Ye Chong returned to the dormitory now, but he couldn't forget the expressions on Wu Dayong and Yue Yue's faces.





Difficult to control.


In short, the look is very complicated.

Both of them are not short in stature, but when they bid farewell to Ye Chong, they looked humble and small, showing a gesture of looking up.

Especially Yue Yue, whose demeanor and expression at that time made people immediately think of the little eunuch in the palace.

"Ha ha.

I ordered 20 bottles of advanced magic liquid at once, even if the blade of the starry sky and the small fishing net can be eaten, it can last for a while.

If according to Wu Dayong's statement, I use it after every bloody slaughter, then I can use it for a longer time.


I am not afraid of anything else, but I am afraid that I have spent such a high price, but it will break if I don't get the desired effect. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong took the glass with the small fishing net in his hand, stared at it, and couldn't help but be stupefied.

When I got the small fishing net from Long Feifei, it was golden.

Back in Jiuwu, after the first nourishment with high-grade magic liquid, it turned yellow-black, and its power was much improved than before.

Up to now, after many days of tempering with the high-level magic weapon liquid, it has obviously become darker than before, and it is dotted with golden dots, and the original golden small fishing net has long been lost.

After he went to the bathroom to clean up briefly, he put the small fishing net on his left wrist, and the indescribably cool feeling made him smile slightly.

"It's amazing.

The small fishing net seems to be a part of my body.

My qi and blood entered its interior without suffering any loss or resistance.

And, I can make it project anywhere I want.

Moreover, I can clearly feel that its range and power have improved a lot compared to before.

Therefore, consuming so much advanced magic liquid is not a waste, but it is indeed worth the money.

In addition, it has changed from a small golden fishnet to a small yellow-black fishnet, and now it has turned into a small black fishnet dotted with gold dots, which is almost unrecognizable.

In other words, when I use a small fishing net in the future, I don't have to be afraid that others will recognize it.


According to Wu Dayong, only those weapons with potential will show amazing data on the consumption of high-level magic liquid.

Speaking of which, the speed at which the small fishing net consumes the high-grade magic liquid these days is really not much slower than that of the Starry Sky Blade.

Then there is no doubt that this means that the small fishing net is also a weapon with great potential for elementary and high-rank warriors.


Unexpectedly, the act of taking the sheep by the hand really made me pick up a treasure.

I hope it will bring me more surprises in the future.


I don't know what happened to Star Blade? "

Ye Chong grabbed the blade of the starry sky, and then drew the blade out of its sheath with a loud clang, his expression froze.

The blade of the starry sky looked mottled and incomplete, as if it had been corroded by something.

Frightened, he couldn't help but raised the Starry Sky Blade and brought it closer to his eyes. As a result, a sharp chill flashed past him, making him shiver uncontrollably.

At the same time, his face brightened and he chuckled lightly.

I saw that the seemingly missing part of the Starry Sky Blade was actually not missing, but became almost transparent, and against the black color of other parts, it seemed as if it did not exist.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chong held the handle of the knife and closed his eyes, then the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, looking full of joy.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

There was a sudden knock on the door, Ye Chong opened his eyes, put the knife back into its sheath, grunted, and walked towards the door.

As soon as the door was opened, before I could see who it was, a burst of yelling came first.

"Ye Chong, have you read the news?"

"The Imperial Martial Arts Department and the United Military Department issued a conscription notice, what should we do?"

"It's not conscription, it's enlistment."

"Isn't it the same?"

"Anyway, he is an important person in the wilderness fortress."

"Ye Chong, what do you think?"


"Stop!" Ye Chong frowned, and shouted in a deep voice, "Everyone is a martial artist, so don't panic, don't mess up, take your time.

look at me...


Tong Ya.

Xin Xiaomeng.

Han Lina.

I go!

You all broke through? "

"Yes," Han Lina rolled her eyes, "Didn't you let us break through?"

"I..." Ye Chong couldn't help being taken aback, "Is my words so effective?"

"It's terrible," Xin Xiaomeng took a step forward, "It's all your fault, otherwise, we wouldn't be so unlucky."

"Yeah," Tong Ya also looked depressed, "If we weren't in such a hurry, we wouldn't have to worry as much as we do now."

"You guys, it's true," Zhang Dong curled his lips, and glanced at Xin Xiaomeng and the three of them, "Ye Datanhualang said that for your own good. People in martial arts don't practice on the battlefield, but stay all day long." Talk about love at home?"

"Without pressure, there will be no progress." Zhou Fa also joined in the fun with a smile, "I really went to the wilderness fortress, let Zhang Dong take the three of you, not only can you exercise on the front line, but also flirt with each other, how great it is."

"Shut up." Zhang Dong glanced sideways at Zhou Fa, and then slammed the spear in his hand on the ground, "Who cares about these tasteless little flowers?"

"Who do you say has no taste?" Han Lina put her hips on her hips, looking angry.

"Hmph, why do I have no taste?" Xin Xiaomeng was also the boss's displeased.

Tong Ya put her hands behind her back, just smiled lightly, but didn't speak.

"Come on, look at my face, look at my waist and long legs," Zhang Dong raised his head and shook his head, "Hey, if a handsome guy like me doesn't take the initiative to touch him, what taste can he have? "

唷 ~

There was a burst of boos at the scene.

"Okay, please be quiet first." Ye Chong frowned and looked at Zhang Dong. "What's going on? Tell me clearly."

"Wildness Fortress has begun to recruit on a large scale." Zhang Dong's face became serious, "Judging from the notice issued by the Imperial Martial Arts Department and the joint military, it is planned to recruit fighters stationed in Wilderness Fortress from within the major domestic martial arts academies. "

"Yeah." Ye Chong nodded. He was on the train to Yangcheng, and he heard the train conductor surnamed Zhou talk about it, "What time? What conditions?"

"Things seem urgent," Zhang Dong sighed, "I request to leave in ten days."

"So urgent?!" Ye Chong frowned, "It seems that the higher-ups have a premonition that the mutant beast is about to act."

"That's right, no one was prepared for the sudden announcement." Zhang Dong continued, "Every student who has broken through to become a martial artist in each martial arts academy in the empire is required to report to the nearest wilderness fortress according to the assignment."

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