No rustling.

The thin mouth is not opened.

There is no disappearing human body.

There was only a mighty rumbling sound.

But these all come from the basic strength of Ye Chong's muscles and bones, not the power of Qi and blood, nor the devouring power of the little villain.

In fact, he didn't want to take out the little villain, because he didn't want to see the bloody and brutal appearance of the little villain when he devoured it.

But now that there was no murderous scene, he immediately panicked.

"This is the rhythm of killing people." Ye Chong muttered.

However, he didn't dare to stop the movement of his hands, but continued to bombard the target desperately.

The little villain is hard enough. Although it is only the size of an egg, it is still easy to hold, just hold it in the palm of your hand and hit it hard.

Moreover, it doesn't cost energy and blood, and it can still function as a weapon of at least a junior top-rank warrior. It is estimated that after another one or two minutes of bombardment, the baby fat man will be completely useless.

But at this moment, the small yellow and black fishing net wailed, then quickly shrank and returned to Ye Chong's left wrist.

no way.

At that time, when the baby fat man was slapped with the blade of the starry sky and now with the little villain, the small yellow and black fishing net would also bear part of the bombardment force, causing the blood in the net to be consumed more quickly.

As a result, when the last trace of energy and blood in the small yellow and black fishing net disappeared, it naturally retracted to its original shape and returned to the place where the left wrist lived.


Ye Chong touched the ground with one foot and flew away.

Now that he has no energy and blood, he still has physical strength. In order to escape for his life, he used his physical skills in real combat to the extreme in an instant.

At the same time, the fat baby man laughed strangely like a night owl, and then rushed straight behind Ye Chong.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong's thoughts came from his heart, and he turned around with his thoughts. He stepped on a nearby tree with one foot, and his whole body turned around in the air in an instant, and flew straight to another big tree not far away.

He is not stupid.

Comparing speed with the opponent at this time is asking for death.

What he has to do now is to use the terrain to be more flexible than the opponent. This is the advantage of actual combat agility skills.

What's more, the fat baby man's head and face were bloody and bloody. One of his eyes was shattered, while the other was half-closed, covered in blood and pieces of flesh.

Flying up and down in the luxuriant forest, dodging around, causing the most disturbance to the opponent's eyes, will definitely affect the opponent's body skills, which is of course good for Ye Chong.

When that guy's energy and blood were almost exhausted, for him, Ye Chong, he had a chance to survive.

But at this time, a movement suddenly came from the forest in the southwest direction.


Ye Chong's head was like a frying pan, and he thought: No, there are more than three people on the other side, and there may be helpers. It's over.

However, at the next moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he shouted anxiously:


Who on earth sent you, a martial artist, to kill me?

Besides those two guys just now, are there other accomplices?


You think I'm that easy to kill? !

Stop dreaming!

and also.

I tell you.

My companion is not stupid, he must have returned to Zhongdu along the established route.

Moreover, I believe that they will report to the authorities as soon as possible.


It won't take long before some masters will rush over and kill you.

So, I advise you to leave early, don't lose your dog's life. "

In the process of flashing and moving, Ye Chong kept talking loudly, and from time to time, he would sneak a glance to the southwest.

At the same time, Zhou Xinxin, Gao Ang, Xin Xiaomeng, and Han Lina were all hiding on a big tree in the direction Ye Chong was looking at, with complex expressions on their faces.

"That man is a martial arts general, we should hurry up and save him, otherwise, Ye Chong will die." Xin Xiaomeng had tears in his eyes, "I don't want him to die."

"No one wants the eldest brother to die." Zhou Xinxin frowned slightly, her face pale, "But if we go over, it is very likely that he will fall into a certain death situation."

"Why?" Han Lina bit her red lips lightly, "Mr. Zhou, Mr. Gao, you are both teachers of Jiuwu Academy. Don't you come forward to rescue students when they see them suffering?"

"It's not that we won't rescue." Gao Ang shook his head, "Maybe big brother doesn't want us to die, but let us leave."

Zhou Xinxin nodded and said:

"Teacher Gao is right.

In fact, before we were about to go there just now, the elder brother had already discovered us.

The words he said were not addressed to the martial arts general who chased and killed him. "

When talking about this, Zhou Xinxin sighed quietly, and continued:

"Brother is talking to us.

In fact, it is giving us a warning.

He was telling us how many people were chasing and killing him.

What level of master is there.

There may be accomplices nearby.

Moreover, as long as these people find us, they will kill us unceremoniously.

He is still telling us to return to Zhongdu City as soon as possible and notify the school's masters to rescue him.

and so……

What we have to do now is not to do him a disservice in the past, but to return to Zhongdu as soon as possible and inform the people who can really help big brother. "

When Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina heard this, their faces turned pale.

However, they did not continue talking, but their eyes were full of worry.

The faces of Zhou Xinxin and Gao Gao couldn't look any better either.

After the two looked at each other, they couldn't help but secretly sighed.

at the same time.

A sneer appeared on the corner of the baby's fat man's mouth, and he didn't speak. Instead, he kept chasing Ye Chong frantically, and even got hit by a nearby branch on his bloody head and face. .

At the same time, Ye Chong frowned, stepped on the tree beside him in an instant, and jumped up. After standing on the top of the tree, he made a slight turn, and then suddenly rushed towards the north.

Naturally, the baby fat man had a fierce look on his face, and then his blood burst out, and he chased after him.

During Ye Chongfei's escape, his mouth was not idle.

However, he didn't speak, but let out a long howling sound, and he didn't know whether it was because of happiness, excitement, or fear.

In short, the incomparably turbulent voice suddenly spread in all directions.

At the same time, in the dense forest around the Leqing Mountains, bursts of impatient roars and hisses came one after another, and then they rolled towards the direction of the long howling sound.

"Let's go." Zhou Xinxin sighed, "Brother did this to cover our retreat, we...

Don't disappoint big brother's kindness.



Suddenly there was a low sobbing sound.

The faces of Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina and Gao Ang became pale and bloodless, extremely ugly.

Zhou Xinxin smiled with tears in her eyes, and walked southeast first.

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