Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 721 Disappeared funds

Walter White was on the verge of tears.


Fighting with Tanhualang from the martial arts conference in front of him?

Isn't this purely courting death?

He has personally watched all the games the opponent participated in.

Although he wasn't there, he was completely shocked.

So scary.

This guy is definitely an irresistible and powerful character.

Once he made a move, the opponent said that playing his Xiang was definitely a little easy, without any difficulty.

And, don't forget, he is now in the other party's dormitory.

Even if he was beaten to pieces, according to the provisions of the "Warrior Law", he will be exempted from punishment on the grounds of being violated and defending himself.

The old yellow-haired Walter White is now suffering, suffering beyond words.

In fact, he is a person with strong adaptability, and he is not particular about food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Since he came to this country to develop new drugs, he has fully integrated into the local life, and even in terms of words and deeds, he has been as close as possible to the local culture.

Now, however, he felt he was done.

In front of this person who thought he could be the best partner, he realized that he was nothing at all.

It's so frustrating.

The key is no way to fight back.

According to the tradition of the country where he was originally from, if two people can't reason with each other, they can use force to solve the problem.

He also wants to use this method now.

But I dare not.

At the Martial Arts Conference, Ye Chong still had a fresh memory of how badly Ye Chong beat his opponents.

To be honest, although he was careless and informal, he would never allow himself to be beaten.

Don't say anything else, it hurts to think about it.

Ye Chong was a little embarrassed watching the scene, and said with a smile:

"Actually, the days of working with Mr. White have left me with very good memories.

However, have to admit.

My abilities are very limited.

SS3 level or even SSS1 level mutant beasts are too difficult for me.

Even if I really try my best, I'm afraid I can't help Mr. White.

Therefore, my suggestion is that Mr. White should obtain the mutant beast materials needed for the research and development of the human race from the military or the government as much as possible in the future.

In this way, the supply of raw materials can be guaranteed, and Mr. White doesn't have to act according to the birdman's face.

cough cough cough.

As a friend, this is my most sincere advice.

Of course, hehe.

If I really get lucky in the future and harvest mutant beast materials of SS3 level or above, such as horns, claws, etc., I think, I will definitely not forget Mr. White.

However, then again.

I don't know the effect of the latest three-level animal repellent powder, and the quantity is so small...

If one day I really go to explore SS3-level mutant beasts for Mr. White, in case I am surrounded by a group of beasts, just sprinkle this little powder and it will be gone. For this, I can't go either.

You say yes, huh?

Who is willing to risk their lives for a joke?

right? "

"There are too few materials, and there are few third-level animal repelling powders..." Walter White frowned, and lit another cigarette, "Next time, if you really provide me with the materials for SS3-level mutant beasts , I will definitely give you more of the latest animal repelling powder."

"Not this time," Ye Chong said blankly, "How can there be a next time?"

"It's not the same." Walter White shrugged, "Ye, you are now the third-ranked expert in the Yangwu rankings, so you can't be so fussy..."

"Come on, I don't want to be a master, I just want to live a long life." Ye Chong looked at the other party's backpack, "Mr. White, what are the bulging things in your bag?"

"Ye, I do still have some third-level animal repelling powder, but these are for handing in. You know, I am an A-level researcher. If I don't hand in the data of the experimental results regularly, there will be problems with my funding approval. ..."

"Haha, I finally figured it out now," Ye Chong couldn't help grinning, "It turns out that the respected Mr. Walter White is unwilling to obtain mutant beast materials from formal channels, right?

it is good.

For a world-renowned toxicologist like you, the annual scientific research funding is definitely ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions, right?

Tell me about you, you got the valuable mutant animal materials from me for free, and then, you saved a lot of research funding, where did it all go?

Is it in your own pocket?

Or did it go into Xiaosan's pocket?

Ha ha.

Are you submitting your research results?


To put it bluntly, you just want to defraud more research funding to fill your own pocket.

Old yellow hair, you say, right? "

"No, no, Ye, you wronged me." When Walter White heard this, he immediately felt as if he was blown up, and he was so excited, "I know what a mistress is.

However, I have always been alone, and I have no mistress.

and also.

The scientific research funds I saved were not wasted, but I was developing and researching new projects.

Yeh, you know, it's hard to get a project approved in the bioscience community, and it's even harder when you're up against a bunch of stupid morons.


Yeh, let me tell you something.

The new project I secretly developed is of great significance, but it has not been approved, so there is no funding allocation, and I can only find a way from the project at hand.

So, if my mutant beast materials are all obtained from formal channels - the military or the government, my funds will be allocated to those greedy guys, and I can no longer use them for my new project.

Plus, Yeh, you're very efficient.

You can provide me with the mutant beast materials I want in a very short time.

Unlike the military, after making a request, you have to wait at least three months, and everything is delayed.

Officially slower.

The most important thing is that the official materials basically lose their essence seriously, and they can't meet my experimental requirements at all.

The most frightening thing is that whether it is the military or the government, the prices for mutant beast materials are so high that it is simply not human. "

"Stop!" Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, "So, I'm being taken advantage of, right?

Ha ha.

Old Huang Mao, you said that what the military and the government did was not done by humans, then let me ask you, what you did to me was done by humans?

It has nothing to do with me what new project you are researching.

And you use me as a coolie now, and you don't want to pay an equal price, but this matter is closely related to me.

No wonder you knocked on the door desperately as soon as I came back. It seems that you really can't wait, right?

Ha ha.

Think I'm wrong?

Of course you think I'm wrong!

Because to put it bluntly, I am your cash cow.


Dear old yellow-haired Mr. Walter White? "

"Ye, don't say that, it will affect the profound friendship between us." Walter White's face was bruised and white, looking a little embarrassed and embarrassed, "Haha, Ye, hey, I actually gave you a long time ago." You have another bag of the latest animal repelling powder ready, well, now it's yours too."

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