Wild Romance

Chapter 104 This battle is over

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"I agree, just follow General Huang's words!" Zhu Hongxiu said.

"Then let's start now!" After Huang Xianlin finished speaking to everyone, he immediately jumped on the horse and ran along the encirclement that had not yet been broken by Yang Shengtian and Yang Tianbao.

While running, he yelled to the soldiers, "Our Qingfeng country is a country that loves peace. It is a country that exists specifically to make its citizens live a rich, safe and happy life. Since our founding, our king has always carried Let's move forward in this direction together. Now, I can basically be self-sufficient in food and clothing. Now, in order to occupy our land and come to invade us, we firmly refuse to agree. Therefore, for our country, for our Parents, brothers and sisters, no matter how dangerous or difficult it is, I will fight the enemy to the bottom and defeat them! Therefore, brothers, please cheer up and use all your abilities to wipe out all the enemies!"

"Defend your home, die before you! Defend your home, die before you! Defend your home, die before you!..."

As soon as Huang Xianlin finished speaking, the soldiers nearby shouted loudly.After shouting, the fighting spirit of the soldiers suddenly doubled!

Seeing that the soldiers fought more courageously and killed the enemy, Huang Xianlin and Wang Qingjie immediately galloped towards Yang Shengtian at full speed.

Huang Xianlin and Wang Qingjie walked towards Yang Shengtian from both sides.

"General Huang, as I said, I won't fight you for the time being. If you push me, don't blame me for being unfaithful!" Yang Shengtian looked directly at Huang Xianlin, and said, Yang Shengtian didn't even look at Wang Qingjie who was on the other side. Taking a look, he stabbed with the golden halberd, and Xiao Hei also roared violently at Wang Qingjie, and opened his mouth to spray a beam of flames at Wang Qingjie.

"General Yang, I also said that all the superiors in our Qingfeng country's army will never let the soldiers fight alone when they are fighting the enemy, no matter what the situation is! Since you decided to fight for you last time To avenge the soldiers who died in the battle, then I will fight you to the end to defend our country! You make a move, General Yang, and don’t give up on General Wei Xiaoping and his younger brother because I haven’t fully told you about our envoys when they were young. I show mercy."

Hearing what Huang Xianlin said, Yang Shengtian hesitated for a moment, thinking to himself, if one day it is found out that Wei Xiaoping and I are twin brothers, I am really Wei Xiaofan, and the relationship between Wei Xiaoping's master and Huang Xianlin's master and brother, I will The relationship with Huang Xianlin is more or less a senior brother relationship, and if I kill Huang Xianlin now to avenge my dead subordinates, wouldn't I be killing my fellow senior brother?What's more, in the matter of sending troops to attack Qingfeng country, it was the lord Yang Sancheng who sent me to send troops because he wanted to occupy and annex Qingfeng country. In terms of humanity and heaven, I owed others first!Also, that is, at the top of Twin Peaks, my halberd pierced Wei Xiaoping's chest. Will he die?If Wei Xiaoping died and I was really his twin brother, wouldn't I kill my own brother with my own hands?

Yang Shengtian continued to think, my master, why did you lie to me, my mother was not buried in that tomb, why did the master make a fake tomb to lie to me?Why lied to my mother that she committed suicide because of me and was buried in that grave?Also, the master said that after I had a serious illness at the age of 15, I forgot what happened before the age of 15 when I woke up. Is it a real illness or a fake illness?If the master is lying to me about being sick, but after all, I really can't remember what happened before I was 15 years old!Who do I trust?Do you trust my master, or Huang Xianlin?

The more Yang Shengtian thought about it, the more he fell into conflict. Should this battle be fought or not?Should I fight Huang Xianlin, should I kill Huang Xianlin?If Huang Xianlin is really killed, then it will be found out that Wei Xiaoping and I are twin brothers. How can I face Wei Xiaoping and Master?If you don't fight this battle and go back, why should you explain to the king Yang Shengtian and his master?

Seeing that Yang Shengtian suddenly fell into deep thought and did not recover, Huang Xianlin on the side was also a little puzzled.When fighting Yang Shengtian in the air not long ago, Yang Shengtian suddenly showed a contorted and painful expression and talked to himself, which made Huang Xianlin very puzzled.Now when the two were about to fight, Yang Shengtian stared at the ground in a daze like a fool.

Just when Yang Shengtian was deep in thought, Wang Qingjie, who was skipped by Xiao Hei just now, saw Yang Shengtian's sudden stupid look, and wanted to sneak attack from behind when Yang Shengtian didn't wake up.

Huang Xianlin hurriedly hinted to Wang Qingjie to stop. Although Xiao Hei turned his back to Wang Qingjie, he also sensed that Wang Qingjie was about to attack his master, so he turned around suddenly and opened his mouth to yell at Wang Qingjie. Breathe out a mouthful of yellow flame.

Wang Qingjie was startled by the flames that Xiao Hei sprayed towards him, and quickly jumped back to avoid the attack of the flames.

Wang Qingjie looked at Huang Xianlin with puzzled eyes.

Yang Shengtian, who was deep in thought, was startled awake by Xiao Hei's roar, and immediately grabbed the golden halberd, looking around.

Seeing Yang Shengtian waking up like a dream, Huang Xianlin asked: "General Yang, what's the matter with you? It's like waking up from a big dream?"

Yang Shengtian said: "General Huang, I have figured it out, let's stop our battle here! You go and tell your army to stop fighting, and I will also tell our soldiers to stop, and then go back to the court separately!" "

Huang Xianlin felt a little dazed by Yang Shengtian's sudden change of mind. What is going on with Yang Shengtian?It was a 180-degree turn when fighting in the air, and the two decisions were completely different.But that's fine too. Judging from the scene, Yang Shengtian's casualties were far greater than our army's. Our army has won for the time being. With the help of divine beasts and artifacts, after a long time, our army will not only be unable to win this battle, but may even lose to the opponent!

Wang Qingjie on one side was also a little confused by Yang Shengtian's words, what's going on?Come whenever you want, fight whenever you want, stop whenever you want, you have the final say on everything?

"General Yang, who do you think you are? Come whenever you want, fight whenever you want, and stop when you want? You are the ones who invaded us. No matter what theory you use, the reason is on our side, because your The invasion brought huge losses to our Qingfeng country, what is this?" Wang Qingjie said angrily.

Seeing Wang Qingjie questioning Yang Shengtian like this, Huang Xianlin immediately stopped Wang Qingjie and said, "General Wang, don't be rude to General Yang. I think General Yang's sudden truce must have his own reasons. Let's listen to General Yang's reasons first." Besides, the truce between the two armies has stopped the continued casualties of the lives of soldiers on both sides, which is good for both sides! Because everyone's life is hard-won, and everyone's life is precious, so I also agree with General Yang Views!"

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