This time Ye Chong sold a lot of things.

The dagger of the low-level warrior weapon.

The boots of the low-level warrior weapon.

The fist of the low-level warrior weapon.

Gloves of low-level martial artist's weapon.

The black crossbow and red arrows of the primary high-grade warrior weapon.

Blood Qi Pill.

Jing Yuan Dan.


Among these things, the last thing Ye Chong wanted to sell were gloves and boots.

Although these two items are the weapons of low-level warriors, they are not weapons, but augmented equipment that is much more valuable than weapons of the same level.

For example, gloves, once worn, will significantly increase the speed and efficiency of blood flow in the hands, what does this mean?

Of course, it means an increase in attack speed and attack efficiency.

And boots.

Once wearing it, the speed of action and agility will be significantly improved, and it is simply the best equipment for improving physical skills in actual combat.

"However, my combat agility skills have already been perfected, so wearing these boots is a bit superfluous.

Also, it doesn't help my martial art skills.

such a pity.

Although this thing doesn't mean much to me, it is an extremely rare treasure for other people whose physical skills in actual combat have not yet reached perfection.

Therefore, my asking price of 5000 million points is really not much.

Ha ha.

After all, there is no such treasure in the arsenal, is there?

Ma Dan.

Maybe I should really ask for 1 million.

Forget it.

Sell ​​it and sell it.

Otherwise, why keep it?

Send someone?

Can not be done.

If I sell it with such fanfare, the people who buy it will not attract the forces behind the boots to hunt down and kill them, but if I want to give it to someone, that's different.

Maybe it's not the boots I send, but the disaster.

So, I can't do that kind of thing.

There are also gloves, the same is true. They cannot be given away, but can only be sold openly and transparently, so as not to cause trouble to future users.

But speaking of it, this pair of gloves can sell 6000 million points, which is pretty good.

It seems that under the pressure of the current war that is about to break out, everyone hopes to improve their strength as much as possible.

It's just a pity, this thing is tasteless to me.

Although it can significantly improve the efficiency of my qi and blood surge, the question is, can I really wear it all the time?

Or do I put it on every time I start a fight?

Always feel weird?

Therefore, it is better to sell it, and there is no pity.

This can also force me to continuously improve my hard power.


One thing I didn't expect.

The Blood Energy Pill and Jingyuan Pill sold from me were 30% higher than the market price, and some people were willing to buy them.

Can buying something from me really bring good luck?



Of course.

necessary. "

Ye Chong's face is full of joy now.

no way.

Sometimes when people are happy, they can't help it.

Especially when I am very happy, I can't help it.

He secretly estimated that he earned about 1 million points by selling his private goods this time, which was far beyond his imagination.

Of course, this is the income on the book, and not all of it has been credited to the account. What he has received on the card now is about 3500 million points, which is basically a deposit.

However, he is not afraid of returning the product, and the deposit is not a deposit. If the product is returned, the deposit will not be returned.

and also.

Although the relevant transactions did not sign a formal sales contract, a standardized transaction record has been formed on the Internet, which proves that the transaction has taken place.

And no one will renege on it.

After all, the "Warrior Law" is not a decoration. There are relevant regulations in it. When the buyer and the seller suffer subjective and objective interests, they have the right of recourse. Even if the party dies, the legacy property will be executed first.

Speaking of which, the deposit of 3500 million points from this transaction, together with the nearly 1 million points that Le Qingshan and his party obtained from hunting the SS1500-level mutant beast not long ago, and the remaining points from before, are enough for him to order another five or six bottles of high-end bottles. Magic liquid.

However, according to the current consumption level of the Starry Sky Blade and the small yellow-black fishing net, this high-level magic weapon liquid obviously cannot last for a few days.

He sometimes thinks, if it doesn't work, he might as well not use high-level magic liquid for them. It's better to save the points and buy intermediate weapons or even higher-level weapons in the future.

However, when he thought about the costs and expenses already invested in them, as well as the astronomical price of purchasing new warrior weapons, and the time until the Year of the Monkey, he could only smile wryly.

Besides, he has already used the blade of the starry sky and the small yellow-black fishing net smoothly, and even has a feeling of raising a child, and it is impossible for him to let it go suddenly.

and also.

Although more and more high-level magic liquid is consumed on them, the changes that can occur are also very obvious.

He even had a feeling that if he faced that junior martial arts general of Baby Fat again, he would have the confidence to completely trap and kill him.

Therefore, in his opinion, it is obviously impossible to stop the supply of high-level magic weapon liquid for the blade of the starry sky and the small yellow and black fishing net.

However, what he has to do now is to earn as many points as possible as quickly as possible, so that he can buy enough high-level magic liquid to meet their growing needs.

In fact, speaking of it, he feels a bit stretched in terms of points now, but in terms of money, he still has a lot of reserves.

Don't forget, he made a lot of money in Yangcheng, and he has almost 11 small goals.

It's just a pity that these banknotes cannot be used to buy high-level magic liquid directly at Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be in such a hurry.

However, you can't buy it directly, but you can do it indirectly.

It's just that the students of Jiuwu are madly using points to buy resources and improve their own strength. Therefore, exchanging banknotes for points is a loss, and Ye Chong really doesn't want to do that.

The key money is common within the empire and even abroad, but Jiuwu's points can only be used within Jiuwu. Therefore, after thinking about it, he is still unwilling to use money, but intends to use his energy to earn money. Take points.

The private goods that can be sold now are almost sold out, and it is basically impossible to earn points in this way.

Therefore, next he must think of a new way to earn points.

"The only way I can think of right now is to go on a mission to hunt down mutant beasts.

Ha ha.

The old man has already broken through to an intermediate martial arts fighter, and the starry sky blade and the small yellow-black fishing net have changed significantly after being moistened by the high-level magical liquid for such a long time, and it is time to try their power.


What are you waiting for?

Go now.

However, before I leave, I still have something to do as soon as possible, so don't delay. "

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