimenting with innocent people and wild animals.

"Later, master, in the following hundreds of years, has no one seen anything about the Sky-Curse Demon Clan? Has anyone heard anything about the Sky-Curse Demon Clan?" Xuanzhe asked.

Shangheng real person said: "Since then, although Li Jinxuan has been to Tianhuang Island secretly several times, he still has never seen any traces of the Sky Curse Demon Clan! Since then, Li Jinxuan may never have been there again. No, no one has heard about the cursed demon clan on Tianhuang Island. Now you say that the illness suffered by the apprentice grandson Wei Xiaofan is indeed similar to the condition of those patients in Linghuang County hundreds of years ago, and it is also the same as what Li Jinxuan said. The story of the Curse Demon Clan’s experiment is also very similar. At first, I also thought that what Li Jinxuan said about the Heavenly Curse Demon Clan might also be false, but now that Wei Xiaofan suffers from this disease, I have to doubt that what Li Jinxuan said back then was true. The authenticity of the Curse Demon Clan!"

Master Xuanzhe said: "What the master said is indeed reasonable. Although Zhao Songren's confidants and those righteous people have gone and can't see it, it doesn't mean that the cursed demons don't exist. What's more, Xiaofan's illness is indeed the same as Those patients in Linghuang County hundreds of years ago are very similar to those tested by the Sky Curse Demon Clan! Then, where should we start to find Wei Xiaofan?"

Master Shangheng stroked his beard and said: "Now we know that Wei Xiaofan is a general in Shi Huiguo, although we know that he has been inspirited, but the instigator who took him away doesn't know where he is going, you Let's start with Shi Huiguo first. If you can't find it, then start with Wei Xiaofan's mount, what is it called?"

"Xiao Fan's mount is called Xiao Hei!" Xuan Zhe said immediately.

"Well, that Xiao Hei can also be used as one of the clues to find Wei Xiaofan. Xiao Hei is Xiao Fan's loyal mount. He should be very familiar with Xiao Fan's smell, and now that his owner is taken away by a soul-destroyer, it must be Also anxious to find his master, if he can't find it in Shi Huiguo, then if he finds Xiao Hei, as long as he follows Xiao Hei, it is very likely that he will find Wei Xiaofan!"

Master Xuanzhe thought to himself, "Well! What the master said is true, but unfortunately on the battlefield today, after I went to chase the soul-destroyer and couldn't catch him, and then came back, I couldn't see Xiao Hei either. It seems that there must be a way to find it Xiao Hei, it might be faster to find Xiao Fan that way!"

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