Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 778 The Big Pit

In the intersection of light and shadow between two buildings, one tall and one short, stood a black monster.

At first glance, it looks a bit like an ostrich, a bit like an emu, and a bit like a shoebill.

However, that guy didn't show his thighs like an ostrich, and he wasn't as stupid as a shoebill.

Its body is covered with black hair from head to toe, and it looks full of majesty.

The most frightening thing is that its eyes are flickering with a green and cold light, full of murderous aura.

It seems that it is seriously examining the two delicacies in its mouth, who should be eaten first?


The fat baby man turned around abruptly, and ran towards the entrance of Qixingdui at high speed.

Before Ye Chong had time to run along, there was a black shadow coming from the direction of the entrance.

As a result, the baby fat man and the black shadow suddenly collided, and then separated, each continuing to rush forward.

But at the next moment, the black shadow yelled and turned around, looking at the fat baby man who was still running.

At the same time, the black monster in the area where the light and shadow intersected between the two buildings, da da da, ran towards the black shadow unhurriedly.

At the same time, the fat baby man was seen running slower and slower, staggering, then swaying three times, then fell to his knees, a large amount of blood poured out from the big hole in his back that he didn't know when to appear.

Ye Chong's legs were weak, and he looked at what was happening in front of him in astonishment. He didn't dare to run or move at all, for fear of arousing their ideas.

Soon, the black monster at the intersecting place of light and shadow and the black shadow gathered together, and then jumped up and down and went straight to the baby fat man.

Not to mention, these two guys really look alike.

It's just that the monster that appeared first was big, and the one that appeared later was smaller, not much bigger than a common rooster.

"Judging from the crystals in their eyes, they are all SS1-level mutant beasts, to be precise, they are all SS1-level beasts.

Baby Fat was hit by a little monster, and the situation is not good.

He is a junior martial arts fighter, and he is still very powerful.

what should I do? "

Ye Chong was still thinking wildly, but what happened next scared him a lot.

I saw two black monsters, big and small, coming to the front and back of the baby's fat body, and they all lowered their heads and started to peck.

I don't know how their mouths grow. Every peck makes Baby Fat's body move wildly.

Suddenly, Baby Fat's face suddenly turned around, and the remaining half of his eyes were still open, as if he was looking at him, with a complicated expression, and even a trace of self-confidence and pride in it, as if saying: " Look, I said Qixingdui is dangerous, believe it now?"

Also at this time.


The big black-haired beast stretched out its big mouth, and pecked directly on half of the eye, and blood spattered immediately.

Then came the next moment.

A strange smile appeared on the fat baby man's face: "Old duck, old duck..."

Ye Chong swallowed involuntarily, and thought, yes, these two guys should be the old ducks.

He shuddered Lingling.

Now he neither dared to run nor moved.

Baby fat can't run away, how can he run?

How can a junior martial arts general have no time to make a move?

However, not being able to run or move does not mean that one cannot float.

Soon, Ye Chong's body floated up silently and lightly.

The two old ducks are still eating.

Immediately, continue to float.

The two old ducks are still eating.

Then, go up again.

The two old ducks continued to eat.

After reaching a height of seven or eight meters above the ground, Ye Chong quietly swallowed his saliva and stopped floating.

no way.

It is also strange to use flying skills here.

The higher it is from the ground, the greater the downward pulling force, and the faster the energy and blood will be consumed.

Then at the next moment, Ye Chong began to float.

It's like a leaf floating in the air, under the caress of the breeze, it keeps drifting towards the distance.

The two old ducks seemed to have forgotten his existence, and continued to eat with their heads buried.

Ye Chong saw that the fat baby who had been vicious not long ago had one-third of his body turned boneless. For some reason, instead of being happy at all, he felt a little sad, sad and disgusted.

"Will it be the same for me?


It is not easy for a human martial arts warrior to grow up.

I don't know how many hardships I have gone through, how much effort I have put in, and how many resources have been consumed...

Unexpectedly, he was killed by the old duck without a sound.

Not even the slightest effort to fight back.

Compared with him, I'm not 01:30 points behind. If it were me, I'm afraid I would die even worse.

But speaking of it, low cultivation is also good.

In the view of the mutant beast, the higher the martial artist's cultivation level, the better the taste of life, and the higher the value.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with them eating the martial arts general first.

It is best to be able to eat enough, lest there is not enough and come to eat me again. "

Ye Chong was thinking wildly in his mind, but his body kept floating away at a height of seven or eight meters above the ground.

But he didn't dare to float towards the intersection where he came in. That small monster came out from there. Who knows if there are more old ducks hiding there?

People who observe from high places have a much wider field of vision than those on the ground. They can see many mutant beasts lying down on the ground and sleeping, and some are standing on the ground and howling with their heads up. Whether to howl for fun, or howl at someone.

After bypassing a building, Ye Chong immediately landed on the ground and quickly moved towards the route planned in the air just now.

Floating in the air, for a short time, can't stand it for a long time, the energy and blood consumption is too fast, it is not economical.

In addition, people in the air have good vision and can observe the enemy's situation, but they are also easy to be spotted.

Ye Chong is now afraid of being chased and killed by those two old ducks, and he is also afraid of being targeted by the general-level mutant beasts in the Qixingdui. If he finally gets out and is chased and killed by those guys again, he will really die. .

and also.

Even if he wasn't targeted by the mutant beasts in the Seven Star Pile, he still had to be careful not to be targeted by the beasts chasing him in the Leqing Mountains.

Ye Chong is moving very fast now.

His idea was very simple, to escape from the Qixing pile before the two old ducks finished eating the baby fat.

He was running, and suddenly a big hole appeared in front of him.

When I was in the air just now, I really didn't notice such a place.

At this moment, the voices of mutated beasts could be heard from the left and right sides, and it would be inappropriate to take another detour.

Fortunately, the big pit looks like only one hundred and eighty square meters, and it can be flown through with a little bit of flying skills, and it doesn't take much energy and blood.

Ye Chong wanted to do it, floated up on the edge of the big pit, and then rushed straight forward.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he reached the center of the big pit, a strange force suddenly appeared below.

As a result, before he had any time to react, his body fell down hard, straight into the deep pit.

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