Wild Romance

Chapter 105 The real person Xuanzhe is Wei Xiaofan

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At this time, Yang Shengtian's face showed a distorted appearance when he talked with Wei Xiaoping at the top of Twin Peaks and Huang Xianlin in the air.

Yang Shengtian covered his helmet with both hands, his brows were tight, his lips were slightly drawn, showing a pained expression.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you always in my brain like a parasite, and after a long time it hurts my nerves, forcing me to do this or which? - No, I won't listen this time, you kill me It's..."

Huang Xianlin and Wang Qingjie were frightened by Yang Shengtian talking to himself suddenly, especially Wang Qingjie, seeing Yang Shengtian like this for the first time, couldn't believe it. Why did this person suddenly become like this?Have you lost your mind?Strange, why would the enemy want a sick person to be a general?

At this moment, a few familiar calls suddenly came from the sky, Huang Xianlin immediately looked around the sky.

I saw an old man with white hair and a childlike face in the air, holding a whisk in his hand, and a sword under his feet, and a monster standing beside him, flying slowly towards this side.

"Uncle? Qilin beast!" Huang Xianlin exclaimed in surprise.

The old man stepping on his sword is none other than Wei Xiaoping's master Xuanzhe Zhenren, and beside him is Huang Xianlin's mount Qilin Divine Beast.

It turned out that after the unicorn beast left Huang Xianlin, it went directly back to the Taoist temple to find its master who saved its life, Huang Xianlin's master Xuanwu Zhenren, and wanted to ask Xuanwu Zhenren to come to help Huang Xianlin.

Master Xuanwu saw the unicorn beast coming back by itself, but did not see his lover Huang Xianlin. He had a premonition that something was wrong, and immediately asked the unicorn beast, because the unicorn beast could not speak, but only roared and shook its head. Master Xuanwu said:

"Your little master didn't come back with you, did you encounter difficulties?"

The unicorn beast nodded.

"He lost the battle?"

The unicorn beast shook its head and nodded.

"They haven't been defeated, but they haven't won the battle, have they?"

The unicorn beast nodded!

"Then why are you coming back? Aren't you there to help him?"

The unicorn beast whined, and then showed Master Xuanwu the part of his body that had been stabbed by Yang Shengtian's black arrow.

Master Xuanwu took a closer look at the several arrow wounds on the kylin beast, and saw that although the arrow wounds on the unicorn had healed, there were still traces of arrow wounds. Arrow, a little familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it.

After thinking for a while, Master Xuanwu remembered that Senior Brother Xuanzhe once had an apprentice who carried a divine bow with wings on him. This divine bow was attached to the nephew's back when not in use, , as long as the mind is used, the divine bow will appear automatically, and it can change into countless identical divine bows according to the owner's mind, and can simultaneously shoot out mysterious arrows out of thin air, which is like an arrow made of light, stabbing the enemy.Anyone who is stabbed by the light arrow shot by this mysterious bow will never be healed unless the wings of the mysterious bow blow the wound to the wound!And this kind of mysterious bow, there is only one in this world, that is, only nephew Wei Xiaofan has this magic bow, and because this magic bow is made from the birthmark on Wei Xiaofan's back, no matter who it is, no matter how great it is , and the gun can't take it away.

Looking at the scars of the arrow wounds of the unicorn beast, the wounds it suffered were indeed stabbed by the arrows shot by this mysterious bow, and it was the stab wound by the lightsaber shot by this mysterious bow. However, this Wei Xiaofan was already at the age of 15. It has been missing for ten years.Why would his mysterious bow shoot and hurt my unicorn beast? And my disciple rode a unicorn beast to fight, could it be that this Wei Xiaofan appeared on the battlefield and injured my disciple's mount?Could it be that Wei Xiaofan is now a member of the enemy army?No, Wei Xiaofan and my lover Huang Xianlin know each other!Back when Wei Xiaofan hadn't disappeared, I would often take my disciples to the senior brother's place, let them discuss and exchange their experience in cultivating immortals and martial arts, they are familiar with each other.In this case, why does Wei Xiaofan still fight my lover?And stabbed the unicorn beast?

No, I have to go to my brother and ask him, ask him if the arrow wound on the unicorn beast was stabbed by his beloved disciple Wei Xiaofan's black bow?Although I am familiar with this arrow wound, Wei Xiaofan is not my apprentice after all, I haven't seen it often, so I'm not sure, only the senior brother is Wei Xiaofan's master, and I'm familiar with Wei Xiaofan, so it's more appropriate for the senior brother to identify it.

So Immediately, Master Xuanwu took the unicorn beast and went to Master Xuanzhe to find him to identify the arrow wound of the unicorn beast.

As expected, the arrow wound on the unicorn beast was indeed shot by Wei Xiaofan's black bow.

After Master Xuanzhe recognized it, he was very excited, and said: "It has been ten years, and finally there is news. This mysterious art is only possessed by Wei Xiaofan in this world, and this mysterious bow is formed by Wei Xiaofan's back body, attached to it. Behind Wei Xiaofan, no matter who you are, you can’t get it out in any way. Even if you dig away the piece of meat bow on Wei Xiaofan’s back, you can’t take it away. At most, you can only destroy it. So, absolutely not Someone will come out with a second one, so the appearance of this mysterious bow means the appearance of Wei Xiaofan! But, why did Wei Xiaofan appear on the enemy side? And when he fought Huang Xianlin, he didn't recognize Huang Xianlin?

When Xuan Zhezhen was thinking about this matter, some disciples came to report that senior brother Wei Xiaoping was seriously injured, and Da Huang had just carried Wei Xiaoping back to Qingfeng National Army Camp.

Hearing that his beloved apprentice Wei Xiaoping was seriously injured, Master Xuan Zhe, Master Xuan Wu and the Qilin Divine Beast rushed to the barracks immediately.

When they rushed to Wei Xiaoping's side, Wei Xiaoping was already unconscious.

Master Xuanzhe inspected Wei Xiaoping's wound and found that Wei Xiaoping was stabbed by an ancient artifact - the golden halberd. The golden halberd pierced Wei Xiaoping's back and broke his chest. Touching the right side of Wei Xiaoping's heart, the heart was cut into a finger-width wound, so the bleeding continued.Fortunately, Dahuang drove him back quickly, and not long after he arrived at the barracks, Master Xuanzhe arrived.

Master Xuanzhe inspected the wound and immediately sewed up the wound on Wei Xiaoping's heart with special medical sutures, and then healed Wei Xiaoping to stop the bleeding.

The two brothers treated Wei Xiaoping's wounds. After working for an hour or two, they felt that Wei Xiaoping was fine, but he needed to rest for ten and a half months before he could wake up.

So Master Xuanzhe asked Rhubarb who hurt Xiaoping, Rhubarb didn't shake his head or nod, but whimpered sadly.When Master Xuan Zhe asked Da Huang if he saw Wei Xiaofan also on the battlefield, Da Huang lowered his head slowly and nodded heavily.

The rhubarb was discovered by Wei Xiaoping when he was 13 years old when he went to the mountains to collect herbs. Although the rhubarb was still young at that time, his body was already as solid as that of an adult cow. I don’t know why the rhubarb was seriously injured and lay down in one place. Under a giant tree, when it saw Wei Xiaoping passing by collecting herbs, it called for help from Wei Xiaoping. Wei Xiaoping saw that although the body of rhubarb was very strange, he knew how to call for help from humans, and felt that rhubarb understood human nature, so he gave rhubarb Before leaving, because rhubarb couldn't walk, he found some food for rhubarb and put it beside rhubarb, and found some grass to build a thatched hut for rhubarb to keep out the wind and rain.In this way, after Wei Xiaoping had been serving Rhubarb for more than half a month, Rhubarb was cured. After the recovery, Rhubarb would follow wherever Wei Xiaoping went!

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