After dismissing the old yellow-haired Walter White, Ye Chong went straight to the arsenal.

no way.

Last time I purchased a total of five bottles of high-grade magic weapon liquid, and it is almost exhausted now.

Whether it is the blade of the starry sky or the small yellow and black fishing nets, they are more edible than pigs.

Before this departure, if you don't order some advanced magic liquid, you will be hungry.

As soon as Ye Chong arrived at the primary warrior's weapon hall, Yue Yue walked over quickly with a smile.

Wu Dayong also saw him from afar, and immediately put down what he was doing, and greeted him with a smile.

"Brother, are you here?" Yue Yue laughed meanly, "What do you want to buy this time?"

"Hehe, what a rare visitor," Wu Dayong grinned and waved, "Sit down quickly."

"Mr. Wu, what you said is quite humorous." Ye Chong was not polite, and sat down on the sofa beside the reception table, "I have only been away for a few days, and I have become a rare visitor?"

"Haha, then it's not a rare customer, but a distinguished customer." Wu Dayong also sat beside him and said with a smile, "How is it, the high-level magic liquid from last time is still useful?"

"Easy to use is easy to use." Ye Chong glanced at Yue Yue with a smile, then looked at Wu Dayong and said, "It's just a little less, not enough."

"What?! Isn't there enough advanced magic liquid?!" Wu Dayong looked shocked, then looked at Yue Yue and said, "Go and bring me my good tea, let Tong Ye taste it."

Yue Yue agreed and left in a hurry.

Wu Dayong lowered his voice and asked, "What kind of weapon is that that consumes high-level magical liquid so quickly?"

"It's the Starry Sky Blade I bought here." Ye Chong was a little confused, "Is this consumed quickly?"

"Of course fast." Wu Dayong continued, "If I remember correctly, the Blade of the Starry Sky belongs to the weapon of elementary and high-grade warriors.

For this level of warrior's weapon, every drop of high-grade magic weapon liquid can nourish it for one to three days.

Even if it is calculated on a daily basis, there are five bottles of high-level magic weapon liquid, each bottle contains ten drops, and a total of fifty drops of high-level magic weapon liquid can be used for at least fifty days.

Moreover, I remember that the relevant introduction said that there is no need to use the advanced magic liquid continuously, and the effect is best when used after killing.

But what about you?

It took less than ten days to take the high-level magic liquid from here, right?

Used up so quickly? "

When Ye Chong heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

According to Wu Dayong, the use of the high-level magic liquid really shouldn't be so fast.

The small yellow and black fishing nets, like the Starry Sky Blade, are also primary high-grade warrior weapons. Even if they each use a drop of high-level magic liquid every day, it is enough for 25 days.

However, the reality is that in less than ten days, the advanced magic liquid is almost used up.

There is something odd about it.

"I also think it's a bit strange." Ye Chong frowned, and looked at the other party with a smile, "Mr. Wu, could those high-level magic weapon liquids be fakes?"

"What?" Wu Dayong was taken aback, then waved his hands and smiled, "Haha, this is impossible, the "Warrior Law" is so strict, no one dares to mess around, and no one would gamble with their martial arts career .”

"Then why did I use it so quickly?" Ye Chong smiled casually and sighed.

"It's hard to say." Wu Dayong frowned slightly, and nodded, "As far as I know, there are also differences between high, high, and low potentials for junior top-rank warrior weapons.

The higher the potential, the higher the primary high-grade warrior's weapon, the greater the consumption of high-level magic liquid.

However, the number of high-potential low-level top-rank warrior weapons is relatively small.

After all, refining a high-potential low-level top-rank warrior weapon is even more troublesome and costly than forging an intermediate warrior weapon.

Therefore, under the premise of the same cost and expense, the refiner is more willing to refine the weapon of the middle-level warrior and sell it at a good price, and will not go to great lengths to forge a high-potential low-level top-rank warrior weapon, but the result is very difficult Unflattering, smashed in the hand.


It's really hard to say whether there are high-potential weapons in our junior warrior's weapon hall.

Ha ha.

Maybe your Starry Sky Blade is a weapon with high potential. "

"Potential?" Ye Chong could not help but smile slightly, "Does it mean how many things like the pattern of law?"

"No, it's not the same thing." Wu Dayong shook his head, "To be precise, the number of Law Patterns determines the quality of a warrior's weapon.

What we are talking about now is the weapon of the primary low-rank warrior, the weapon of the primary middle-rank warrior, the weapon of the primary high-rank warrior, the weapon of the intermediate low-rank warrior, the weapon of the intermediate mid-rank warrior, the weapon of the upper intermediate warrior, the weapon of the advanced low-rank warrior...

These are determined by quality.

And for a warrior's weapon of the same quality, the more patterns of law that function, the greater its power.

For example, your Starry Sky Blade is an elementary high-grade martial artist's weapon, and it normally has three lines of law in it.

If only one law pattern wakes up or works, its power is naturally not as good as when two law patterns work, let alone when three law patterns work together.

However, when I say the potential of a warrior's weapon, I don't mean the fact that there are several lines of law at work, but the vitality of the lines of law. "

When Wu Dayong said this, he quietly looked at Ye Chong who was frowning in thought, smiled, and continued: "Let me give you an example.

For example, we are raising three little milk dogs.

The situation of our teacup dogs, native dogs and Tibetan mastiffs is different.

For a teacup dog, the potential for growth is very small. No matter how much food is fed to it, it can only grow as big as a teacup without any potential.

Relatively speaking, a native dog is much larger than a teacup dog, and a Tibetan mastiff is several laps larger than a native dog.

This is the difference in growth potential in the conventional sense.

In addition, even if the dogs are of the same breed, such as Tibetan mastiffs, each individual has a different physique, and there are huge differences in the final growth of mighty degree and body size.

This is the difference in growth potential.

Ha ha.

Objectively speaking, as far as the primary warrior's weapon is concerned, the pattern of law inside can basically be understood as a teacup dog, but it is not ruled out that some are native dogs or even Tibetan mastiffs.

Moreover, even if it is the same law pattern, some will be more perfect, while others will not be satisfactory, resulting in differences in growth potential.

I say that, do you understand? "

"Hehe, I seem to understand a little bit." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "What Teacher Wu means...that is to say, they are also the weapons of elementary and high-grade warriors. Those with high potential consume a lot of high-level magic weapon liquid, and those with low potential. The consumption of high-level magic weapon liquid is less, and the consumption of my Starry Sky Blade is high because of its great potential, right?"

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