Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 755 Are You You

It's not that Ye Chong doesn't understand style, nor does he not understand the principle of self-interest in interpersonal relationships.

He just knew that the moment when Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina were reborn from desperation was very important.

If there was a thunderstorm at this time, they might be enlightened, suddenly enlightened, and want to understand everything.

And if you miss this critical moment, even if you say the same thing again, it will only enter the left ear and exit the right ear, with no effect.

Ye Chong really hopes that Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina are well.

Not to mention anything else, the comradeship of the Four Seas team who lived and died together made him unwilling to see them die in ignorance and fearlessness.

However, it is true that Ye Chong's words and deeds are a shock, but it does make the two of them a little confused and embarrassed.

Originally, the two of them were still laughing and crying, what a beautiful story of a hero saving the beauty, but it was so abruptly destroyed.

The key point is that the two of them really threw themselves into Ye Chong's arms just now, so they cried wantonly, but it turned into a scene of them hugging each other and staring at each other. This embarrassment is really too embarrassing.

"Look at the two of you staring at each other, do you think you're playing?" Ye Chong said calmly, "No.

Because you can't see your own face.

You can see yourselves now in the other person's face.

We are people in martial arts.

Sooner or later, you too will become warriors.

The word warrior, sacred and great, represents strength and strength, and possesses an indestructible will.

Warriors can bleed and sweat, but not tears.

Even if you can't help crying, keep the tears in your heart, not your face.

Do you think mutant beasts are stupid?

not stupid.

The demeanor and behavior of the human race will let them understand what happened?


Ha ha.

This will let the mutant beasts see your weakness, and at the same time stimulate their animal nature.

In this case, even if your strength is not weaker than the opponent, you will be defeated.


Because you are weak, your fighting willpower is weak, and your strength is also weakened. If you don't take advantage of the situation and destroy you, do you really think you are stupid?

Hope you will always remember each other's faces because that's what you are now.

Just think about it.

If I hadn't just arrived here this time, you would have been gone.

This "no" does not mean that the person is dead, but that there are not even bones left. "

"Ye Chong, in fact, we also want to make a breakthrough, but we have no money, so we want to make some money before breaking through." Han Lina muttered.

"Yeah, if you want to break through, you need pills, and these all need money and points." Xin Xiaomeng also whispered.

"Then let me ask you, more than half of the people in the Nine Martial Arts Academy have broken through and become warriors, how did they do it?" Ye Chong's eyes were burning, and his voice was calm, "Don't tell me, their grades in admission are better than yours. Gao, don’t say that their families are better off than yours.”

"Everyone's situation is different. Did they earn more points a while ago?" Han Lina whispered.

"Yes, an old classmate of mine does missions with a great martial artist every day, and now he is very rich." Xin Xiaomeng said.

"Our Four Seas team has also sent out quite a few missions, and we have earned money from other sources. Together, these should be enough to buy the elixir for breakthrough." Ye Chong curled his lips, and slapped his nose again, "But Instead, I smelled midnight perfume and saw the excess in your ears, hands, and necks.

In fact, I think, you guys are so pretty, you really shouldn't take the road of martial arts, you might as well be a central air conditioner.

When the time comes, it will be fun to make money quickly, and you don't have to go through the wind and rain, and deal with life and death every day, how good is it? "

"Central air-conditioning?" Han Lina blinked, "What do you mean? Am I suitable? How do I sign up?"

"Ye Chong, aren't you... scolding us?"

Before Ye Chong could speak, two people rushed out from the southeast position and shouted together: "Brother, we are here."

"..." Ye Chong curled his lips.

"Big breasts? What big breasts?" Xin Xiaomeng looked curious, "Huh? It's Teacher Zhou, and... Teacher Gao?"

"You know us?" Zhou Xinxin smiled, "What a pretty girl."

"Of course," Xin Xiaomeng smiled, "Jiuwu's most beautiful little teacher Hua Zhou Xinxin, and the poisonous weed teacher Gao Gao, who doesn't know, who doesn't know?"

"Hehe, thank you two teachers for coming to save us." Han Lina also said.

"Since when did I become a poisonous weed?" Gao Ang's head was full of black lines, and his face was unhappy, "I am a school grass, at least a tie grass."


There was a burst of light laughter.

"By the way, big breasts?" Xin Xiaomeng glanced at Ye Chong who was looking up, "You call him big breasts inappropriate, right? He doesn't seem to have any pectoral muscles."

"Hee hee, what we're talking about is fierce, vicious." Zhou Xinxin covered her mouth and smiled, "Is he really fierce? Just look at you and you'll know. His eyes are all red and swollen."

"Yes, it's fierce, extremely fierce." Xin Xiaomeng took a step away from Ye Chong, "Just now he made us all cry.

By the way, my name is Xin Xiaomeng, and I am in the Martial Arts Combat Department. I am very happy to meet two teachers. "

"My name is Han Lina, and I'm also from the Martial Arts Department. Hello, two teachers." Han Lina also took a step forward and said with a smile.

"No wonder you two dared to enter the Leqing Mountains. It turns out that you are from the martial arts combat department," Zhou Xinxin said with a smile.

"Don't give them ecstasy soup," Ye Chong shouted, "They almost died here, what they need now is a blow, not a compliment."

Upon hearing Ye Chong's words, Zhou Xinxin smiled and did not dare to refute, Gao Ang also lowered his head.

Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina were stunned, they didn't expect Ye Chong to dare to speak to the teacher like that.

too weird.

It feels like the students are reprimanding the teacher.

After the key teacher was reprimanded by the students, it seemed that he didn't dare to refute at all, and was trembling.

Don't forget, Zhou Xinxin who was reprimanded is the beautiful little teacher of Jiuwu. Whether it is a male teacher or a male student, they greet her with a smile when they see her, for fear of offending the little beauty, but what is going on now? .

There is another one.

Teacher Jiuwu Poisonous Grass Gao Gao has always had his eyes above his head and is very aloof, but he stands with his hands down in front of Ye Chong, even his eyes are a little timid, and there is a hint of coquettishness in his voice.

Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina looked at each other, but they didn't see the answer from each other's eyes. The former boldly said, "Ye Chong, are you you?"

"Nonsense." Ye Chong glanced at the other party, "I'm not me, who else could it be?"

"Ye Chong, after you participated in the martial arts conference, you feel different from before." Han Lina sighed, "It feels really fierce."

At this time, Ye Chong suddenly made a silent gesture, and then pointed towards the southeast.

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