"All the student warriors?" Ye Chong couldn't help but glance at Xin Xiaomeng, Tong Ya and Han Lina, and then said with a wry smile, "The plan doesn't change as fast, we never know what will happen tomorrow."

"Hehe, it's okay, it's a big disaster," Xin Xiaomeng smiled sweetly, "We don't blame you. As a martial artist, we should just rush forward. Without pressure, there will be no progress."

"Hey," Zhang Dong pouted, "I don't know who was the first to cry just now."

"Okay, Zhang Dong." Ye Chong said in a deep voice, "Defending the human race is our mission as warriors.

Obeying the call is the demeanor of our warriors.

Don't think too much about it, everyone.

The breakout breakout.

It's time to get ready.

We are not maggots, if others can go, of course we can too. "

"That's right, Lao Ye, we are not here to be cowards when we embark on the road of martial arts. Especially in the face of animal troubles, we warriors have an inescapable responsibility." Zhang Dong put his spear on the ground with his left hand, He clenched his fist with his right hand and held his head high, looking mighty and extraordinary, but at the next moment, he retracted his body, looked at Ye Chong eagerly and said, "However, there is also a condition in the notice, which can be exempted from military service."

"What?!" Ye Chong was taken aback, "What conditions? Exemption from military service?"

"Yes," Zhang Dong swallowed, and continued, "If you can hand in the material of a general-level mutant beast within ten days, you can be exempted from serving in the Wilderness Fortress."

"It's not necessary." Ye Chong shook his head, "As you said just now, serving in the Wilderness Fortress is exactly what we have been longing for for a long time. How did the ancients say it... yes... a good man fights blood on the battlefield... "

"No, Lao Ye, that's what we said, but isn't it ready yet?" Zhang Dong looked anxious, "If you give us a little more time and let us become stronger, then we will be more powerful." Going to the wilderness fortress, isn't it also able to make more contributions to the human race?"

"Don't worry, what you said can also be realized in the wilderness fortress." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Do you think that the above recruiting so many student warriors to enrich the wilderness fortress is to give life to the mutant beasts?

Ha ha.


Based on my judgment, I think the Ministry of Martial Arts and the Military Department hope to use this method to allow us student warriors to face the threats we will face in the future.

While passing on the pressure to let us work hard to grow, we should also accumulate our on-site experience. Don't scare yourself to death when the mutant beasts attack and have not yet fought.

So, you'd better not think too much, and don't make any fools.

My opinion is to actively respond to the country's call and report to the Wilderness Fortress in ten days.

All right.

Everyone, go back and prepare quickly, I have to go out for a while. "

"Old Ye, wait a minute." Zhang Dong was anxious, and reached out to grab Ye Chong's arm, "You don't need to go to the wilderness fortress to do what you said about gaining experience and facing threats here."

"Get your claws away." Ye Chong stopped abruptly, glanced at the grasped arm, his voice was a little low.

"Lao Ye, even if you're not for me," Zhang Dong let go of his hand, then swallowed, and looked eagerly at Xin Xiaomeng, Tong Ya, and Han Lina, "Are you really willing to let the three of them, who just broke through? Girl... go to the Wilderness Fortress?"

"Huh?" Ye Chong was startled, looked at Xin Xiaomeng and the others, and then sighed softly, "Don't listen to Zhang Dong.

The more afraid you are, the more you will shrink back.

When you really adapt to the life of the wilderness fortress, you will know that warriors grow up in the harsh environment of life and death. "

"You let us break through." Han Lina lowered her head and muttered, "We didn't have such troubles."

"..." Ye Chong's head was full of black lines for a moment, and then he looked at Xin Xiaomeng and Tong Ya, but they also lowered their heads, obviously acquiescing to Han Lina's statement.

"It's not easy for us in the Sihai team," Zhou Fa whispered, "At that time we were in Xizhen, fighting bloody battles together, and our comrades-in-arms were deeply affectionate. I didn't expect it to be so long, and everyone was like strangers. saved."

"..." Ye Chong was speechless, with a dazed expression on his face.

"So, only when something happens to you can you see the essence of a person." Zhang Dong muttered and looked at Xin Xiaomeng, Tong Ya and Han Lina, "Stop worrying about people who are worthless all day long. Look at me, a noble handsome guy, ignore me, and just say one word—too stupid."

"..." Ye Chong's nose was almost crooked, it was clearly two words.

"Ye Chong, the three of us have just broken through, and we haven't had time to stabilize, and we haven't learned combat skills and body skills yet," Tong Ya said in a low voice, "If we go to the front line like this, we won't be much different from ordinary people. "

Call ~

Ye Chong sighed and said:

"All right.

What do you mean?

What do I need to do?

Go talk to the teacher at school?

Or go directly to Principal Jinglei? "

"No need." Zhang Dong puffed up his chest again, "We are all warriors after all, with the dignity and demeanor of warriors, we can't just ask for help, right?"

"Then why are you looking for me?" Ye Chong pouted, "I'm not human, am I?"

"Lao Ye, don't say that. The people in our Four Seas team are all our own people, not outsiders. If we tell you something, it's our respect and trust for you." Zhang Dong grinned.

"I don't need respect," Ye Chong glanced at the other party, "and I don't need your trust."

"Lao Ye, look at you, how can you talk like that?" Zhang Dong smiled mischievously, "It's not good for Yaya, Mengmeng and Nana to listen to."

"Tch, don't call me Nana." Han Lina rolled her eyes.

"Don't call me Mengmeng either, I have sore teeth." Xin Xiaomeng smiled.

"I don't like people calling me Yaya either." Tong Ya chuckled.

"Okay, okay," Zhang Dong grinned, and then looked at Ye Chong, "Lao Ye, the three of them originally wanted to break through later, but now you are instigating them to break through ahead of time, you...really intend not to take responsibility? "

"Tell me, what exactly do you want me to do?" Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, thinking that he was being cheated on.

"It's very simple." Zhang Dong lowered his voice, "You help each of us get the materials for a beast-level mutant beast, isn't there nothing wrong with that?"

"Hey, that's a pretty cool idea," Ye Chong curled his lips, "Is it so easy to make a beast-level mutant beast?

What's wrong with you, but what about me?

If something happens to me while hunting mutant beasts, whose fault is it? "

"Bah, bah, bah!" Zhang Dong vomited to one side, "Lao Ye, don't say unlucky words.


I heard that you brought back the materials of three SS1 level mutant beasts from Leqing Mountains this time.

So, hunting down a few general-level mutant beasts is nothing to you, a piece of cake.

In the final analysis, it depends on whether you, Ye Datanhualang, can help you. "


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