Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 793 Transfer of Private Goods

It was a post that sold something.

The things inside, to be honest, are really worthless, and it gives people a messy feeling.

But what's interesting is that there are quite a few people who follow the post, asking this and that, and constantly bargaining.

Judging from the many follow-up posts later, the transaction volume is really not small, and most things have been traded.

"Ha ha.

After coming to Jiuwu, in addition to hunting the materials of mutant beasts, I also harvested a lot of things from human warriors.

Keep it occupied.

It doesn't work either.

I wanted to change hands before, but I was afraid of attracting unnecessary attention.

However, it's fine now.

Anyway, I have completely torn face with Subcontinent and the Mou family.

Judging from the current situation, even if I kneel down and beg for mercy, those guys will not spare me, but will continue to try their best to kill me.

That being the case, what do I have to worry about?


Thinking about it now, among those things, there are quite a few rarities.

Especially the things obtained from the Dragon Suction Land are full of fatal attraction to warriors of the martial arts level.

In addition, judging from the news obtained from the campus website, there is no shortage of wealthy families in Jiuwu.


Maybe, those things of mine can really sell for a good price.

Once the money or points are exchanged, I can buy high-grade magic liquid to nourish and refine the starry sky blade and small fishing net.

And as their power increases, my combat effectiveness will become stronger, and I will have a better chance to hunt more and better mutant beasts and sell them for money.

After selling the money or converting it into points, I can buy more high-grade magic weapon liquid to nourish and temper the starry sky blade and the small fishing net...

Then, as my strength becomes stronger, I will be able to hunt more and better mutant beasts...

What the hell.

This is a virtuous cycle, which is a good thing.

Think about it, you can also fascinate a person, can't you? "

Of course, Ye Chong wanted to do it, and soon posted a post of "Ye Chong's private goods transfer" on the campus network under his real name.

At the same time, he also had the idea of ​​posting information on the campus networks of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, Imperial Martial Arts Academy, Huaxia Martial Arts Academy and other schools.

He even had the urge to post directly on the official website of the Imperial Martial Arts Department.

After all, after he was awarded the title of Tanhualang in the Martial Arts Conference, he has become one of the most famous figures in the imperial martial arts world at the martial arts level.

But after thinking about it, forget it.

It's so far away, even if someone wants to buy his things, how can they give it to them?

Before the new era, there was no problem, and the logistics and transportation were very fast and convenient.

But now what?

It's hard for people to go out, let alone goods?

and also.

If someone from out of town really wants something, even if they can go to the train station to check it in, will it be troublesome or not?

At least it's a waste of time.

Besides, there is really no need to make such a big noise, let everyone in the world know that Ye Chongqiong is selling things, and there is no need to spread the word widely, so that the enemies will feel stimulated and provoked.

In addition, people from other places are really interested in his things, why don't they buy them without seeing them on the spot?


These things are not daily necessities such as socks, masks, etc., but real weapons of warriors, and it is impossible not to touch them with your own hands.

Therefore, after much deliberation, Ye Chong quickly gave up the decision to publish the news on the official website of the Imperial Martial Arts Department and other Martial Arts Academy websites.

What he didn't expect was that not long after the post on the Jiuwu campus website was posted, there was a follower named Baiyun:

Excuse me, how much is the dagger of the low-level warrior weapon?

Ye Chong replied: 200 million points.

Bai Yun: Oh Maiga, a dagger or short sword of that level can be bought in the armory for no more than 3 points, isn’t it too expensive for you?

Ye Chong: Same?

How do you know it's the same?

Do you think that I grew from an unknown martial artist to No.3 in the martial arts competition, relying on the standard rotten street weapons in the arsenal you mentioned?

Ha ha.


Have you ever seen the standard dagger in the armory with my Ye Chong name engraved on it?

Bai Yun: What?You mean, that dagger has your signature on it?

Ye Chong: What do you think?

Have you ever seen a junior martial arts fighter who easily crushed a high-level martial arts fighter?


Who else have you seen done this besides me?


Do you know why?


Tell you.


By the way, wait.

Are you a man or a woman?

Baiyun: ...

Are men and women important?

Ye Chong: Of course it is important.

Baiyun: I am a woman.

Ye Chong: Look, I’ll just say it.

Beauty, let me tell you, I have been favored by a lucky male god.

What do you mean?

That is to say, my signature represents the protection of the lucky male god.

It is precisely because of the protection of the lucky male god that this dagger has become a lucky weapon that is always beneficial.

Tell me, how can I sell such an expensive weapon to you at a low price?

Bai Yun: Lucky God?

Your signature represents the protection of the lucky male god?

is that true?

Ye Chong: Beauty, the time of warriors is precious.

Do you think it is necessary for me to waste a lot of time lying to you?

and also.

Do you think I really have the ability to deceive you, a smart and wise warrior?

Stop messing around, okay?

Bai Yun: Hehe.

Too expensive.

How about cheaper?

Ye Chong: OK.

300 points.

Do you want it?

Bai Yun: What? !

You just said it was 200 million points.

Why did he gain another 100 million points all of a sudden?

Ye Chong: As I said before, my time is very precious. If the cost of time is included, my things will only become more and more expensive, and the price will not decrease. After a while, it will be 400 million points.

Bai Yun: You are robbing.

Ye Chong: No, you are wasting your chance to get rich.

This dagger favored by the lucky male god may be worth 1000 million points in the future, but you are passing it by.

Beauty, have you ever regretted in your life?

Baiyun: Okay, I bought 200 million points.

Ye Chong: I'm sorry, you may have misunderstood, it is now 350 million points.

Baiyun: Ahhh!Okay, 350 million points, I bought it, please don't raise the price again.

Ye Chong: You... just buy it without taking a look?

Bai Yun didn't speak, but sent a contemptuous look.

Ye Chong scratched his head, thinking, he was so sincere, did he do something wrong?

However, he doesn't have time to think about his right and wrong now, he is too busy.

The number of posts is increasing, and most of them are private messages. If you are not serious, replying one by one, it is easy to make mistakes.

In the following time, Ye Chong was of course nervous and busy, and kept replying to more and more posts.

At the same time, his eyes, ears, mouth and little heart all began to laugh.

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