Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 763 An Honest Scoundrel

At this moment, I saw a tall headless male corpse next to the big tree nearby.

Blood flowed.

The fishy smell filled the air.

The body is still trembling lightly.

Everything happened so fast.

Ye Chong went from swinging a knife to attack, to retreating and killing the enemy, the speed was dizzying, as if he was in a dream.


The baby fat man rushed towards him in an instant, and Ye Chong staggered with his feet upside down, narrowly avoiding the opponent's long sword attack.

Immediately afterwards, his body moved more than three meters to the left in an incredible posture, avoiding the opponent's second attack.

Immediately after the next moment, Ye Chong was in the air, rising instead of falling, and suddenly rose two meters away, narrowly avoiding the third attack.

Almost at the same time, his eyes suddenly burst into light, as if golden lightning had rushed out.

At the same time, with a light shake of his left hand, a yellow and black strange net was thrown down.

At the same time, the blade of the starry sky swirled towards it with a black brilliance.

The fat baby man who was about to launch the next wave of attacks suddenly darkened his eyes, and his face showed pain. He only had time to knock out with the long sword in his hand, blocking the attack of the starry sky blade, but was completely covered by the yellow and black strange net in.

Ye Chong flew upside down under the monstrous force from the opponent's long sword.

Almost at the same time, his left hand trembled, and the strange yellow and black mesh shrank suddenly, binding the baby fat man tightly.

However, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He swung the Starry Sky Blade with his right hand and slapped it towards the yellow-black strange net.

In fact, Ye Chong originally wanted to use a knife to drill or directly chop with a knife, but he was reluctant.

The blade of the starry sky is a treasure that has been tempered by high-level magic weapon liquid, and the same is true for the small golden fishing net.

No matter which of these two treasures is broken by me, I will feel bad.

Not to mention anything else, the waste of advanced magic liquid is unacceptable.

Therefore, the only way he could think of was to use the side of the blade of the starry sky to shoot him, and he was even reluctant to hit him with the back of the blade.


clap clap!

clap clap clap!

The blade of the starry sky didn't shoot blindly, but went straight to the face and head of the baby fat man.

head shot.

Face slap.

Just a crispy one.

However, before taking a few shots, the baby fat man struggled frantically in the net.

That strength was even three points stronger than the SS2 black monster bird trapped in the net that day.

It's just that the small golden fishing net has now turned into a small yellow-black fishing net, and his use of the small fishing net has reached a new level.

What's more, the starry sky blade's bombardment is not just a slap, the strength of the qi and blood is really not small, just like hammering with a sledgehammer.

Therefore, even though the fat baby man struggled hard, he couldn't break free at all. Instead, he became gradually wilted under the constant bombardment of the Starry Sky Blade.

However, after not using it for a long time, the blade of the starry sky stopped.

no way.

Ye Chong originally spent a lot of energy and blood in the process of escaping from the mutant beast.

Then he was entangled by a ferocious man in his 30s and killed him in anger.

After that, he was frantically chased by the baby fat man, which consumed a lot of energy and blood.

Immediately afterwards, he hunted and killed the No.3 man who suddenly appeared.

Afterwards, he had another battle with the baby fat man, and finally trapped the opponent with energy and blood, and then continued to use the blade of starry sky to bombard the opponent with energy and blood.

To be honest, by this time, his energy and blood have basically been exhausted.

Even so, it was only after he used a battle merit point that he maintained it until now.

In addition, because of using Ye Zhi's Absence Slash, his mental power was severely depleted.

At this moment, the combat achievement point column is in a small recovery period, it is gray and cannot be used.

And using the basic power to swing the blade of the starry sky to slap the target is like scratching an itch.

Therefore, now that he suddenly stopped attacking, it was purely a helpless choice he had to make.

Under this situation, Baby Fat, who was already sluggish, suddenly lifted his spirits.

For a while, the small yellow and black fishing net became a little loose due to the lack of energy injection.

At the same time, the fat baby man struggled even more frantically as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

At the same time, Ye Chong's face became extremely ugly.

Not ugly.

Qi and blood have basically been exhausted, and more than half of his mental power has been consumed. Even if he doesn't use the Starry Sky Blade to attack now, he still can't control the situation.

Speaking of which, after being nourished by the high-level magic liquid, whether it is the blade of the starry sky or the small yellow and black fishing net, the power has been significantly improved, but without the vitality and blood, all these have become decorations.

At this moment, the fat baby man was struggling harder and harder, and the small yellow and black fishing net became looser and looser, seeing that the fat man was about to get out of trouble.

"If this comes out, it's bad.

I run, but I can't run him.

Fighting, no blood.

The column of key combat achievement points is cold gray, and it is still in a small recovery period, so it cannot be used and cannot be used as a booster.

Therefore, as long as he comes out, then I will die.

But to keep him from coming out, what else can I do? "


A sneer came out.

The fat baby man grabbed the bottom of the small yellow and black fishing net with both hands and lifted it up.

Ye Chong's expression changed involuntarily, and he took out the little villain and smashed it down.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!


The sound of bombardment and screams suddenly rang out.

Speaking of it, the little villain is not a weapon for a warrior, and it does not require the power of blood to bombard it, but to use the basic strength of the body to grab it and blast it downward.

Not to mention, the effect was really good, it made the fat baby man howl like hell.

Ye Chong was not stupid either, he specifically smashed the target's head and face, especially the eyes.

He knew that it was useless to smash legs and arms. Martial arts fighters would basically temper their bones, and the bones of the upper limbs and lower limbs were tempered first.

Therefore, bombarding those places with little villains is a bit thankless, let alone whether it can be severely damaged, the key is not the vital parts, not to mention, for a martial artist who has practiced martial arts and body skills, it only takes blood and blood to lose arms and legs. Foot, really does not affect the pursuit.

In the end, Ye Congzong took out the little villain as he had planned, and immediately stunned the baby fat man. He didn't have the ability to get out of the net, and he just put his hands on his head and screamed. Even so, he couldn't protect himself.

However, Ye Chong is also a little strange.

What he imagined didn't happen.

Back then, in the underground hall of the nuclear defense project, that awesome SS2-level black monster bird was "eaten" by the little villains.

And in the Biyuan community, the cunning and sinister pink-winged bird, whose strength is not weaker than that SS2-level black monster bird, was also "eaten" by it until there was no hair left.

But what happened now?

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