Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 78 The Infinite Pursuit of Limits

Ye Chong's heart is very uneasy now.

In his opinion, it is a waste of resources to lose so many young lives in a trial of the Martial Arts Academy Entrance Examination, and it is simply the most stupid and irresponsible decision of the Global Martial Arts Federation.

If these people were allowed to go out after rigorous training, the result would definitely not be as miserable as it is now.

But when he thought about it again, he couldn't help but sighed lightly.

Budo is the infinite pursuit of physical limits.

Physical examination can only measure a person's current development potential, which is not enough.

Judgment of a person can only be complete when one is put to the test in a life-and-death environment.

Those who survived must be lucky.

And those who died must have unfortunate reasons.

no way.

This is result orientation.

In the face of the result, all the process is not so important.

"If you say that, what exactly does this trial mean?" Ye Chong frowned, thinking to himself, "Am I helping them?"

When thinking of this, Ye Chong glanced at Lin Xiaomei and the others, couldn't help sighing, and thought in his heart:

"I have already voluntarily left, and I have given them a full nine days to realize the cruelty of the trial and the trial environment of life and death, and on the day the airship arrived, I persisted until the last moment before showing up to rescue, this... Is that enough?"

"Are you really going to let me watch them all die in front of my eyes?"

"It's impossible!"


Ye Chong sighed softly, smiled wryly and shook his head.

Heart Road:

It's hard to be human sometimes.

Even the captain of a trial team, to be honest, not everyone can do it casually.

"Lao Ye, next time there is something similar to a trial, you must call me, and I want to be with you." Dunan glanced at the members of Team 00 with envy on his face, "It's still you Good luck, I didn't encounter any mutant sea beasts, what the hell, our team was attacked by three mutant seals that night."

When it came to this, Dunan gestured with his hand, and then said:

"Lao Ye, you haven't seen it. The mutated seal is bigger than the elephant seal we saw, and it's very fast, very brutal, with rough skin and thick flesh, and it can't even be chopped to death. In that battle, we lost two brother."

"Yes, the mutated seals are really powerful," Ye Chong nodded, "Our 00 team is considered lucky, otherwise we wouldn't have killed [-] mutated seals in the first night."

"What? What did you say?" Du Nan was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bit of complaint: "Lao Ye, I'm telling you serious things, so speak well."

Before Ye Chong answered, a large group of people came in at the entrance of the assembly hall, followed by several small electric freight cars.

At first, a man in his thirties who was about five years old and three years old said loudly:

"Congratulations to all the trainees who returned victorious! Count your spoils now!"


There was a commotion at the scene, but the atmosphere still looked very depressed.

"Look at you guys! Stand up!" The five-year-old and three-year-old man shouted:

"Do you think that the warriors trained by Baal at the Martial Arts Academy are for enjoying life?!"

"Hey, I tell you, no!"

"It is true that warriors enjoy privileges, but these privileges are based on the foundation of going through life and death for human beings!"

"Death, for warriors, is an old friend whom we meet every day!"

"Look at you dejected future warriors, you were so frightened by a few mutated sea beasts that can't even be considered S1 level, even if you are lucky enough to become warriors in the future, what contribution can you make for the country and the people? !"

"Hey! Even if you don't feel ashamed yourself, do you still want your family to be ashamed of you?!"

"All right!"

"Now listen to me!"




"Cheer up, all!"

"Start counting the loot now!"

"Report your physical condition at the same time!"


In the huge assembly hall, there was a trace of life immediately.

"Zhai Lin, 5 animal eyes," a short and fat statistician took over the spoils handed in by a trial student, and asked wonderingly, "Why is it an odd number? Where did the other eye go? You swallowed it?"


There was a light laugh at the scene.

"Report sir, there is a mutated sea beast that I killed with another person, each with one eye." Zhai Lin said quickly.

"Zhai Lin, five beast eyes, two semi-mutated beasts, no serious injuries. Next." The chunky statistician waved his hand.

"Wu Bo, one animal eye," the chubby statistician frowned, "Why do you only have one animal eye and the other?"

"Only one, the mutant sea beast I killed has only one eye." Wu Bo blinked and looked at the statistician eagerly.

"Wu Bo, one animal eye, half a mutant beast, no serious injuries. Next." The chunky statistician frowned and waved his hand.

"Huang Ming, he has no animal eyes, his right leg is seriously injured, and his left hand is seriously injured. Next." The short and fat statistician gave him a cold look and waved his hand casually.


The work of counting and handing in the trophies is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Most of the trophies turned in, that is, animal eyes, are less than 5.

There are quite a few people who don't have any of them. Up to now, there are probably 30 to [-] people.

Of course, some people turned in a lot of trophies, and some even reached as many as 7 or 8, which cannot but be impressive.

"Tao Xiangru, 10 beast eyes, five mutated sea beasts, no serious injuries." The chunky statistician looked at the opponent with a hint of surprise.


In the huge assembly hall, it was as if a pot had exploded.

"Who is this woman? Tao...Xiangru? I've never heard of it. It seems that the physical test score is not very high, right? How can she be so good?"

"Five mutated sea beasts? My God! How is this possible? How did she do it?"

"She must have been lucky. I don't know where to pick up the eyes of the mutated sea beast, right? Otherwise, she took all the eyes of their trial team?"


After Tao Xiangru handed in the spoils, she smiled at the corner of her mouth, she didn't bother to pay attention to what the people around her were saying, but stood lightly behind Ye Chong.

"Sun Mengmeng, 12 beast eyes, six mutated sea beasts, no serious injuries." The chunky statistician rubbed his eyes with a complicated expression, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.


As soon as the chunky statistician finished speaking, the scene immediately fell into a frantic uproar.

"Oh my god! Why is it a woman again?! And there are more than 10 animal eyes, this...impossible?!"

"I'll go! I know her! It seems that her physical test scores are not as high as mine, but...but...why is she so powerful that she killed six mutant sea beasts?"

"Hey, did you see that this girl named Sun Mengmeng is following up with a person named Tao Xiangru, who seems to be part of a trial team."


Sun Mengmeng held her head high, smiling like a flower, and also walked behind Ye Chong and stood up straight, looking heroic.

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