Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 796 Hot Potatoes

Ye Chong didn't smile, but frowned, and took a step back.

To be honest, he wanted to sell the little villain, either because he was heartless or because of this reason.

So scary.

When he was in Biyuan Community, he wanted to throw it away, but he didn't expect to meet again by fate.

Now, he wants to pass it on to someone else, however, scaring the hell out of them.

He really regrets it now, maybe he should have accepted the offer of 10 points just now?

But to be honest, for him, exchanging this point is no different from throwing away for nothing.

Furthermore, scaring people away now is better than scaring them to death in the future, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble for this little point.

But the problem is...

What to do now?

He watched helplessly, the moment the black meteorite hit the little villain, the latter swallowed the former whole as if he opened his mouth.

The chubby man with glasses must have seen it too.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so frightened that he wouldn't run away without even saying hello.

"Keep staying by your side, it's dangerous.

But if you don’t keep it by your side, where do you put it?


Or the home of Nanhu Community?

It feels unreliable.

It's like planting a time bomb, maybe when it pops up, it can scare people to death.

Rather than that, it's better to throw it away.


Just because you couldn't throw it away last time doesn't mean you won't be able to throw it away in the future.

Besides, it's not useless for me to carry it, but it can help me a lot when it's critical.

and also.

It is now the key link in my crit, once this link is missing, it will have a great impact on me.

In addition, I will hunt and hunt mutant beasts at the general level in the future, which should become my daily routine.

The material of each general-level mutant beast takes up a lot of space, such as horns, claws, etc. Even if I can hunt a lot at a time, how much can I bring back?

a head?

Both ends?

Three heads?

Even if I have physical strength, will carrying a bulging backpack affect my agility and combat effectiveness?

Needless to say, it will definitely affect.

Call ~

But with the help of the little villain, it will be different.

The energy essence in the horns and claws of the mutated beast will be absorbed and devoured by it, and the remaining powder residue is Lao Huangmao's favorite raw material. This is definitely a matter for you, me, and him.

and also.

I have a deep love with the little villain...


Father and son love...

Not right either.

It should be love and rain, right?

It's a bit embarrassing for me to throw it away. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help but frowned and bent down to pick up the motionless little villain. He packed it in a military nano bag, and then put it in the military vest.

At this moment, a figure descended from the terrace above, and the old yellow-haired Walter White said, "Chong, do you still have some mutant beast materials hidden? Hurry up and give them to me."

"You'd better not bother me," Ye Chong turned his head and entered the room, "I will tell you if there are materials like animal horns and claws."

"Haha, I know, I believe in you, dear Chong," the old yellow-haired Walter White swished out a bag from behind, "This is the latest third-level animal repellent powder.

I believe that it is also effective against mutant beasts of SS1 level beast general level.

Of course, it was still only a third-level animal exorcist fan, and it couldn't pose a greater threat to the general-level mutant beast.

So, Ye, we need higher level mutant beast materials. "

"Hehe, higher-level mutant beast materials?" Ye Chong reached out to take the bag, and a refreshing sweet fragrance permeated the air, "How tall is high? Isn't SS1-level mutant beast enough?"

"Of course not enough." The old yellow-haired Walter White shrugged, then nodded with certainty, "The speed of mutation and evolution of mutant beasts is really too fast, far beyond our initial assumptions.


Ye, I can tell you responsibly that judging from the current situation, if you want to develop a new generation of animal repelling powder, you must have animal horns, animal claws, and animal teeth above SS2. "

"Beast teeth?" Ye Chong frowned, "You want me to pry your teeth out of the mouth of a beast-level mutant beast?"

"Haha, Ye, no," the old yellow-haired Walter White grinned and shrugged, "Prying teeth can be done by me, you just need to bring their heads back."

"..." Ye Chong looked confused, then pouted, "Old Huangmao, do you know how big the head of a general-level mutant beast is?

You want me to come back with your head in your hands?

Why don't you say that I brought the whole mutant beast back for you? "

"It's better to get the whole head back." The old yellow-haired Walter White looked surprised, "I think this is the way to do it. I believe that you can do it."

"Your size is fine!" Ye Chong frowned, "The SS1-level golden-haired rabbit is considered small among the general-level mutant beasts, but it weighs about two tons.

You want me to carry such a big thing back for you?

I think you are really sick.


I will collect materials for you as agreed.

However, you'd better not bother me now, because I'm thinking about how to solve the problem you gave me. "


The old yellow-haired Walter White lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and grinned: "Actually, there is another way.

You don't need to consider the issue of transporting mutant beast materials at all, but you just need to bring me with you.

I have a lot of experience in extracting the teeth of mutant beasts.

how about it?

Ye, you know that I am a person who will not cause trouble to others.

Take me, for you, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. "

"Stop." Ye Chong raised his hand and interrupted the other party's speech, "You should stay at home honestly, I don't want to get into trouble and be targeted by the military."

Ye Chong didn't lie, he was warned by the military when he went out on a mission with the old yellow-haired Walter White last time.

no way.

This guy is one of the most experienced biotoxicologists, which means a lot to the human race, and the military is responsible for protecting him. Of course, he doesn't want the old yellow hair to go out with him to take risks.

"It's okay, Ye, they are just scaring you. I can handle the military affairs by myself." The old yellow-haired Walter White smiled indifferently, "You are by my side, they will not do anything to you."

"Wrong," Ye Chong smiled and shook his head, "With you, I'm afraid I'll be killed and I don't even know who did it."

"My dear Chong, you think too much, the people in the military are great guys, they won't hurt you." The old yellow-haired Walter White smiled and spread his hands, "Okay, haha, God, Ye, you are a little too careful."

"Hey," Ye Chong smiled, "I don't know if you're careful or not.

I only know that I have only one life, so I dare not take risks casually, let alone take risks with you, an important person of the human race.

So, don't make any trouble, it's better to stay here honestly than anything else. "


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