Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 79 The next one is you


Five more girls turned in their trophies one after another.

Everyone turned in more than 10.

And the most important thing is that after handing in the trophies, these girls all stood behind Ye Chong in a heroic manner, with their small faces slightly raised, and their faces kept a proud expression.

Now the entire assembly hall was completely lively.

The gloomy and oppressive atmosphere and the haze that enveloped his heart not long ago were all stimulated by the scene in front of him.

Dunan stared wide-eyed, looking at every member of the 00 team, full of complex emotions of infinite envy, jealousy and hatred, while his eyes looking at Ye Chong were full of With a strong look of awe, admiration and regret.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the boss to be so powerful and lead a women's team to have such a good record?!"

"Damn me!"

"Why don't you join the team led by the boss?"

"The women's team is the women's team. As long as the boss is there, it doesn't matter whether he has more women or more men, he will definitely be the strongest team!"

"It's better than being deceived by those bragging guys and almost losing my life!"

Dunan slapped his fat face fiercely, almost regretting it to death:

"If I am also in the 00 team, then my trophies should also exceed 10?"

"Oh my God, my scores and rewards... Ma Ma Mia, I can't even imagine it!"

Military officers around 30 years old and short, fat and fat statisticians would look curiously at Ye Chong and the group of beauties standing behind him from time to time. wearing something.

"Gao Shuang... 20 animal eyes, ten... ten mutated sea beasts, legs...the legs are injured." The short and fat statistician looked at the small pile of animal eyes that Gao Shuang handed in, his face turned green , he became stuttering when he spoke, and his eyes were full of disbelief.


clap clap!

clap clap clap!

I don't know who took the lead, and there was thunderous applause in the entire assembly hall.

20 animal eyes.

That is, 10 mutant sea beasts.

Such achievements are not easily achieved by ordinary people.

Don't forget, Gao Shuang is a candidate who has not yet entered the Martial Arts Academy. It is definitely not easy to achieve this step.

In the face of such an exciting and brilliant record, almost everyone let go of envy, jealousy, hatred and prejudice, and began to cheer for the victory.

"Gao Shuang's performance in all aspects is average, if he can do it, then we can do it too!"

"The reason why I didn't do it was not because I couldn't do it, but because I didn't do it well enough!"

"Or, it's not that I can't do it, or that I don't work hard, but that I don't have a good captain!"

Everyone was thinking this in their hearts, and their blood was racing and their passion was surging. They wished they could go back to the trial island now and prove their abilities again.

Boom boom boom!

Gao Shuang held his proud head high, walked firmly behind Ye Chong and stood up, with a happy arc on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh my god, it's this person's team again, it's too fierce!"

"Ye Chong, his name is Ye Chong, and he is ranked 8th in the physical test. If he is so good, then the other top ten people should also be very good, right?"

"Of course, don't forget that there are three other quasi-warriors, one is Hao Zhuang who is over 1 meters tall, the other is the powerful Qin Zhong, and the other is the only two-star quasi-warrior Gu Bingqian. Beauty."

"Yeah, who would have thought that Bing Niu from Yangcheng University would become a two-star quasi-martial artist?

I heard that her family has a very strong background, it seems to be from the martial arts family or something?

However, I remember that Qin Zhong's strength seems to be stronger. His father is a real warrior and general, and he has been training Qin Zhong himself, so Qin Zhong can't do it if he wants to.

Hehe, I don't know how their trial team is doing?

It's really exciting! "


"Lin Xiaonuan, 22 beast eyes, eleven mutated sea beasts, uninjured." The short, fat statistician stared blankly at the graceful and graceful beauty in front of him, almost stunned, as if in a dream , never woke up.

clap clap clap!

There was thunderous applause in the huge assembly hall, and almost everyone was smiling and nodding, watching Lin Xiaonuan step by step as she walked towards the line behind Ye Chong.

Hemp egg!

Ye Chong blinked, feeling a little calm.

Heart Road:

"Why do these people keep looking at me?

And you don't look right at me.

It's like I just picked up a great deal.

Ma Dan.

How much I have suffered, do you know?

Do you know how much I have been wronged?

Moreover, I didn't know that the team was almost full of monsters at the beginning. "

"Lin Xiaomei, 30 beast eyes, [-] mutated sea beasts, no... no injuries." The short and fat statistician said as if he had drunk alcohol, his eyes were dazed, and he said with his tongue out.

No applause.

No cheers.


Everything became quieter.

It was like a bustling vegetable market, suddenly the pause button was pressed.

If it wasn't quiet enough, it would be true.

Because there are still heavy panting sounds one after another, as well as the pounding heartbeat.


No wonder Lin Xiaomei said to me on the platform that she has a good eye, can this be wrong?

One person handed in 30 beast eyes, almost equivalent to the sum of the spoils of a normal trial team, right?

It was even more than the total number of beast eyes of the several trial teams with poor grades. "

Ye Chong looked at Lin Xiaomei with a smile. She looked like a red plum blossom in the snow and ice, cold and aloof, and beyond beauty. When she suddenly looked into his eyes, there seemed to be an electric current, which made people numb and flustered by the heat. .


Ye Chong quickly avoided his gaze, while Lin Xiaomei smiled sweetly, and Niaoyao Nana also stood behind him.


The scene once again fell into the noise and madness.

Everyone looked at Ye Chong with expressions of envy, jealousy and hatred, and many people were even full of hostility.

"Why is it that he, Ye Chong, can attract so many beauties, and each one is prettier than the other, and he has captured more trophies, it's not fair!"

"It would be great if our team had so many beautiful and powerful female teammates. At least there won't be as many casualties as now, right?"

"Ye Chong ranked eighth in the physical test, and he still has abilities, but the biggest advantage of this person is his good luck and popularity with women. Hehe, let's see how his own results are doing later? Just don't be too embarrassing. "


Ye Chong listened to the voices of the people around him expressionlessly, and didn't bother to pay attention at all, but looked helplessly in the direction of the statistics station where the loot was collected.

Xindao: Next, it's my turn, right?

"Suke!" The short, fat statistician clicked a name.

A handsome man covered in blood came forward with some embarrassment, turned over the film bag of the multi-functional military backpack, and poured out three animal eyes, then blushed, and quickly took half a step back.

"Su Ke, 3 beast eyes, a semi-mutated sea beast, um... a slight injury to the hip." The short and fat statistician resumed his arrogant tone, and there was obviously a hint of disdain in his gaze.


The huge assembly hall suddenly became a pot of porridge with laughter.


The work of handing in the spoils began to continue calmly.

It's just a pity that the number of trophies handed in by individuals, from the peak value of 00 in the 30 team, suddenly dropped back to below 5 beast eyes.

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