Wild Romance

Chapter 128 The Face of the Lord of the Sky Curse

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Master Xuanzhe said: "Master, from what Li Jinxuan saw and described, the experiment of the Sky Curse Demon Clan on those people and beasts at that time is indeed very similar to what I saw Wei Xiaofan show today, but I feel that Wei Xiaofan's illness seems to be milder than what those people showed hundreds of years ago."

Shang Heng said: "Well, judging from the symptoms of Wei Xiaofan you described, he is indeed in a milder state than those humans and beasts tested by the Curse Demon Clan hundreds of years ago. In my opinion, At that time, the beasts and personnel who were experimented by the Curse Demon Clan were seriously ill because they might have planned to let those beasts replace them to fight and kill people. Therefore, during the experiment, the drugs or spells administered were heavier, and Wei Xiaofan After all, he has learned martial arts and practiced immortality from us, so the body resistance in his body is naturally much stronger than those of the people and beasts tested by the Heavenly Curse Demon Clan. Moreover, Wei Xiaofan is now controlled by the soul-destroyer. Human beings are still very useful, so he still doesn't dare to kill Wei Xiaofan, otherwise he won't say to you, "When he becomes famous, he will definitely return Wei Xiaofan in his original form". As far as the current situation is concerned, this soul-stirring technique People are only controlling some of Wei Xiaofan's consciousness now, and they don't dare to be cruel to Xiaofan."

"I thought so too when I heard that soul-stirring man say that. Later, master, did that Li Jinxuan continue to follow Yang Youren? Did you find the real living place of the cursed demon clan? ?”

"Li Youqian said that when Li Jinxuan heard that Yang Youren was going to meet the Lord of the Sky Curse, he thought that the Lord of the Sky Curse lived in another place, so he stared at that Yang Youren to see which direction he was going in the cave. When he saw Yang Youren When walking in the direction of Wang Cave, he quickly flew down the mountain and hid not far from the main entrance of the cave, waiting for Yang Youren to come out. Unexpectedly, Li Jinxuan waited for more than an hour, but Yang Youren did not come out, so he suspected that the Lord of the Sky Curse also lived in this cave. Li Jinxuan immediately flew up the mountainside again, wanting to find the place where the demon master of the sky curse lived. Li Jinxuan searched for about a quarter of an hour on the mountainside, and sure enough, he found a demon clan of the sky curse on the mountainside a few hundred meters away from the nine caves. The entrance of the cave is used for lighting during the day. Li Jinxuan carefully looked at the stones beside the entrance. Although the stones around the entrance were uneven, he could still see that these stones had been cut and dug by hand. Thinking that the opening at the top was dug by hand, Li Jinxuan looked to the side of the cave entrance, and saw that from the edge of the cave entrance to the bottom edge of the cave entrance, it was a full ten feet thick. Li Jinxuan remembered that the nine ceiling holes for daytime lighting that he saw earlier were also artificially chiseled like this one. It is dug out, although the thickness is different, but it also takes a lot of labor to make it. Li Jinxuan thought, the inside of the cave is probably wider than imagined. Seeing that the cursed demons spent so much labor to build their foundation Such a huge project, and it was built on such a remote and perilous island, Li Jinxuan felt that there must be a huge ulterior secret in doing this. So Li Jinxuan continued to look at the cave Here, look for Yang Youren, and see where he meets the Sky Curse Lord, and want to see what the Sky Curse Lord looks like?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "This Li Jinxuan is right. The Sky-Curse Demon Clan has built such a huge project in such a remote place to build their own foundation, and it has been done so covertly. It can be seen that the Sky-Curse Demon Clan has long planned to do it. This is such a shameful thing. Master, what happened afterward? Did Li Jinxuan see this Heavenly Curse Demon Master later? Did he say what the Heavenly Curse Demon Master looked like?"

"About the time after eating a bowl of rice, Li Jinxuan saw Yang Youren walking out of a dark corner. Then, two shadows sticking together and performing the same movement appeared from behind and flew out of the darkness." Shang Heng said the real person.

"Two shadows sticking together? Master, what does this sentence mean? Are two people supporting each other out?" Xuanzhe asked seductively.

"Because the person coming out from behind has a black robe covering his whole body, including the headgear, which is as black as the shadow on the ground, so it looks like two shadows came out together." Shang Heng The real person said to Xuanzhe with a slight smile.

"It's interesting how Li Jinxuan described it like this!" Xuanzhe also smiled and said.

Shangheng real person said again: "After a while, Yang Youren turned around, clasped his fists to salute the man in black, and said in a promised tone: 'The devil, please stay! Don't worry, no matter how difficult it is, even if I die, I will die. The task must be completed!" The man in black responded immediately: "Elder Yang, you are serious! No matter what, I don't agree with asking you to lose your life. I just want you to do it seriously. If the matter is not successful, I will ask you to do other things in the future. Remember, no matter at any time, unless it is a last resort, you must not underestimate your own life. As long as you are alive, you can do valuable things for us, okay , you go!' After watching Yang Youren go away, the man in black suddenly raised his head to face the cave above his head, and let out a deep laugh; after laughing about ten times, his right hand was clenched suddenly, and his fist was lifted up instantly, Suddenly a huge air wave rushed up from the bottom of the cave, blowing some vegetation around the entrance of the cave and swaying left and right. Li Jinxuan was peeking into the cave from behind a few stones. Li Jinxuan looked at Li Jinxuan, so he didn't see Li Jinxuan looking at the top of the cave; when he saw the face of the Lord of the Sky Curse, Li Jinxuan immediately became surprised. It turned out that the face of the Lord of the Sky Curse that Li Jinxuan saw was not a human face. This face is as black as charcoal, a pair of compact eyebrows are as thick as two pieces of charcoal, the nose is two or three times larger than that of a human, and the mouth is more than twice the size of a human. Stretching forward, the entire face is completely black except for the whiteness around the eyes, in short, this is a face like a giant orangutan, and the whole face looks like it is full of anger!"

Master Xuanzhe was very surprised when he heard his master say that the face of the Lord of the Sky Curse turned out to be that of a gorilla, and stared at Master Shangheng suspiciously.

"The face of the Lord of the Heavenly Curse is the face of a huge gorilla? Could it be that a gorilla leads the entire demon clan? Impossible?!" Xuanzhe said.

Master Shangheng didn't answer Xuanzhe's question, but continued: "After laughing, the Lord of the Sky Curse turned around and walked into the darkness from where he came out just now. After waiting for a while, Li Jinxuan was sure that the Lord of the Sky Curse had left. Only then did he back away slowly, for fear of accidentally alarming the Demon Lord of the Sky Curse. After Li Jinxuan dodged down the mountain, he followed the original route and flew back to the inland of the wild continent. He told the story of the incident with his master Li You Modest and Lingrui Taoist hosts listen!"

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