Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 732 Strategic Strike

"Okay, Tong Ya, you're overthinking." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Just because you run fast doesn't mean they don't run fast.

You have a good chance, but it doesn't mean they have a bad chance.

and also.

Just because you have woods to hide in doesn't mean they don't have places to hide.

So, don't you cry now.

Go back to your dormitory and get some sleep.

When you wake up, everything will be fine. "

"Then where are you going?" Tong Ya straightened her chest, "Ye Chong, I know you're going to save them, so I'll go with you, okay?"

"Not good." Ye Chong shook his head, "Your health is not ideal now, you need to rest as soon as possible.

And I already know where the two of them are hiding?

It is also more convenient to bring them out alone.

Tong Ya, listen to me and go to sleep. "

"Well," Tong Ya nodded, and then her eyes widened again, "Ye Chong, you should take me with you, I run fast, and I will definitely not hold you back."

"No, you stink. This kind of smell can easily attract mutant beasts." Ye Chong couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, "Also, you haven't returned to the dormitory yet, are you waiting for me to give you a bath?"

"..." When Tong Ya heard this, her face turned red immediately, she glanced at the other party and said, "Ye Chong, then you should pay attention to safety, I'll go back first?"

"It's okay." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and looked in the direction of the bathroom, "If you really need help, I won't accept it..."

Da da da!

Before Ye Chong finished speaking, Tong Ya blushed and ran out of the room.

Seeing Tong Ya leave, Ye Chong took out his mobile phone, only to realize that the battery had already run out.

Think about it too.

Due to environmental changes, especially changes in air parameters and geomagnetic parameters, major changes have taken place in the way of mobile phone signal transmission.

The research and development of new mobile phones is in a stage of overcoming difficulties, and some results have been achieved.

In fact, the mobile phone he is using now is an early version of a new type of mobile phone.

However, if you want a mobile phone to have a signal, you can't just rely on the terminal of the mobile phone.

There is no doubt that large-scale relay receiving and transmitting equipment such as cellular base stations is also needed.

Now the main problem is here.

The construction of cellular base stations has been threatened by mutant beasts.

Although new materials, new processes, and new technologies are widely used in cellular base stations, making it significantly and significantly improved in strength and stability, however, the mutation and evolution of mutant beasts are too fast, destroying The strength is increasing day by day, resulting in the new equipment not being put in for a long time before it will be destroyed by the mutant beast.

Especially in places far away from human gathering areas, the construction of cellular base stations is a nightmare.

During the construction process, it will be constantly harassed by mutant beasts, and there will be casualties at every turn.

After the successful construction, the maintenance process is also very troublesome, and it is attacked all the time.

The worst part, however, is that in the end, the cellular base stations, at the cost of their personnel, were lost.

The current mutated beast is not the beast before the new era, but a race that can compete with the human race, and even crush one in terms of combat effectiveness and IQ.

They understand what a cellular base station means to the human race.

Once the channel of communication between the human races is cut off, it will be of great significance.

In fact, this is a disguised division and encirclement of the human race.

At that time, as long as the races are left to fight alone, it will be easy to handle.

The orcs can completely concentrate their superior forces and defeat the human races one by one.

Therefore, the destruction of these human equipment is also one of the effective means for the mutant beasts to attack the strength of the human race.

On the contrary, the human race is now struggling, in a dilemma, and can't find any good solution.

Not to mention anything else, if this vicious cycle continues, the organizations engaged in mobile phone operations will almost collapse.



loss of personnel.

These issues also have to be considered.

There is also infamy from within the human race.

It also tortured employees.

So far, cities across the country where mobile phone signals can cover are basically cities above the second tier.

Fortunately, Zhongdu is considered a new first-tier city, and mobile phones can still make and receive calls within the urban area, some suburbs, and even further afield.

However, Yangcheng City will not work.

The phone is purely a decoration there.

Therefore, after leaving Zhongdu, the phone was basically useless, and Ye Chong didn't even bother to look at it.

As a result, I didn't even know it was out of power.

This time, when I returned to Zhongdu, I had a lot of exciting things, so of course I didn't think about the mobile phone.

Now I am about to leave, and it is too late to charge, so I can only throw it aside, anyway, I am far away, and there is no signal.

"That's not bad.

Along the way, there have been many battles.

The fact that the mobile phone is not broken shows that the manufacturing process and material science have made great progress.

Ha ha.

It would be best to create a mobile phone similar to a hammer in the future.

At that time, after seeing the mutant beast, take out the phone and smash it, that is the style that the phone should have.

However, speaking of it, the top executives of the Orcs are still very powerful.

At least from the matter of mobile phones and cellular base stations, we can see their strategic layout and strategic strike ideas.

Some time ago, I wondered why mutant beasts didn't start wars yet?

After all, the human race is in a relatively weak shrinking position.

Now I figured it out.

Those guys are still very strategic.

Obviously, on the basis of strengthening and stabilizing their own strength, and under the guidance of the strategic policy of continuing to erode and weaken the strength of the human race, they must seize the opportunity and do their best to achieve the greatest victory with the least casualties.


I faintly feel that maybe it is not so simple.

They seem to be making even more terrifying strategic plans for the human race.

Moreover, there is no doubt that the initiative in the war between the human race and the beast race is completely in the hands of the beast race.

This is an unequal confrontation.

On the last day of the Martial Arts Conference, SS2-level black monster birds and beasts raided the No. [-] stadium. Human masters gathered together, as well as people from the National Martial Arts Department and the Global Martial Arts Federation. However, they still watched me being besieged .

What a humiliation.

The key is still in the area of ​​the human race.

Call ~

It can also be seen from this point that there is no equality between the human race and the orc race.

Undoubtedly, this is also the reason for the National Martial Arts Program being vigorously promoted by the upper echelons.


Is all this really too late?

and I?

what should I do?

Once the situation suddenly deteriorates, what should I do?

On the battlefield?

Cannon fodder?

Or leave quietly, go to that barren vast world, and become a barren warrior?


Let go of everything, become the people, like thousands of people, become lambs waiting to be slaughtered by mutant beasts?

It's just that at that time, do I really have the right to choose?

Perhaps, when I still have the right to choose, I should make myself stronger as soon as possible, right?

After all, this is the last word in life. "

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