Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 733 The Road to Death

Ye Chong didn't set off in a hurry, but after packing up the small golden fishing net and the starry sky blade, he went to the cafeteria.

After taking a box of travel packages, he headed straight outside the school.

Even though it is just a box of travel packages, it is guaranteed that there will be no problem with food for three days.

The extremely compressed food inside will quickly enlarge and return to its original shape after opening, and the taste is also very good.

Originally, Ye Chong wanted to go to the Martial Arts Combat Department to get it. He knew from the campus network that he could also get it in the free restaurant, so he didn't bother to go to the department anymore.

Speaking of which, Ye Chong didn't intentionally waste time.

In his opinion, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina are not warriors, and their strength is limited.

If they really fell into a situation where there was no way to hide, they would surely die.

Don't forget, Tong Ya ran all the way to report the letter, which has already delayed a lot of time.

In addition, after passing out, I still fell asleep, and the golden rescue time has passed.

At this time, if you rush over in a hurry, you may fall into a trap.

But speaking of it, with the vigilance of Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina, it is unlikely that this will happen.

Because the reason why the two of them chose to go to the Wanzige Stone Forest is very simple.

They have self-awareness.

Knowing that with the strength of the three of them, if they went deep into the Leqing Mountains, they would be like meat buns beating dogs, and they would never return.

Therefore, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina should have already thought of a way out——

Swastika Stone Forest.

For some reason, no mutated beasts would enter the interior of this mysterious stone forest.

However, there is no obstacle at all for the human race to enter and exit it.

The key is that the space inside is not small, and there is spring water, which can be used as a natural human stronghold.

"Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina are not fools.

The chances of getting in there without a hitch are very high.

Of course, according to Tong Ya, there are many beasts, insects, and land beasts, and there are many SS1-level mutant beasts. It's hard to say whether the two of them can get their wish.

I can only go to the Wanzige Stone Forest to have a look.


If they are still alive, I must tell them one thing.

Now that the mutated beasts are getting bigger and bigger, it is no longer suitable for people in the martial arts to step up their cultivation level step by step.

We must improve our combat effectiveness and strength as quickly as possible.

no way.

Let's live first. "

Once Ye Chong moves, his speed is not slow.

At one or two o'clock in the afternoon, he had already gone deep into the Leqing Mountains.

Behind him, there were corpses of mutant beasts.

However, most of these mutant beasts are land beasts, there are no beasts, and there are very few insects.

It's not that he thinks that the beasts are easy to bully, it's because it's broad daylight and there are no beasts to be seen.

Moreover, he was walking in the forest, even if there were animals in the sky, he could quietly avoid them.

You can't avoid it.

Ye Chong knew very well that the beast must still be searching for his whereabouts.

Moreover, they are so retaliatory, and they have lost the SS2-level black monster bird and the SS1-level powder-winged bird during this period of time, and the target must be locked on him.

It was so difficult for him to get away in the human-inhabited area of ​​Yangcheng. If he was really targeted by these guys in the Leqing Mountains, he probably wouldn't run away in the end.

Say nothing else.

In such a vast space, any SS1-level pink-winged bird or SS2-level black strange bird-like beast can easily destroy him.

Speaking of which, the two beasts did indeed die by his hands, or to be precise, they died under the power of the little villain.

But in the end, it was a special result obtained by using a special method under a special environment.

In the current environment, with so much room to move around, and the beasts can give full play to their flying advantages, he probably has no chance if he wants to plot against others.

There are not many insects.

After his experience at Longsu Land last time, Ye Chong didn't want to deal with these guys, he felt creepy and scary.

Therefore, he can only bully and bully land beasts now.

There is no way.

There are too many land beasts, and they are big in size. They are full of urination, and they are too aggressive to kill them.

In fact, from the moment he stepped into the Leqing Mountains, Ye Chong started the road of killing, and the Starry Sky Blade in his hand never stopped.

The more he killed, the happier he became, and the more he killed, the more excited he became.

In the process of killing, he is also experiencing the joy of killing.

If killing mutant beasts with the blade of the starry sky was a form of force in the past, then using it to kill mutant beasts now is a kind of art.


This is an aesthetic of violence.

The blade of the starry sky that has been nourished by the advanced magic liquid gives people a feeling of being reborn.

high speed.



In other words, the same force of qi and blood can now create a greater destructive effect than before.


Ye Chong held the knife in his right hand, and slashed to the right at will.


An S3 mutant brown bear was directly divided into two halves.

Speaking of it, if only the length of the blade of the starry sky is considered, it is difficult to create such an effect.

However, after the black cold light suddenly released, the huge body of the S3-level mutant brown bear was swept away by it, and it immediately split apart like a knife cutting tofu.


Ye Chong turned around, and the blade of the starry sky swept out. The two big bad wolves rushing towards him immediately howled miserably, and their bodies were broken in two from top to bottom.

Immediately after the next moment, the Blade of the Starry Sky rushed forward like a drill, and as a result, an S3-level mutant tiger that rushed head-on was immediately stabbed in the chest, and blood and flesh flew all over the place.

Almost at the same time, Ye Chong stepped on the ground with one foot, flew upside down, and then turned to the right in the air, and the blade of the starry sky slashed down.



An S3 silverback gorilla that swooped down from a nearby tree was chopped into two pieces by its shoulders and back.


All of a sudden, bloody air filled the air, and the sound of screams and roars continued.

At the same time, more and more mutant beasts swarmed in under the stimulation of this bloody smell.

Ye Chong continued to kill all the way, enjoying the inexplicable fun brought by the killing, and quietly felt the powerful power of the star blade when facing the mutant beasts, as if cutting melons and vegetables.

As time went by, he unknowingly climbed up a mountain, only then did he realize that there was a cliff in front of him, and thousands of mutant beasts besieging him behind him.

Among them are a few mutated beasts that are SS1 at first glance, with sparkling eyes, obviously full of greed and eagerness for the life that is brought to their mouths.

At this moment, Ye Chong faced the slowly approaching mutant beast, his feet were slowly retreating, getting closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.

Then came the next moment.

ah ~ woo ~

hold head high!

Ye Chong raised his head to the sky and howled, beating his chest with both fists, and all the mutated beasts that surrounded him stopped in fright, with a dazed look on their faces.


Ye Chong reached into his bosom and took out something. With a shake in the wind, the group of beasts retreated immediately, and the howling of ghosts and wolves continued.

In the end, Ye Chong put the things on his body, snorted, and zipped it up.

Before the bewildered mutant beast could react further, Ye Chong stepped on the ground with one foot, rose into the air, and then plunged headlong down the cliff as if diving into water.

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