Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 756 The Demon Hunt


In a building near Yokoe.

A dozen men were sitting around a rectangular table.

On the table was a large bowl of mush made from banana peels, and a large plate of golden-yellow pancakes, while another large bowl was full of chicken and potato dishes, exuding the aroma of curry.

Among them, a man sitting on the main seat rolled the golden pancake into a tube shape with his hands, dipped it in the chicken curry in front of him, put it into his mouth, and then knocked it on the table with his hand. Knocked:

"So, sending someone like Long Feifei who is a martial arts fighter will not work.

They are the flying cakes in front of that guy, and they can be eaten one by one.

It's no use even besieging them together.

I believe that damn bastard has a big mouth and can eat all the pie with ease.

Guys, I can tell that by the time that guy gets big, we'll be too late.


Let us all express our opinions now.

I know, you must be able to tell me the solution to the problem. "

"Sir, my solution is to get rid of that damn guy in the shortest time and at the fastest speed at all costs. This is the best way."


What I want is a specific plan, or plan.

At the very least, you need to tell me who to get to do it.


Do you want everyone here to do it yourself? ! "

"Sir, Zhugov has sent you the latest news.

That kid has already returned to Jiuwu Academy from Yangcheng.

Moreover, the disappearance of the SS2 level beast is probably related to him.

In addition, Zhugov said that that guy seemed to have entered the Leqing Mountains today.

Before entering the Leqing Mountains, he once met two people in the dormitory.

One of them was Walter White, the toxicologist, and the other was a female member of the Four Seas Team.

That guy stayed in the house with the female member for a long time, and I don't know what he did, but she ran out of the dormitory afterwards.

As for the details...

Zhu Gefu said that the female member is very beautiful, very tasteful, there must be a story to happen. "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

"To shut up!

That has nothing to do with us.

tell me the point. "

"Yes, sir.

The guy also went to the armory and the canteen.

As for what was done inside and what was bought, it is still unclear.

There are privacy protection regulations among the various agencies of Jiuwu, and it is difficult to get exact information.

However, Zhugoff speculated that the guy might have switched weapons.

After all, with his current ability, it is not difficult to buy even a mid-level low-grade warrior weapon.

Moreover, this will greatly improve his combat effectiveness. "

"Zhu Gefu is also considered a high-ranking member of Jiuwu, but he can't even figure out this matter. It's really stupid."

"Sir, Zhugov mentioned one more thing.

The female member of the Four Seas Squad who appeared at the door of that guy's dormitory entered the Leqing Mountains with two other female members of the Four Seas Squad.

However, she was the only one who came back this time.

Therefore, Zhugov believes that the purpose of that guy rushing into the Leqing Mountains this time may not be a mission, but to rescue the other two female members of the Four Seas Squad.

Moreover, he set out alone.


This is our chance? "

"What's the use?

It is easy to understand his movements, but difficult to deal with him.

The Leqing Mountains are too far away from us, sending people from the subcontinent is too late.


Tell Zhugoff to let him find a way to solve it on the spot.

I think that after such a long period of training, it's time for the people he placed in Zhongdu to play a role.

After all, this matter has developed to the present level, and it has nothing to do with him.

We also saw that guy's performance at the Yangwu Conference.

It is estimated that in a short time, his strength may threaten people at the level of martial arts fighters.

So, if we don't do anything again, once this guy receives Quan Wu's high attention and special protection, then we have nothing to do with him. "

"If Zhugoff can't solve the problem, then maybe we should send the Demon Hunt Squad over there?"

"Isn't it too wasteful?"

"The Demon Hunt Squad is our elite, and most of its members are warriors at the level of martial arts fighters. If Quan Wu knows about it, will it cause trouble?"

"Be careful, you should be fine."

"Quan Wu's main energy now is spent on contacting various empires, how can he have time to pay attention to the life and death of such a small person?"

"Although this guy is a small person, he made a lot of noise. Quanwu Catherine and Blanco have a deep impression on him. If the shot is not clean, it may leave hidden dangers."

"What is Quanwu?

It's just a symbolic martial arts joint organization. If you want to take action against the sects in our subcontinent, you can't do it at all.

Moreover, Quan Wu can't take care of such small things now, which is of course a huge opportunity for us. "

"you are wrong.

Of course, people from Quanwu would not be willing to do anything to us.

Because it is not necessary.

As long as we pay lip service to its leadership, there is no point in using the knife against us.

However, there are quite a few empires coveting our subcontinent.

If these countries come to encircle and suppress us under the banner of full military force, it will be detrimental to us. "


Our sub-continent didn't cause trouble, thinking that holding the banner of a full martial arts would be considered famous.



Warriors are not fools. "

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing to worry about.

If several empires unite to attack in the name of Quanwu, then we must be the ones who suffer.

Therefore, it is better to be careful, try not to offend Quan Wu, but let Quan Wu always stand in our position to consider the problem. "

"I agree to dispatch the Demon Hunt Squad.

However, there is no need to make such a big fuss.

The demon hunting group can be divided into parts and attack separately, creating the illusion that the wild warriors are attacking that guy.

In this way, even if someone with a discerning eye finds out in the future, we have something to say, but there is no evidence anyway. "

"The Demon Hunt Squad will cost a lot."


No matter how high the price is paid, that guy will be destroyed.

If we don't give an explanation to our warriors in the subcontinent, it will definitely hurt our morale.

The potential hidden dangers and losses caused to us are even greater.


Ye Chong must die. "

"Then, what level of demon hunting team is dispatched?"

"One squad is enough."

"Warlord team?"


Must be a Warlord Squad.

This time, you must succeed in one fell swoop, and you are not allowed to fail! "


Except for the guy who looked like a skeleton sitting on the main seat, everyone else stood up and Qiqi agreed.

At the same time, the man in charge picked up a piece of golden pancake, gently rolled it into a tube shape, then took a copy from the bowl in front of him, scooped a few pieces of chicken and potatoes into it, and then sent it into the bowl. In the mouth full of dense white teeth.



The sound of bones shattering quietly sounded, making people feel a little tingling in the scalp when they heard it.

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