Ye Chong's feeling now is like falling from a height when he was an ordinary person.

The desperation and helplessness is really indescribable.

Even worse now.

In the past, as an ordinary person, he had no ability, and fell from a height. Apart from despair and helplessness, the rest was resignation and fear.

But now, his heart is more unwilling and disobedient, and he is trying his best to resist and struggle, and even let out an angry roar.

However, he soon discovered that all of this was of no avail at all, the only result was a faster and faster loss of Qi and blood.

Soon, he gave up struggling, then turned around and rolled to the ground.


A muffled sound was followed by a muffled hum.


Everything fell silent.

At this moment, Ye Chong was lying on the ground, grinning his teeth, in excruciating pain.

Speaking of which, since he became a martial artist, he hasn't had such a miserable experience.

In addition to the broken chin, left arm and ribs, the right thigh was twisted, and the right calf should also be slightly fractured.

This is the result of his expending a lot of effort at the last moment of landing, otherwise, it would have been even worse.

Ye Chong can't move now, and if he moves a little, it hurts everywhere.

In fact, even if he could move, he really didn't dare to move here.

Even if he dared to move, he couldn't move at all now.

In fact, the suction from the ground is simply too great.

He is now like a piece of human-shaped iron, and the ground is a big magnet. Even if he exhausts all his vitality, the result he will get is at most a few farts.


Call ~

Ye Chong let out a breath with difficulty, and began to work hard to perceive the surrounding environment.

Black is not black.

Quiet is really quiet.

"I bother.

This is the Qixingdui worshiped by the world?

There is such a big pit in it, and there is no cover. What is the difference between this and the sewers on the street without manhole covers?


Don't tell me either.

who passed by here..."

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help being stunned, and turned his head hard to look around.

I saw that there were indeed some dead bones on the nearby ground, but it seemed that the pulverization phenomenon was very serious, which should be related to the huge suction force underground.

Looking further into the distance, you can see the dark walls of the pit, pitted and uneven. Other than that, there is basically nothing unusual to see.

He turned over with great effort, and looked up again. The opening of the big pit was about 30 meters away from the bottom of the pit, which was not as high as imagined.

When he was thinking about turning over again to see the condition of the other inner walls, he realized that his physical strength was weak and his energy and blood were seriously depleted, so he was too frightened to move around.

"What the hell is this hole?

Almost nothing but the bones of the fallen.

But the problem is...

The opening of the big pit is so big, why is there no water at the bottom of the pit?

The Leqing Mountains have a tropical rainforest climate, and the rain is normal.

But it is very dry inside, and there is no trace of water.


Under the huge suction force, the bones can be turned into powder. Does it mean that even if there is rain falling from the sky, it will be consumed by the strong pulling force under the body?

Very likely.

Moreover, it is very dry here, and even if water does fall, it will be sucked up quickly.


What a strange place.

If this is a trap for catching prey...

How do you explain the dry bones that are about to turn into powder nearby?

With prey, just watch it turn into powder and don't collect it?

If this is not a trap, then what is it?

Everything above the big pit seemed to be normal, but when it reached the center, there was a sudden strong pulling force from below. Isn't this a disguise and a trap, what else could it be?

Could it be that……

This trap is not for catching mutant beasts, but for catching people?

I go.

There is this possibility.

The nearby bone residue is not human at first glance.



The central area above the big pit has pulling force, but the surrounding area seems to have no force.

So, will it be the same at the bottom of this big pit? "

When he thought of this, Ye Chong regained his energy all of a sudden, his blood exploded instantly, and he rolled to the side.

Speaking of which, although the energy and blood was consumed a lot just now, the remaining energy and blood are still enough for him to roll around.

Sure enough, after rolling two or three meters away towards the north side abruptly, Ye Chong felt his body lighten, and the strong suction force disappeared.

Immediately after the next moment, ecstasy appeared on his face, and he stood up abruptly.

At the same time, the injuries to his left arm, ribs, and right leg tugged, causing him to groan.

However, this pain is nothing compared to the excitement of regaining freedom.

Also at this time.

He subconsciously looked at the wall on the north side, and immediately took two steps back in shock, so as not to fall into the huge suction force again.

I saw a strange face on the wall watching him quietly, his eyes were empty, and there seemed to be ridicule and sarcasm in his eyes.

Ye Chong didn't dare to move, and also looked at the other party quietly.

Time just passed by.

The strange face does not move.

Ye Chong didn't move either.

However, now he finally saw the strange face clearly.

The forehead has a vertical rectangular hollow.

Both eyes protrude forward in a cylindrical shape.

He has a strange looking aquiline nose.

There is also a pair of huge ears spread out.


Ye Chong's scalp felt numb after seeing it, and the first thing he thought of was the mythical beast Candle Dragon with a human face and a snake body.

When you open your eyes, the world is bright and it is daytime.

When the eyes are closed, the sky is dark, and it is night.

But soon, he thought of Cancong, an ancient martial artist.

The worm is coming to the world.

Look around the world.

All begging.

Don't dare not follow.


"It's not a human face.

but a mask.

How could it be here?

Could it be used for psychic or sacrifice?

Or is it a symbol of the coming of the gods?

Or is it the medium between mortals and gods?

Or is it someone's personal mask?

And the legendary soul armor? "

Thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but his eyes became hot and flickered.

no way.

Don't get excited.

Soul armor is not something mysterious and mysterious, but a real treasure.

Speaking of it, this thing is one of the treasures most desired by those who practice spiritual skills in martial arts.

Its biggest role is to defend against attacks from the enemy's spiritual skills.

for example.

Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash is an offensive mental skill. Once it is used on the target, it can suddenly severely damage the opponent's spirit, causing them to lose their combat capabilities.

However, if the opponent is wearing soul-protecting armor, even if Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash hits the target, it will only slip by and will not cause damage to the target.

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